Browsing Institutt for lærerutdanning by Title
Now showing items 2795-2814 of 3837
Qualifying the science experiences of young students through dialogue - A Norwegian lesson study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Practical and exploratory activities are an important part of science education. However, students’ learning outcomes from such activities require more than just active participation; their experiences must be linked to ... -
Qualitative Content Analysis: Conceptualizations and Challenges in Research Practice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this contribution we introduce Part I of the special issue on qualitative content analysis (QCA). We start by describing the rationale on which this special issue is based and our considerations in dividing the topic ... -
Qualitative Content Analysis: Disciplinary Perspectives and Relationships between Methods—Introduction to the FQS Special Issue "Qualitative Content Analysis II"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In this article, we introduce Part II of the special issue on qualitative content analysis (QCA). To begin with, we provide a short summary of the rationale underlying both parts of the special issue and present some core ... -
A qualitative evidence synthesis of the K-12 education policy making in Sudan and the need for reforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)By following the qualitative evidence synthesis, this article reports on how education policy is made in Sudan by considering the contextual, socio-economical background of Sudanese education in the pre –post colonial era. ... -
A qualitative inquiry into the workplace experiences of adapted physical education teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)While much is known about the lived experiences of physical education teachers and individuals preparing for careers in physical education, there is a dearth of research on how adapted physical educators are socialized ... -
A Qualitative Study on Key Factors in Student Conceptual Learning of Electromagnetic Induction
(Master thesis, 2017)Emnet til denne masteroppgaven er undervisning av elektromagnetisk induksjon til ungdomsskoleelever. På tross av at elektromagnetisk induksjon er blant fagene som blir oppfattet som mest utfordrende blant både elever og ... -
Quality measures in higher education: Norwegian evidence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We exploit rich administrative matched data for students and institutions to obtain quality measures across higher education institutions in Norway. Our primary quality indicators are based on individual income after leaving ... -
Quantifying teenagers’ sleep patterns and sex differences in social jetlag using at-home sleep monitoring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Sleep plays an important role in the formative developmental processes occurring during the teenage years. At the same time, teenagers' changing bioregulatory mechanisms and psychosocial factors converge into the so-called ... -
Quantum Talk: How small-group discussions may enhance students’ understanding in quantum physics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Quantum physics challenges our views of the physical world anddescribes phenomena that cannot be directly observed. The useof language is hence essential in the teaching of quantum physics.With a sociocultural view of ... -
Questioning the Neutrality of Learning Strategies: teachers´ and pupils´ use of background knowledge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Questioning the Neutrality of Learning Strategies: teachers’ and pupils’ use of background knowledge. This article investigates educational practices aimed at equitable trainability by looking into an American project on ... -
Questions of autonomy in English teachers' discursive practices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Recent educational legislation has redefined and extended teachers’ space for exercising professional autonomy. For instance, Norwegian English teachers enjoy substantial freedom in choosing texts for classroom ... -
Ramme inn eller følge langs fortauene: Om verden og litteraturen i litteraturvitenskapen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Rammer for skriveopplæring? - En studie av situerte skrivehendelser på 4.trinn
(Master thesis, 2018) -
Rammer for skriving. En kvalitativ kasusstudie av fjerdeklassingers bruk av skriverammer.
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne kvalitative kasusstudien, som er skrevet innenfor rammene til forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet PRANO ved NTNU, undersøker vi hvordan en gruppe fjerdeklassinger bruker skriverammer i et skriveforløp der elevene ... -
Rammer for skriving. En kvalitativ kasusstudie av fjerdeklassingers bruk av skriverammer.
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne kvalitative kasusstudien, som er skrevet innenfor rammene til forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet PRANO ved NTNU, undersøker vi hvordan en gruppe fjerdeklassinger bruker skriverammer i et skriveforløp der elevene ... -
Rap in the EAL classroom
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)This paper discusses how rapping can be used as a tool to improve student motivation and by extension oral fluency in an English additional language (EAL) classroom. The paper discusses prosody and phonetics in connection ... -
Rapport fra utviklingsprosjektet Dynamisk områdeemne – kvalitet i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen
(Research report, 2024)Rapporten presenterer resultatene fra et utviklingsprosjekt i områdeemnet LÆR1000 på Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU, i samarbeid med lærerutdannere med samme interesse for bedre koordinering og økt kvalitet i undervisning ... -
Rapport som tankeavslørende dokumentasjon i en modellfremkallende aktivitet.
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Rask bokstavlæring som grunnlag for lesing og skriving
(Master thesis, 2017)En viktig motivasjon for denne studien er en økende interesse for å løfte frem verdien av en raskere introduksjon av bokstavene slik at de kan tas i bruk som et verktøy av elevene. Mitt syn på rask bokstavinnlæring er ... -
Rater Experiences from the 2023 10th Grade Written English Exam
(Master thesis, 2024)Med LK20 ble det gjort mange endringer på skriftlig engelskeksamen på 10.trinn. Disse endringene ble foretatt basert på evalueringene til eksamensgruppa nedsatt av UDIR for å etablere kunnskapsgrunnlaget om eksamener i ...