Browsing Institutt for IKT og realfag by Title
Now showing items 279-298 of 599
Implementation of Virtual Concurrent Engineering Tools in Engineering Education 4.0
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Adoption of virtual collaboration tools enabling multi-site teaching and learning, as well as informal social interactions, is important for preparing for the digital transformation in engineering education accelerated by ... -
Improved Twofish Algorithm: A Digital Image Enciphering Application
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)With the growth of networks, the Internet of Things (IoT) and new cyber attacks pose threats to privacy and security, secure communication is therefore becoming one of the most crucial concerns. For this purpose, symmetric ... -
Improving blockchain performance in clinical trials using intelligent optimal transaction traffic control mechanism in smart healthcare applications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Blockchain technology has revolutionized the ways of processing and storing data in terms of reliability and security. Blockchain plays a pivotal role in transferring the processing hurdle from the client–server to a ... -
Improving open-air museum experience through immersive virtual reality
(Master thesis, 2021)Målet med denne oppgaven er å forbedre opplevelsen til besøkende på et friluftsmuseum ved hjelp av oppslukende virtuell virkelighet. Dette legger til rette for utforskning som normalt ikke ville være mulig, da bygningen ... -
Improving the testing of the Mcon propulsion control system
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Dette prosjektet sikta på å utvikle og forbetre ein thrustersimulator for å teste propellstyressystemet Mcon ved å bruke ei open-source utviklingsplattform. Thrustersimulatoren er bygd opp av fleire delar, der kvar del ... -
Informasjonsskjerm for sjakkturneringer
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I dag bruker oppdragsgiver, Aalesund Schaklag, hovedsakelig to programvarer for turneringer i lokaler. De bruker Turneringsservice for å organisere turneringer og DGT LiveChess for å vise sjakkpartier, som foregår på ... -
Ingeniørdannelse. Kva har danning i teknologifag å gjera?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Etter rammeplanen for ingeniørfag, er ingeniørdannelse ein viktig del av dataingeniørstudiet. Dette har vore eit utfordrande krav, for kva er eigentleg ingeniørdanning? Der er skrive mykje om danning innanfor didaktikk ... -
INTEGRA: An Open Tool To Support Graph-Based Change Pattern Analyses In Simulated Football Matches
(Chapter, 2020)This paper introduces Interactive Graph Analyzer (INTEGRA), a tool to support the comparison of simulated football matches with real ones, through the analysis of dynamic graphs. Our tool supports coordinated views of ... -
Integration of Aquaculture Inspection Platform
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven handler om integrering av tre tidligere utviklede systemer, en plattform, en vinsj og en ROV. Målet med dette prosjektet er å vise funksjonaliteten til systemet som en enhet. Platformen kan transportere ROV ... -
Intelligent computer-automated crane design using an online crane prototyping tool
(Chapter, 2016)In an accompanying paper submitted concurrently to this conference, we present our first complete version of a generic and modular software framework for intelligent computer-automated product design. The framework has ... -
Interaction Design for Remote Operations
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne bacheloroppgaven ble gitt av Seaonics og utført av to studenter fra Automatisering og intelligente systemer ved NTNU i Ålesund i vårsemesteret 2024. Formålet med dette prosjektet var å gi bedre kunnskap om ... -
Interactivity and automation of Pepper the humanoid robot
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne raporten er om den fortsettelse på utviklingen av programvare for den humanoide sosiale roboten Pepper utviklet av Foxconn og SoftBank Robotics tidligere kjent som Aldebaran Robotics. Denne oppgaven ble gitt som en ... -
Intergalactic Machine Learning
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Gravitational lensing er et fenomen som har fått stor attraksjon for å være en nøkkelstein i hvordan man kan kartlegge og forstå mørk materie. Dette prosjektet skal videreføre et vitenskaps prosjekt a NTNU. Oppgaven denne ... -
Intergalactic Machine Vision
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Gravitasjonslinser gir oss en unik indirekte innsikt i mørk materie, og tillater oss å kartlegge mørk materies fordeling i universet. I dette prosjektet skal vi fortsette utviklingen på et åpent kildekode-prosjekt som ... -
Interpersonal coordination of opposing player dyads during attacks performed in official football matches
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The purpose of this study was to characterise the interpersonal coordination between opponent players during offensive sequences in official matches and to verify if offensive sequences ended in shots to goal present ... -
Interval Observers for Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Uncertainties
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we consider the problem involved when designing the interval observer for the system described by a linear discrete-time model under external disturbances and measurement noises. To solve this problem, we ... -
Intraoperative Data-Based Haptic Feedback for Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy Punch Simulation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The use of intraoperative tool-tissue interaction data for arthroscopic digital twins has the potential to enhance haptic feedback in surgical simulations. This study demonstrates the implementation of an interpolation-based ... -
Intrusion Detection Based on Parallel Intelligent Optimization Feature Extraction and Distributed Fuzzy Clustering in WSNs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aiming at large-scale, high dimensional data, and variable intrusion behavior in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), an intrusion detection algorithm based on parallel intelligent optimization feature extraction and distributed ... -
An investigation of contemporary data-driven methods applied to complex systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Understanding complex systems by the help of modeling, simulation, and control is a well-known challenge across several application domains. As such, these type of systems are not amenable to empirical models, typically ... -
An Investigation of Credit Card Default Prediction in the Imbalanced Datasets
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Financial threats are displaying a trend about the credit risk of commercial banks as the incredible improvement in the financial industry has arisen. In this way, one of the biggest threats faces by commercial banks is ...