• Miljø og økonomi Ombruk av kontorvegger med glassfelt og dører 

      Steinsvåg, Elise Hustøft; Strømmen, Belinda; Nydegger, Elise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å vurdere miljøpåvirkningen og de økonomiske kostnadene ved ombruk av bygningsdeler fra kontorvegger. Derfra er det utarbeidet to situasjoner, hvor man sammenligner demontering og ombruk av ...
    • Miljøgate ved Høgskolen i Ålesund 

      Lunde, Anders Dahl; Brandsæter, Torbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å etablere et kollektivknutepunkt ved Høgskolen i Ålesund, Dette gjøres i samsvar med konseptvalgutredningen sitt forslag for bypakke Ålesund konsept K4- ‘’kombinert konsept’’, som i første ...
    • Miljøgevinst ved bruk av basaltfiber i landbasert oppdrettsmerd 

      Lu, Jan-Erik Haraldsen; Karlsen, Jul Kristian Notø (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Fiberarmering forbedrer betongen ved å gjøre den mer duktil og motvirker riss med bedret strekkfasthet. Fiberne kan samtidig bedre betongens motstandsdyktighet mot kloridinntregning som er en stor skadeårsak i Norges utsatte ...
    • Miljøvennlig Intermodal Transport 

      Petersen, Erik Amdam. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven ser nærmere på overføring av gods fra veitransport til miljøvennlige intermodale logistikkløsninger. Veitransporten har over lengere tid vært den dominerende transportmetoden på landbasert transport, ...
    • Mineralutvinning på havbunnen i norske havområder. 

      Kløvning, Erik Mikal; Ellingvåg, Kjetil; Aandahl, Erik (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Mineralutvinning på havbunnen innenfor norske havområder er et aktuelt og attraktivt felt i dag. Forskere ved NTNU i Trondheim og Universitetet i Bergen har kartlagt havområder mellom Jan Mayen og Svalbard, hvor de har ...
    • A model of factors influencing deck officers' cyber risk perception in offshore operations 

      Larsen, Marie Haugli; Lund, Mass Soldal; Bjørneseth, Frøy Birte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Offshore operations onboard vessels are increasingly reliant on digitalization, integration, automation, and networked-based systems, which creates new dimensions of cyber risks. The causes of cyber incidents often include ...
    • Model Tests and Numerical Analysis of Wave Loads on Coastal Structures 

      Eliassen, Magnus Styrker (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne forskningen er basert på å utforske effekten fra bølgekraft på kystnære strukturer. Et alternativ til dagens skiftende søkelys på renere og mer fornybar energi, er vindmøller plassert til sjøs. Mer spesifikt, er det ...
    • Model-free anti-swing control of complex-shaped payload with offshore floating cranes and a large number of lift wires 

      Ren, Zhengru; Verma, Amrit Shankar; Ataei, Behfar; Halse, Karl Henning; Hildre, Hans Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Being one of the most commonly used offshore operations, offshore lifting operations become increasingly challenging due to the gradually growing size and weight of payloads. The research on automatic control in lifting ...
    • Modeling and Analysis of Motion Data from Dynamically Positioned Vessels for Sea State Estimation 

      Cheng, Xu; Li, Guoyuan; Skulstad, Robert; Chen, Shengyong; Hildre, Hans Petter; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2019)
      Developing a reliable model to identify the sea state is significant for the autonomous ship. This paper introduces a novel deep neural network model (SeaStateNet) to estimate the sea state based on the ship motion data ...
    • Modeling and simulation of sloshing motion in partly filled tank 

      Dong, Chongdong (Master thesis, 2015)
      With the increasing consume of LNG all over the world, transport of LNG through sea becomes more and more important. When LNG carrier is on wave with partly filled tank, sloshing will occur and cause damage to the structure ...
    • Modeling and Simulation of the Accumulator During Active Heave Compensation Operations 

      Chu, Yingguang; Æsøy, Vilmar; Bunes, Øyvind; Pedersen, Eilif (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The paper presents the modeling and simulation of the thermodynamics of the accumulator system of the heave compensation system. Heave compensators in offshore and subsea applications are used to reduce the relative vertical ...
    • Modeling of Offshore Crane and Marine Craft in Wave Motion 

      Landsverk, Ronny; Zhou, Jing; Hovland, Geir; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Safe handling of heavy payloads in an offshore environment requires careful planning and depends on the interaction between a crane and a vessel. This paper investigates the coupled dynamics between a multipurpose crane ...
    • Modeling, Simulation and Control of Motion Compensated Gangway in Offshore Operations 

      Yu, Feilong (2017;, Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis is based on the idea to develop the integrated model of offshore gangway model including multi-body dynamics model and hydraulic system model with bond-graph method in 20-sim. And based on that model, active ...
    • Modelling the effects of climate projections on pathogen infection risks in selected water supply systems in Norway 

      Mohammed, Hadi (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:111, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Abstract Presently, there is a consensus among scientists and policy makers that the occurrence of climate change is unequivocally clear. Erratic and extreme variations in climate variables are commonly associated with ...
    • Modelling the impact of water temperature, pipe, and hydraulic conditions on water quality in water distribution networks 

      Mohammed, Hadi; Tornyeviadzi, Hoese Michel; Seidu, Razak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Identifying and controlling the drivers of change in the quality of water within distribution systems requires a comprehensive understanding of the individual and interactive effects of relevant factors. This article ...
    • ModGrasp: An open-source rapid-prototyping framework for designing low-cost sensorised modular hands 

      Sanfilippo, Filippo; Zhang, Houxiang; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad; Salvietti, G.; Prattichizzo, Domenico (Chapter, 2014)
      This paper introduces ModGrasp, an open-source virtual and physical rapid-prototyping framework that allows for the design, simulation and control of low-cost sensorised modular hands. By combining the rapid-prototyping ...
    • Mooring of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines 

      Lunde, Torbjørn Herberg; Roksvaag, Tobias Bjørshol; Solheim, Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Målet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke hvilke instanser som er ansvarlige for å regulere offshore vind i Norge. Deretter forklarer oppgaven hvilke design for fortøyningssystemene som er tilgjengelige for flytende vindmøller ...
    • Mot en digital tvilling for overvåkning av forurensninger i Brusdalsvatnet 

      Olsen, Asvar; Solbakk, Hans Peter; Garberg, Emil Arntsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Sammendrag Denne oppgavens formål var å se på forurensninger i form av mikroplast, tungmetaller og PAH fra Europaveg 39, i strekningen Moa – Digerneset langs Brusdalsvatnet. Oppgaven bestod i hovedsak av to deler der det ...
    • Motion Analysis of Live Objects by Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 

      Yao, Chunyan; Zhang, Jianwei; Wu, Guang; Zhang, Houxiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Motion analysis plays an important role in studing activities or behaviors of live objects in medicine, biotechnology, chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, nanotechnology, enzymology, and biological engineering. This paper ...
    • MPC-based path planning for ship collision avoidance under COLREGS 

      Zhu, Mingda; Skulstad, Robert; Zhao, Luman; Zhang, Houxiang; Li, Guoyuan (Chapter, 2022)
      In recent years, maritime operations have become more technologically demanding due to the more complex working condition and stricter safety requirements. The need to improve the performance of human-machine cooperation ...