Browsing Institutt for lærerutdanning by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 3922
2 ulke skoler - Ulike holdninger?
(Master thesis, 2022)Gjennom denne masteroppgaven har jeg forsøkt å svare på 2 ulike problemstillinger. Den første problemstillingen er: Hvordan kommer holdninger til flerkulturelle fram i elevtekster i samfunnsfag? For å kunne svare på denne ... -
"2020 and all’s well: On Positionality, Transtemporality, and Scandalous Bodies"
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
21st Century Learning Environments
(Research report, 2019) -
22. juli - et utgangspunkt for demokratiopplæring - En kvalitativ studie av ungdomsskolelæreres bruk av 22. juli i demokratiundervisningen
(Master thesis, 2016)Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan 22. juli kan brukes for å øke elevers demokratiforståelse i ungdomsskolen. Til oppgaven laget jeg fire forskningsspørsmål som belyser problemstillingen. Disse ser på: hvor mye 22. juli ... -
22. juli i klasserommet - En følelse av hjelpeløshet?
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)I denne oppgaven har jeg ønsket å undersøke ungdomsskolelæreres undervisningspraksis i etterkant av 22. juli, og i dag. Jeg har også ønsket å finne årsaker til at 22. juli ble bortprioritert fra klasserommet, noe tidligere ... -
22. juli i lærerplanen og samfunnsfagsundervisningen
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
3. klasse elever som følger LK06 sine oppfatninger og misoppfatninger om jorda, sola, månen og planeter.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
A case study of undergraduate L2 writers’ concerns with source‐based writing and plagiarism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In recent decades, a wealth of studies on second language writing and plagiarism have emerged, particularly with the increase of international students enrolling in academic institutions that favor English‐medium instruction. ... -
A Comparative Study of Norwegian and Ethiopian Textbooks: The Case of Relations and Functions Using Anthropological Theory of Didactics (ATD)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper provides a comparative study of mathematics textbooks as the primary construct via the Anthropological Theory of Didactics (ATD), which was founded by Yves Chevallard. The aim is to suggest principles that can ... -
A corpus-based analysis of the pragmatic marker you get me
(Chapter, 2017)The chapter examines the use of the emerging pragmatic marker you get me (e.g. I'm just gonna give her a little backhand or whatever cos she needs to learn you get me?) in the 1.5 million word Multicultural London English ... -
A DOOR OUT - eTWINNING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING - A qualitative study on students' reflections on potentials for language learning when participating in an eTwinning project, in lower secondary school
(Master thesis, 2015)This study focuses on the educational use of eTwinning in foreign language learning, from an emic perspective. The eTwinning Platform can be described as a learning community for schools in Europe which promotes school ... -
A formative intervention in primary school. Experiences with Minecraft as an educational tool
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:307, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Denne avhandlingen ser på hvilke betingelser som kreves for gjennomføring av en intervensjon der det kommersielle dataspillet Minecraft brukes som medierende artefakta i klasserommet. Fokuset i studien er på elevers og ... -
A fragile autonomy in a performativity culture? Exploring positions in the recontextualising field in a Norwegian rural municipality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Internationally, the autonomy of schools and teachers is under pressure. In Norway, recent policies emphasise output control through national testing, combined with holding schools and teachers accountable for students’ ... -
A Geometric Interpretation of Categories of Type \tilde{A} and of Morphisms in the Infinite Radical
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We give a geometric realization of the module category of a hereditary algebra of type A~. We work with oriented arcs to define a translation quiver isomorphic to the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the module category of type ... -
"A giant bowl of soup" - Language Varieties in the Lower Secondary ESL Classroom A study of teachers' beliefs, awareness and practices
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis focuses on lower secondary teachers‟ beliefs about and awareness of their own use of varieties of English related to their classroom practices. The study also revolves around teachers‟ views on students‟ language ... -
A Literature Review of Video Games in the ESL Classroom
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)This paper examines how video games can be applied in the ESL classroom, with particular emphasis on the benefits and challenges ESL teachers face when using video games in classroom settings. The method used was a thematic ... -
A Narrative Analysis of Multimodal Representations of Indigenous Cultures in EFL Textbooks: A Failed Quest for Intercultural Competence in the Norwegian Primary Classroom
(Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er todelt. Første del handler om å analysere hvordan urfolk og deres kulturer blir fremstilt i fire lærebøker i engelskfaget for 6. trinn i Norge. Andre del handler om hvordan disse ... -
A Phenomenological Study on Students' Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of Student-Created Videos
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne studien undersøkte elevane si oppfatning av fordelane og utfordringane ved laging av studentproduserte videoar som læringsverktøy i etterkant av tre korte videoprosjekt. Deltakarane var 37 elevar frå tre ulike ... -
A Qualitative Case Study on how Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet can Be Used when Teaching Young Learners English as a Second Language Through Drama Activities.
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne studien forsøker å finne ut korleis lærarar har brukt Shakespeare sine teaterstykke i engelsk undervisning i norske klasserom. Målet med studien er å undersøke korleis ein kan undervise om Romeo og Julie gjennom ...