Now showing items 552-571 of 1086

    • Interface design for retired tourist, to improve their experiences in the country of travel. 

      Calero Andres, Angel Moises (Master thesis, 2013)
      Retired people in 1st world countries of Europe, such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark,Germany and the Netherlands are currently enjoying good retirement benefits. One wayto make use of these benefits is to travel. However, wheri ...

      Liem, Andre; Cerron, Gisela Zita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Although still in its infancy, the Hyperloop project aims to develop a new type of public transport. The concept is to send a capsule, called “pod”, at about 1000km/h in a vacuum tube that would connect two places separated ...
    • Interior design for public transportation vehicles operating within a sealed environment, the Hyperloop case 

      Cerron, Gisela Zita (Master thesis, 2023)
      Masteroppgaven utforsker interiørdesignet til Hyperloop, et fremtidig transportkonsept som reiser med høye hastigheter i en lavtrykks ståltunnel. Siden Hyperloopen mangler vinduer og krever at passasjerer reiser i en lukket ...
    • Internet-Delivered Self-help for Adults With ADHD (MyADHD): Usability Study 

      Kenter, Robin Maria Francisca; Schønning, Adrian; Inal, Yavuz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Although effective pharmacological treatment exists, many adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prefer a nonpharmacological option for managing their symptoms. Internet-delivered self-help ...
    • Internett-portal til publiseringsbransjen i Norge 

      Holmen, Anne Marit; Olsen, Jill-Hege; Skjærstad, Tone (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Oppgaven går ut på å lage en funksjonell prototype på en internett portal for publiseringsbransjen i Norge, med vekt på tilrettelegging for dynamisk publisering. Her er det lagt mest vekt på funksjonalitet framfor form ...
    • Interoperability in Smart Cities - Urban IoT and designing new city services 

      Gabrielsen, Kristin Rovik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Abstract: Within the scope of a Master Thesis I explored the communities and movements surrounding the concept of Smart City. By conducting multiple interviews and workshops I was able to highlight the lack of user-involvement ...
    • Intra Pure: Vaskerennen for alle 

      Øberg, Sverre Wiik (Master thesis, 2010)
      Samarbeidspartner Masteroppgaven er gjennomført i samarbeid med Intra AS, en norsk produksjonsbedrift lokalisert i Malvik utenfor Trondheim. Intra er eid av industrikonsernetTeka Industrial SA og produserer kjøkkenvaske ...
    • Introducing gleaning to Norway 

      Hoff, Kristine Lygre; Frey, Julie Marzano (Master thesis, 2021)
      Formålet med dette prosjektet har vært å designe en løsning for å redusere matsvinn i jordbruket og dekker urbane behov, gjennom nye samarbeid og kanaler. Matsvinn og sult er to motstridene og komplekse problemer, som ...
    • Introducing gleaning to Norway 

      Hoff, Kristine Lygre; Frey, Julie Marzano (Master thesis, 2021)
      Formålet med dette prosjektet har vært å designe en løsning for å redusere matsvinn i jordbruket og dekker urbane behov, gjennom nye samarbeid og kanaler. Matsvinn og sult er to motstridene og komplekse problemer, som ...
    • Introducing hope in design for health and well-being 

      Seyedmehdijasbi, Arefehsadat; Høiseth, Marikken (Chapter, 2023)
      Health and well-being are fundamental aspects of life, directly impacting the quality of life. Hope is a phenomenon that significantly relates to the quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to introduce hope in the ...
    • Investigating the Use of Automatic Facial Expression Analysis for Mental Workload Estimation 

      Horvli, Marlene Sørensen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Estimering av mental belastning er en viktig faktor i innenfor menneske-maskin grensesnitt og for å skape er komfortabelt, tilfredsstillende og trygt miljø. Mange av metodene som i dag blir brukt til a estimere mental ...
    • Involvement of Persons with Dementia in Design og Safe Walking Technology 

      Holbø, Kristine (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:358, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      The PhD work addresses the involvement of persons with dementia in participatory design. Persons with dementia are, for many reasons, challenging to involve. They are often left out of the design process due to ethical and ...
    • Irisgjenkjenning under varierende forhold 

      Sagbakken, Hans Christian (Master thesis, 2007)
      NORSK: Biometriske systemer er definert som teknologier som måler og analysere menneskets fysiske kjennetegn. De mest brukte kjennetegnene er hentet fra fingeravtrykk, retina og iris, ansiktsmønster og hånd målinger. ...
    • Is COLREG enough? Interaction between manned and unmanned ships 

      Porathe, Thomas (Chapter, 2017)
      In recent years, there has been a growing interest for autonomous unmanned shipping. Both from research and industry. Between 2013-2015 the EU-project MUNIN investigated the feasibility of trans-ocean unmanned shipping. ...
    • Is COLREG enough? Interaction between manned and unmanned ships 

      Porathe, Thomas (Chapter, 2017)
      In recent years, there has been a growing interest for autonomous unmanned shipping. Both from research and industry. Between 2013-2015 the EU-project MUNIN investigated the feasibility of trans-ocean unmanned shipping. ...
    • ITWEB: interaktiv web for IT-tjenesten, Høgskolen i Gjøvik 

      Sæther, Anette (Bachelor thesis, 2006)
      Sammendrag Med eZ publish som rammeverk lage en web portal med fokus på brukervennlighet og hjelp-tilselvhjelp. Opprette et intranet hvor IT-tjenestens ansette kan samle intern dokumentasjon, logg og statusmeldinger Fokus ...
    • "Jeg vet ikke om jeg vil ha barn" : Design for barnfrihet; et sensitivt tema 

      Jørgensen, Jacob Bierman (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteravhandlingen diskuterer krysningen mellom design og, det sensitvie temaet, barnfrihet. Det er et utforskende prosjekt som forsøker å svare på hvem barnfrie individer er, hva motiverer dem til å ikke få barn, ...
    • John Ramsdell, John Ravensdale, Isaac Johnson, and Nathaniel Turner 

      Watson, Ian (Journal article, 2017)
      This article presents evidence to show that John Ramsdell, who was in Lynn, Massachusetts, from about 1631 to his death in 1688, was the same man as John “Ravensdale,” who was made a freeman of Massachusetts Bay on 6 May ...
    • Join Business 

      Krøgenes, Simen Enok; Skjeie, Erik; Fossum, Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Tittel: Join Business Dato: 15.05.2023 Deltakere: Simen Enok Krøgenes, Erik Skjeie, Henrik Ulstad Fossum Veileder: Terje Stafseng Oppdragsgiver: Bloksberg Technologies AS, ved Thomas Bril Skattum Stikkord: Interaksjonsdesign, ...
    • Joint Cost Estimation Approach for Service Provider Legacy Network Migration to Unified Software Defined IPv6 Network 

      Dawadi, Babu; Rawat, Danda B.; Joshi, Shashidhar; Keitsch, Martina (Chapter, 2018)
      Service providers world-wide are facing challenges of network operations, management, security, quality of service and address deficiency problem while the current world network still run with the existing legacy system. ...