Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap (SU)
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Institutt for geografi [1130]
Institutt for lærerutdanning [3864]
Institutt for psykologi [3199]
Institutt for sosialt arbeid [1409]
Recent Submissions
Bruk av arkivkilder til utdanningsformål – Det finnes også andre fortellinger
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU;2024:445, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Hvordan kan fortiden gjøres aktuell for nye generasjoner? Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer finnes ved bruk av arkivkilder til utdanningsformål? Arkiver opprettes og bevares fordi ulike virksomheter, organisasjoner eller ... -
Alcohol-attributed disease burden and formal alcohol policies in the Nordic countries (1990–2019): an analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)It is still unclear how changes in alcohol control policies may have contributed to changes in overall levels of alcohol-attributed harm between and within the Nordic countries. We modified and applied the Bridging the Gap ... -
Green with Envy? The Effects of Inequality and Equity Within and Across Social Groups on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 1990-2020
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The idea that inequality and inequities drive climate change forms a strong discourse in environmental politics. Reducing inequality is promoted as a win–win solution for reducing greenhouse gases. Others view egalitarian ... -
The differential impact of EU attitudes on voting behaviour in the European parliamentary elections 2019
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)EU attitudes are multidimensional and likely to matter differentially for voting across different parties. The 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections offer a unique setting for testing the differential effects of ... -
Assessing the flood mitigation potential of wetlands. A modelling approach to nature-based flood mitigation
(Master thesis, 2024)Etter ekstremværhendelsen Hans i 2023, oppsto det en diskusjon i media om rollen til våtmarker som en naturbasert løsning for flomdemping. På grunn av mangel på modellbaserte studier i Norge innenfor våtmarker bestemte ... -
Senior managers’ mental models: Perceptions of mental health and organizational mental health intervention strategies
(Journal article, 2024)Purpose: This study aimed to explore senior managers’ mental models regarding perceptions of mental health and how these perceptions might inform intervention strategies. Design/methodology/approach: The study is part of ... -
Innblikk i lederes opplevelser, og håndtering, av konflikter: Mixed Methods forskning på lederes meningsskaping av konflikter på arbeidsplassen
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan norske ledere (innen sosialt arbeid) opplever, og navigerer seg gjennom, de mange konfliktene på arbeidsplassen. Denne forskningen forsøker å forstå kompleksiteten av konflikthåndtering ... -
Teaching through TikTok: a duoethnographic exploration of pedagogical approaches using TikTok in higher dance education in China and Norway during a global pandemic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching, and learning encounters in higher education have changed. Online teaching has become routine and a variety of virtual learning platforms are being explored. Within this article ... -
Comparing talent development environments of girls and boys in handball and ice hockey in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Currently, there is little research on successful talent development environments (TDEs) focusing on women and girls. In response, the main aim of the present study was to compare TDEs of age-specific national teams for ... -
The impact of professional development training on faculty’s integration of universal design for learning in daily teaching practices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Even though Inclusive Education (IE) is required both legally and socially, it is often not implemented in the day-to-day teaching practice of faculty in higher education (HE) institutions. Professional development (PD) ... -
Young adolescent boys' and girls' attitudes toward uncommitted sexual behaviors and the perception of interest in sexual exploration in opposite-gender relations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The aim of this study is to measure young adolescent boys' and girls' attitudes toward uncommitted sexual behaviors and gain insight into their perception of peers' sexual exploration interest in committed versus non-committed ... -
Tverrfaglig samarbeid og digital transformasjon ved små kommuneadministrasjoner
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne mastergradsavhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i små distriktskommuneadministrasjoner med få innbyggere, og undersøker hvordan den digitale transformasjonen påvirker deres tverrfaglige samarbeid. Studien fokuserer på hvordan ... -
Sex-specific psychological risk profiles of CVD in the HUNT study: the role of neuroticism and extraversion
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective The aim was to investigate psychological risk profiles of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Depression and anxiety have been linked to CVD, but research has not incorporated personality and sex-specific analyses ... -
Exploring enactments of the big screen and the small screen in a Norwegian early childhood education and care setting
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)While much has been written about how to implement digital tools for learning and play in early childhood education and care, using a sociomaterial perspective this article seeks to explore what types of activities can be ... -
Den rural-urbane skillelinjen og tilfredshet med demokratiet
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven undersøker sammenhengen mellom den rural-urbane skillelinjen og tilfredshet med demokratiet i Europa. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i betydningen av utdanning på individnivå, samt økonomisk ulikhet og korrupsjon ... -
Where's the B in LGBT? A qualitative study of bisexual invisibility and exclusion within organised sports in Norway.
(Master thesis, 2024)Biseksualitet er ofte en marginalisert og lite studert minoritet innad i LHBTQ+-miljøet, spesielt i organisert idrett. Til tross for økende fokus på LHBTQ+-inkludering i idrett, forblir bifile utøvere ofte usynlige, blant ... -
Midtnorske Historier
(Book, 2021) -
«Så lenge han skriver, tenker jeg, det er det viktigste.» – Læreres støtte i begynneropplæring i skriving
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Denne artikkelen undersøker stillasbygging og presenterer hvordan to lærere som deltar i intervensjonsstudien Funksjonell skriving i de første skoleårene (FUS-prosjektet), gir individuell støtte til elever på 1. og 2. trinn ... -
Making or breaking the cycle of corruption: Exploring the impact of transitional justice on corruption in postconflict countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Does the implementation of transitional justice (TJ) mechanisms such as trials, truth commissions, and institutional reforms reduce corruption by enhancing accountability, building trust, and creating a culture of deterrence? ... -
Adverse Childhood Experience, Parental Bonding, and Fatherhood as Parenting Vulnerabilities to Social Anxiety Severity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)