Now showing items 506-525 of 1047

    • Idea Lab: Bridging Product Design and Automatic Manufacturing in Engineering Education 4.0 

      Kleppe, Paul Steffen; Bjelland, Øystein; Hansen, Irina-Emily; Mork, Ola Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Industry 4.0 calls for new multidisciplinary skills, and universities have an essential role in supplying this competence. Engineering Education 4.0 has therefore been introduced as a means of meeting the demands of Industry ...
    • Ilities for Responsive Manufacturing: A Case from Offshore Wind Turbine Manufacturing 

      Nickpasand, Mehrnoosh; Gaspar, Henrique Murilo (Chapter, 2023)
      We present here a discussion of responsiveness and related ilities in an Offshore Wind Manufacturer. This is stated first by the understanding that these terms may be vague and hard to define. To tackle this issue, a ...
    • IMO 2020 - De ulike mulighetene 

      Berge, Viktoria Valde; Hagen, Gabriel Østrem; Viset, Tobias (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven har vi i hovedsak undersøkt tiltakene som følger av lovendringene om kutt av svovelholdig drivstoff på skip. Dette gjelder skip som tidligere har gått på tungolje og som nå må gjøre tiltak for å etterkomme ...
    • Impact assessment of a wind turbine blade root during an offshore mating process 

      Verma, Amrit Shankar; Jiang, Zhiyu; Vedvik, Nils Petter; Gao, Zhen; Ren, Zhengru (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Single-blade installation is a popular method for installing blades on bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines. A jack-up crane vessel is often employed, and individual blades with their roots equipped with mechanical joints ...
    • Impact force identification on a ferry dock bridge 

      Sibille, Luigi; Nord, Torodd Skjerve; Siedziako, Bartosz; Fenerci, Aksel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      There is a scarcity of literature on the monitoring of operational loads and structural health of coastal infrastructure assets. In this paper we show the very first estimates of the impact force acting on a ferry quay ...
    • Impact of Climate Forecasts on the Microbial Quality of a Drinking Water Source in Norway Using Hydrodynamic Modeling 

      Mohammed, Hadi; Longva, Andreas; Seidu, Razak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This study applies hydrodynamic and water quality modeling to evaluate the potential effects of local climate projections on the mixing conditions in Lake Brusdalsvatnet in Norway and the implications on the occurrence of ...
    • Impact of eye-trackers on maritime trainer-trainee experience 

      Zheng, Siyang (Master thesis, 2014)
      The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using eye-trackers on manual manoeuvring training in bridge simulator, which is a crucial part of Dynamic positioning training. In the first part, results of short ...
    • Implementation of 4GD framework in Ship Design for improving exchange and 3D reuse. 

      Levisauskaite, Greta (Master thesis, 2016)
      Together with the development of technologies in maritime industry the needs and requirements of the customers are increasing. The necessity of fleet modernization and business process optimization is specifically high in ...
    • Implementation of non-newtonian rheology for debris flow simulation with REEF3D 

      Fornes, Petter; Bihs, Hans; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Nordal, Steinar (Journal article, 2017)
      Landslides triggered by hydro-meteorological processes are a serious natural hazard in many areas of the world. The landslides of the debris flow type are often triggered by extreme precipitation events. These landslides ...
    • Implementation of Photovoltaic Systems on Ålesund Rådhus: A Technical and Economic Evaluation 

      Clegg, Sara.; Refvik Torsvik, Ingrid. (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I lys av den global oppvarmingen må andelen fornybar energi økes, og fossil energi reduseres. Solcelleanlegg fremstår som et bærekraftig alternativ grunnet den utømmelige energiforsyningen fra solen. Fremover forventes en ...
    • Implementation of Virtual Concurrent Engineering Tools in Engineering Education 4.0 

      Kleppe, Paul Steffen; Bjelland, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Adoption of virtual collaboration tools enabling multi-site teaching and learning, as well as informal social interactions, is important for preparing for the digital transformation in engineering education accelerated by ...
    • Implementering av ISM-koden for Fiskefartøy. 

      Mittet, Tarjei Aslak Basso; Munkelien, Gisle Boasson; Barneveld, Arend Jan Bart (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      I dagens samfunn er det et stadig økende fokus på sikkerhet og bevaring av miljøet. De fleste typer norske fartøy til sjøs har i flere år vært pliktige til å føre en form for sikkerhetsstyring, i henhold til flere regelverk, ...
    • Implementering av NFC i vedlikeholdsstyringssystem. 

      Erstad, Erlend; Kismul, Thomas Victor; Sande, Dan Espen (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å beskrive mulighetene for ny teknologi og innovasjon ved bruk av vedlikeholdsprogrammer ombord på fartøy. Problemstillingen var å finne ut hvordan NFC-teknologi kan implementeres mot ...
    • Implementering av virtuelle AIS-AtoN i SAR-operasjoner 

      Flåte, Frode; Olsen, Torbjørn Bergheim (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Denne oppgaven handler om å undersøke om det er mulig å formidle kritisk informasjon i søk og redning på en mer effektiv måte. Problemstillingen belyser muligheten for implementering av virtuelle Automatic Identification ...
    • Implementering og økonomisk analyse av bærekraftige energitiltak i fiskeforedlingsanlegg 

      Rønningen, Syver Lie; Paulsen, Aleksander Gussøy (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I en tid der både bærekraft og økt fokus på klimagassutslipp står i sentrum, er også laksenæringen nødt til å se på hva som kan gjøres for å senke både energiforbruket og klimafotavtrykket. Med økte strømpriser følger det ...
    • Implementing a Document Management System (DMS) at Gondan Shipbuilders 

      Platero Alonso, Alvaro (Master thesis, 2024)
      I en tid preget av teknologisk utvikling navigerer Gondan Shipbuilders, et selskap innen verftsindustrien, gjennom mange operasjonelle utfordringer som hovedsakelig stammer fra manuelle og ofte kompliserte dokumenthåndte ...
    • Improving cleanability by innovating design 

      Giske, Lars André Langøyli; Mork, Ola Jon; Bjørlykhaug, Emil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Providing safe-to-eat consumer fish products is a key objective for the Global Aquaculture Industry. Cleaning of the process equipment is crucial to meet the demands for fish quality, but also environmental issues and human ...
    • Improving Climate Resilience and Thermal Comfort in a Complex Building through Enhanced Flexibility of the Energy System 

      Hosseini, Seyedmohammad; Hajialigol, Parisa; Aghaei, Mohammadreza; Erba, Silvia; Nik, Vahid; Moazami, Amin (Chapter, 2022)
      This research evaluates the impacts of flexible demand-side management on electricity load and indoor thermal comfort under extreme weather conditions, focusing on elderly people. For this purpose, an elderly care center ...
    • In-Situ Generation of Nitrogen-Doped MoS2 Quantum Dots Using Laser Ablation in Cryogenic Medium for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 

      Shahi, Fatemeh; Parvin, Parviz; Mortazavi, Seyedeh Zahra; Reyhani, Ali; Sadrzadeh, Mohtada; Moafi, Ali; Ebrahimi, Mahdi; Aghaei, Mohammadreza (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Here, nitrogen doped molybdenum disulfide quantum dots (N-MoS2 QDs) are fabricated by making use of the pulsed laser ablation (PLA) process in liquid nitrogen (LN2) as a dopant agent. In fact, LN2 contributes the rapid ...
    • Incorporating Approximate Dynamics Into Data-Driven Calibrator: A Representative Model for Ship Maneuvering Prediction 

      Wang, Tongtong; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Skulstad, Robert; Æsøy, Vilmar; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      High-fidelity models capable of accurately predicting ship motion are critical for promoting innovation and efficiency in the maritime industry. However, creating an advanced model that comprehensively represents the system ...