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I feel for you! The effect of empathy exercises on accessibility awareness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Challenges related to adopting accessibility practices in the development process mainly revolve around a lack of accessibility awareness among practitioners, including designers, developers, and user experience professionals. ... -
I want to show - How user-centered design methods can assist when preparing for micro moments
(Master thesis, 2017)In 2015, Google presented a term called micro moments , a term that addresses consumer behavior on the mobile web. Micro moments consist of four key occurrences; I want to know, I want to go, I want to do and I want to ... -
IBM prototyp for Web Services
(Bachelor thesis, 2002)I dagens samfunn blir det stadig viktigere å kunne tilby tjenester på Internett, og ikke minst det å kunne bruke dem. E-handel, handel over Internett, blir for mange mer og mer vanlig. Dette gjør at det stilles strenge ... -
Ice Navigation in Arctic Offshore Wind Parks: Traffic Coordination Using Route Exchange and Moving Havens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)New areas for the production of fossil-free renewable offshore energy production are planned in Arctic waters in the Bay of Bothnia, in the very north of the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland. These are waters normally ... -
IDA – Interaktiv Digital Assistanse
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Vårt tverrfaglige bachelorprosjekt fokuserer på å forbedre kommunikasjonen mellom innlagte barn, helsepersonell og pårørende på sykehus. Hovedmålet er å styrke barnas involvering i deres egen helse, og fremme åpen dialog ... -
Idea Translation Approach Adapted by Novice Designers in Furniture Mean-Making
(Chapter, 2023)This research aims to understand sources of inspiration, both in defining the context for new designs and in informing the creation of individual designs by 14 novice designers. The motivations for this study lie in the ... -
Identification and Utilization of Contextual Features Using Post-Filtering in an E-Commerce Context-Aware Recommender System
(Master thesis, 2010)Recommender systems are systems that provide recommendations to a user based on information gathered about that user or by finding other similar users. Only a few years ago, these recommender systems were solely dependent ... -
Identifying Five Archetypes of Interaction Design Professionals and Their Universal Design Expertise
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Systems and services based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are now prevalent in our daily lives. Digital transformations have been, and are still being, initiated across private and public sectors. As ... -
Identifying Patterns in IDC Research: Technologies for Improving Children's Well-being Connected to Overweight Issues
(Chapter, 2017)How is technology being designed to improve children's well-being? We address this question in connection to childhood overweight issues. On a global level, overweight and obesity among children and youth is recognized to ... -
IFEEL, et verktøy for tjenestedesignere til bruk i innsiktsfasen. Et casestudie fra behovskartlegging til godkjenningstest.
(Master thesis, 2016-08-30)Gode kundeopplevelser er essensielt for firmaer som vil lykkes i fremtiden, virksomheters evne til a skape verdifulle kunderelasjoner over tid fordrer genuin forståelse av kundebehov og kundereiser, kanal- og aktørsamspill ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-24)Målet for prosjektet er å lage en produktkatalog med fokus på at produktene vises på en oversiktlig, konsis og pen måte. Katalogen skal følge Google Material Design prinsippene for å få likhet mellom katalogen og systemet ... -
Immersive Interface in Virtual Reality
(Master thesis, 2021)I dette studiet undersøkte me i kva stor grad tradisjonelt brukargrensesnitt bør endrast for å skapa ein så innlevande oppleving som mogleg i virtuell røyndom (VR). Meir spesifikt såg studien på førsteperson skytespel ... -
Impact of automation level (LOA) in workload adaptive user interfaces (AUIs) on cognitive tunnelling during interactive dynamic control tasks (IDCT)
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven undersøker virkningen av ulike automatiseringsnivåer (LOA) i arbeidsbelastningstilpassede brukergrensesnitt på brukernes kognitive tunnelering under en interaktiv dynamisk kontrolloppgave. Ved spesefikt å ... -
The impact of LEGO and analog objects in co-creating and prototyping ideas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
The Impacts of Different Work Locations and Levels of Automation on Crane Operators’ Experiences: A Study in a Container Terminal in Indonesia
(Chapter, 2022)Due to the increasing demand of higher productivity and safety in the shipping industry, container terminals are increasingly shifting from manually operated container cranes to remotely operated container cranes with ... -
Implementering av en Data-Dreven Design Prosess for en Formula Student Racer Bil Cockpit
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven har som mål å gi studentorganisasjonen Revolve NTNU design verktøy og prosesser for å sikre sine sjåfører en generalisert cockpit. Gjennom en genetisk algoritme som bruker verdier funnet fra fysiske tester, ... -
Importance of region-of-interest on image difference metrics
(Master thesis, 2007)NORSK: Mange bildeforskjellsmetrikker har sett dagens lys de siste tiår. Alle disse metrikkene har som mål å prediktere oppfattet bildeforskjell, men ingen har vært suksessfulle. Når mennesker klassiferer bildeforskjeller ... -
Improvements in Rules and Regulations to Support Sensemaking in Safety-critical Maritime Operations
(Chapter, 2019)The ability to handle maritime operations is increasingly dependent on control systems. Such systems play a crucial role in critical situations, by presenting safety-critical information that allows operators to make sense ... -
Improvements on colour histogram-based CBIR
(Master thesis, 2005)NORSK: Denne oppgaven prøver ut en del nye metoder for innholdsbasert bildesøk, med det for øye å forbedre resultatene fra rene fargehistogram-baserte metoder. Oppgaven ser også på hvordan man kan måle resultatene fra ... -
Improving Communication between GPs and Patients within an eHealth app
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne Masteropgaven har som hovedfokus å forbedre den eksisterende HelsaMi-appen i Helse Midt-Norge, med spesiell vekt på å forbedre kommunikasjonen mellom allmennleger og deres pasienter gjennom brukergrensesnittsdesign. ...