Blar i Institutt for design på tittel
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(Master thesis, 2016)I 2009 samarbeidet Helsport med Baffin Babes, fire damer som gikk over Baffin-halvøya utenfor Canada. For å takle det vanskelige terrenget og den store bagasjemengden fikk damene tilpasset noen pulker til sekkene sine, ... -
3-D Nautical Charts as Decision Support for Land Based Piloting
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)In the event that remote pilotage is introduced in a wider extent, this paper suggests using nautical charts displayed in a 3-D egocentric perspective to improve situation awareness for both for the land based pilot and ... -
3D Computer Graphics and Nautical Charts
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)This paper gives an overview of an ongoing project using real-time 3D visualization to display nautical charts in a way used by 3D computer games. By displaying the map in an egocentric perspective the need to make cognitively ... -
3D Visualisering på Web
(Bachelor thesis, 2009)Det finnes per i dag ingen metode for å laste opp egenproduserte 3D-modeller fra en klientmaskin og vise disse i et interaktivt 3D-miljø via nettleseren. Oppdragsgiver har gjennomført undersøkelser som viser at det er et ... -
3D-grafikk til programmet Match for TVNorge
(Bachelor thesis, 2004)Prosjektet går i hovedsak ut på å lage et norgeskart i 3D, en vignett, studioplanlegging og grafi sk profi l til programmet Match for TVNorge. Norgeskartet skal klargjøres for oppkobling mot posisjoneringssystemet til Telenor. -
A Comparative Analysis of Tap-based and Slide-based Interfaces: Evaluating Efficiency in In-Vehicle Touchscreen Interactions under Cognitive Load
(Master thesis, 2023)Studien undersøkte effektiviteten og funksjonaliteten til to berøringsskjerms grensesnitt i biler som kun brukte én type interaksjon under bevisst økt kognitiv belastning. Eksperimentet brukte grensesnitt basert på tapping ... -
a Four Wheel Drive System for a Formula Style Electric Racecar
(Master thesis, 2016)This is a master thesis detailing the development and design of a four wheel drive transmission system for a formula style race car using four electric motors to achieve asynchronous power output to each wheel. First an ... -
A harmonized display of e-navigation information: Workload and navigational control; Contextual control levels
(Chapter, 2018)As a results of the work with the e-navigation initiative, IMO is now working on “a harmonized display of navigation information received via communications equipment”. The availability of a multitude of new important, but ... -
A measurement feedback system for insight and collaboration in youth mental health
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan data fra ungdom i psykiatri kan visualiseres og brukes til å øke forståelse og støtte samarbeid. Dette ble gjort i sammenheng med TellMe More, et feedbackverktøy brukt av Nic Waals ... -
A nudge to security
(Master thesis, 2024) -
A Review of key dimensions for designing environment-driven collaboration practices with external business partners
(Chapter, 2017)Environmental sustainability challenges are of growing interest in the business world and collaboration with external business partners is considered a key means to tackle them. Nevertheless, collaborating with external ... -
A Review of Repurposing Lithium-ion Batteries for Household Applications
(Chapter, 2023)As global sales of electric vehicles are rising rapidly; vast amounts of end-of-life batteries are expected to need treatment in foreseeable future. Using second life batteries in lower demanding applications, could prolong ... -
A speculative perspective in the future of second-life electric vehicle batteries alternatives
(Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn Transportindustrien påvirker ulike aspekter av dagliglivet, inkludert økonomiske og miljømessige faktorer. Imidlertid er den også en av de mest forurensende aktivitetene. For å takle dette problemet er det et ... -
A Study of One-handed Interaction of Large Smartphones: GUI Changes for Better Ergonomics
(Master thesis, 2015)People tend to use their smartphones one-handed, which is unergonomic for the human musculoskeletal system. Stretching the thumb to reach certain touch keys is uncomfortable. Especially now that smartphones have large ... -
A sustainability and user-centered approach towards extending the life-cycle of mobile computers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of this article is to provide an understanding of cognitive and physical barriers concerning extending the lifecycle of mobile computers. Reference to Triandis’ theory of interpersonal behavior, (1) attitudes; (2) ... -
A user-centered design project of mental health well-being of undocumented migrants in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Undocumented migrants(UMs) have irregular identity that do not grant them entitlement to basic needs and official health services in Norway. Uncertainty and uncontrollable life situation in a new host country with past ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Dette prosjektet er basert på IDEAL 4.0 prosjektet, i samarbeid med Oberlinhaus. Målet er å forbedre faktumet at svært få folk med funksjonsnedsettelser jobber på det ordinære arbeidsmarkedet. I dag er de fleste ekskludert ... -
Abstractive microblogs summarization
(Master thesis, 2015)Microblogging is a new electronic communication medium based on short status updates containing personal and instant information. Due to the popularity of microblogs, the volume of information is enormous and big portion ... -
Academics' perception of systems engineering and applied research projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is an increased complexity in applied research projects that demand more researcher skills, especially in managing the research project and interdisciplinary work. Researchers receive little training in how to manage ... -
Acceptance of 3D-gestures based on age, gender and experience
(Master thesis, 2013)Older people are increasingly using technology in their daily lives, but at the same time, they often experience problems when interacting with new technology. Younger adults have more experience in using new technology, ...