• Collision Avoidance for autonomous ships (MASS): making assumptions about other ships intended routes 

      Porathe, Thomas (Chapter, 2022)
      Research on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) have considerably gained momentum. Norway’s first “autonomous” short-sea container vessel, Yara Birkeland, has started to sail in 2022, albeit in the beginning with crew ...
    • Color management uten testtrykk 

      Brovold, Øyvind; Skundberg, John Håvard; Voldhaug, Olav (Bachelor thesis, 2004)
      NORSK: Målet for prosjektet er å gi Hjemmet Mortensen Trykkeri AS (HMT) effektiv og korrekt fargestyring uten bruk av egne testtrykk. Likeså ønsker prosjektet å redusere kostnadene knyttet til fargestyring ved HMT og ...
    • Colourlab: logging system 

      Snilsberg, Henrik Reff; Paulsen, Fredrik; Ibsen, Ole Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      The task at hand has been to create a new logging and booking system for the Colourlabs at NTNU in Gjøvik. Where the goal is to make a functional system, ready to be used. By utilizing different methods the group created ...
    • Combining inbound marketing theory and design to improve the online visibility of Topro Elektronikk 

      Alstadsæter, Ragnhild; Berntsen, Sondre; Medlien, Elisabeth; Øigård, Mads (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Målet med prosjektet var å styrke Topro Elektronikk sin synlighet på nett og øke deres «conversion rate» som vil si å skape flere kunder. Dette ble gjort gjennom analysering av Topro Elektronikk og deres konkurrenters ...
    • Communicating Possibilities Through Data Visualization 

      Bertheau, Merete Lunde (Master thesis, 2022)
      Håndtering og tolkning av tall og numeriske data er det vi kaller numerisk resonnement, og det har blitt en vesentlig del av hvordan man tilegne seg kunnskap om verden. Datavisualisering bruker grafiske elementer for å ...
    • Comparing Personalization Approaches for Inclusion in Learning Management System 

      Nekrasova, Vera (Master thesis, 2011)
      Personalization is one of the important functions of modern Learning Management Systems. The basic idea of personalization in education is an incorporation of the person’s individual characteristics. This thesis is directed ...
    • Comparison of news commonality and churn in international news outlets with TARO 

      Carrino, Giuseppe; Di Iorio, Angelo; Barabucci, Gioele (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The past decades have seen an increase in academic research and public debates on online news and journalism in general, with an emphasis on fake news and low-quality reporting. This paper presents TARO: a model and a ...
    • Comparison of Online Accessibility Evaluation Tools: An Analysis of Tool Effectiveness 

      Ismailova, Rita; Inal, Yavuz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The use of online tools is a common practice for evaluating the accessibility of a website, identifying problems, and providing useful feedback on how to fix detected issues. For ease of accessibility validation, many tools ...
    • Concept development of an AR user interface for flight inspection and airborne surveillance 

      Manaberi, Mohammadreza (Master thesis, 2021)
      Norwegian Special Mission, som en av markedslederne i flyinspeksjons- og luftovervåkingsindustrien, ønsker å forberede seg på de kommende årene. I henhold til de strategiske planene som ble foreslått for selskapet i vårt ...
    • Concept for motivating toddlers to accept inhalation therapy 

      Anton Segarra, Rebeca (Master thesis, 2013)
      This master thesis is conducted at the Institute of Product Design at NTNU. The subject of the assignment is “Concept for motivating toddlers to accept inhalation therapy”. The project aims at developing a concept for ...
    • Considering Haptic Feedback Systems for A Livable Space Suit 

      Bakke, Torstein Hågård; Fairburn, Sue (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The paper explores protective equipment for work in extreme environments manifested in a proposal for a haptic feedback system for astronauts. It follows the thesis that the safety of astronauts wearing Extra-Vehicular ...
    • Consumer acceptance of edible insects and design interventions as adoption strategy 

      Kauppi, Saara-Maria; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Edible insects are regarded as one of the most sustainable animal protein sources for human consumption, but for western people insects are a rather unusual food ingredient. In the media, however, insect consumption is ...
    • Consumer and user acceptance in the circular economy: what are researchers missing? 

      Camacho-Otero, Juana; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Research in Design Series;9, Chapter, 2017)
      The circular economy is a platform to transition towards a more resource efficient system. Product service systems (PSS) and remanufacturing have been proposed as strategies to achieve material decoupling. Recent studies ...
    • Consumer engagement in the circular economy: Exploring clothes swapping in emerging economies from a social practice perspective 

      Camacho-Otero, Juana; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      One of the sectors that are being challenged to become circular is the clothing sector. Clothe swapping is considered as an example of a circular solution that enables slowing material loops. However, consumers have failed ...
    • Consumers in the circular economy 

      Camacho-Otero, Juana; Tunn, Vivian; Chamberlin, Lucy Clementine Joyce; Boks, Casper (Chapter, 2020)
      The circular economy is poised to transform economic systems and contribute to sustainable development. Most of the attention has focussed on how production can become circular by developing innovative business models, ...
    • Consumption in the Circular Economy: A Literature Review 

      Camacho-Otero, Juana; Boks, Casper; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A circular economy (CE) aims at decoupling value creation from waste generation and resource use by radically transforming production and consumption systems. Recent reviews on the topic of the circular economy have indicated ...
    • Content-based lecture video indexing 

      Halvorsen, Martin Røst (Master thesis, 2007)
      NORSK: Teknologier innen e-læring er rettet mot å bedre studentenes læringsopplevelse. Dette kan for eksempel være ved hjelp av forelesningsvideoer som kan sees fra hvor som helst, og når som helst. Forelesningsvideor ...
    • Contesting Consumerism with a Circular Economy? 

      Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Berker, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The circular economy (CE) concept has recently entered the public discourse. A CE should contest the reproduction of a so-called linear economy. However, it is largely promoted as a normative top-down fix for business ...
    • Contrast set labelling: Theoretical essentials and suggestions for good practice 

      Watson, Ian (Chapter, 2017)
      This chapter explores the graphical tools that information designers use to distinguish between the members of sets. Numbers may label the floors of a building, the hours of the day, or the pages of a book. Designers may ...
    • The Contribution of Ship Bridge Design to Maritime Accidents 

      Danielsen, Brit-Eli (Chapter, 2022)
      Shipping is an industry where accidents have potential catastrophic effect on humans, the environment or material assets. The design of bridge equipment and the bridge layout has a significant impact on the human-technology ...