Institutt for lærerutdanning
Nye registreringer
Metalinguistic Awareness and Multilingualism in the Norwegian EFL Classroom: An Untapped Resource?
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:405, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Norway’s linguistic diversity has increased at a rapid pace over the past several decades. Many students who speak minority languages at home begin school already bilingual in Norwegian and their home language(s), which ... -
Can all children flourish in Nordic communities? A study of how elementary school children perceive their well-being
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Few Nordic studies put children’s experiences of social inequality at their centre. This article explores the children’s perceptions of their education and well-being within two Nordic cities. The participants in this ... -
The effect of type of task on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Depth of processing vocabulary has been the subject of heated discussion among vocabulary researchers. Yet, current literature lacks research comparing different tasks to investigate the acquisition of vocabulary knowledge ... -
«Det var som en espresso» – erfaringer med undervisning i bevegelse i høyere utdanning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Studenter på universiteter sitter stille store deler av dagen, og forskning indikerer at langvarig stillesitting kan ha negative konsekvenser for helsa. Flere studier antyder at selv korte bevegelsespauser kan virke ... -
Protective factors of burnout among Norwegian sport coaches
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The main purpose of the current study was to explore burnout and protective factors among elite sport coaches, more specifically how sex, perceived coach performance, grit, social competence and social resources was uniquely ... -
(Re)configurations of public education: Marketisation, teacher professionalism, and individual rights of students and educators in Norway and Sweden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article studies the (re)configurations of ‘public education’ in Norway and Sweden by empirically unpacking connections between marketisation, teacher professionalism and schools’ mandate to secure the individual rights ... -
Key aspects of teacher practices in teaching mathematics with programming tools in Norwegian schools
(Chapter, 2024)The aim of this research is to explore teachers’ practices in teaching mathematics with programming tools from the lens of Pedagogical Technology Knowledge (PTK) framework. The data comes from five individual interviews ... -
Datafication and Juridification in Early Years Education: Recontextualizing the Duty to Provide Intensive Training in Reading in One Norwegian School
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Internationally, data and legislation have been given an increasing role in the governance of schools. One example is the combination of state-provided mapping tests and the legislation on intensive training in early years ... -
Secondary school teachers’ beliefs about the role of culture in chemistry class and their ways of considering and engaging in it
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Due to the scarcity of studies on culturally responsive teaching in secondary school chemistry education, the goal of this study was to establish chemistry teachers’ beliefs about the role of culture in chemistry class and ... -
Disney’s Nature: Environment, Animation, Affect and Project-Based Learning in Lower-Secondary EAL Education
(Master thesis, 2024)Miljøproblemer er aktuelle temaer, og global oppvarming, avskoging, matsvinn, overfiske og plastforurensing er bare noen av problemene som påvirker den nåværende klimakrisen. I 2020 ble “Bærekraftig Utvikling” integrert ... -
Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
(Journal article, 2024) -
Discovery Tour: Viking Age i historieundervisningen
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskningsprosjektet omhandler en gjennomføring av et undervisningsopplegg som tar i bruk dataspillet Discovery Tour: Viking Age for å utforske vikingtiden på mellomtrinnet. Følgende problemstilling ble utformet; «Kan et ... -
Teacher educators in universities and schools’ experiences and learning using the change laboratory as a meeting place
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Teacher education in Norway has the form of a five-year, research-based program with three or four subjects studied at the master’s level. The aim of the project that this study builds on was to both prepare student teachers ... -
Musikk, fiksjon og følelser: didaktiske tilnærminger til folkehelse og livsmestring i musikkfaget i skole og lærerutdanning
(Chapter, 2024)The new curriculum (LK20) for primary and lower secondary school in Norway introduced health and life skills (folkehelse og livsmestring) as an interdisciplinary theme in education. As teachers working at NTNU’s Department ... -
Towards more culturally aware teaching of ‘scientific practices’: Understanding science as a social-historical human endeavour
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)‘Scientific practices’ are included as a core element in Norway’s new science curriculum as of 2020. In dialogue with international research on the teaching and learning of scientific practices, Haug et al. (2021) have ... -
Formativ vurdering i algebra: En studie av hva elever på 8. trinn opplever som nyttig og lærerens rutiner
(Master thesis, 2024)“Matematikk skal forberede elevene på et samfunn og arbeidsliv i utvikling ved å gi dem kompetanse i utforsking og problemløsing” (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019). Algebra sees som grunnleggende for utviklingen av elevenes ... -
VET Teacher Training: A Comparison of University Programs in the U.S. and Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article is a study of Vocational Education and Training (VET) teacher training in considerably different societal contexts. Vocational education teachers contribute to the growth and development of a country’s future ... -
Formativ vurdering i algebra: En studie av hva elever på 8. trinn opplever som nyttig og lærerens rutiner
(Master thesis, 2024)“Matematikk skal forberede elevene på et samfunn og arbeidsliv i utvikling ved å gi dem kompetanse i utforsking og problemløsing” (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019). Algebra sees som grunnleggende for utviklingen av elevenes ... -
Sang og sanglyrikk i norskfaget - En kvalitativ undersøkelse av fire norsklæreres tanker om og et læreverks arbeid med sang og sanglyrikk i norskfaget
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt sangens posisjon i norskfaget på småtrinnet med utgangspunkt i problemstillingen «hvilke norskfaglige kompetanser, kunnskaper og ferdigheter utvikles i sammenheng med sangaktiviteter, ... -
Om muligheten til å integrere problem posing med matematikkvandring i undervisning og læring i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2024)Litteraturen viser til at problem posing og matematikkvandring er to undervisningstilnærminger, som kan han en positiv innvirkning på elevers læring og undervisning i matematikk. I studien undersøker jeg elevers problem-posing ...