Institutt for IKT og realfag
Recent Submissions
Advanced Drone-based Inspection System for Accurate Paint Loss Detection and Quantification on Ship Hulls
(Master thesis, 2024)Mikroplast er bittesmå partikler som stammer fra nedbrytning av større plastmaterialer. Nyere studier har påvist tilstedeværelsen av mikroplast i ulike livsformer, fra vannlevende dyr til mennesker. Forskning tyder på at ... -
Towards Decision Support in Vessel Guidance Using Multi-Agent Modelling
(Chapter, 2024)This paper presents a decision support system for marine vehicle collision avoidance that utilizes agent-based modelling. It generates waypoints, consecutive strategies of heading changes, and if necessary, speed changes ... -
An Urban Digital Twin Framework for Reference and Planning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Urban management systems evolve from merely overseeing urban growth to comprehending interactions among cities’ natural, physical, cyber, and social systems. Urban digital twins leverage emerging technologies and serve as ... -
Teacher actions to promote mathematical competencies in programming activities
(Chapter, 2024)The use of mathematical competencies in education has gained considerable attention, especially over the last two decades. This paper outlines a study that explores the integration of programming used to enhance students' ... -
Analyzing Pedagogic Practice and Assessments in a Cross-Campus Programming Course
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Teaching programming efficiently to students in the first year of computer science education is challenging. It is especially cumbersome to retain the interest of both groups, when the student group consists of novice ... -
Modelling battery operations for household energy management
(Master thesis, 2024)Menneskeskapte klimagassutslipp (GHG) har vært på vei oppover de siste få tiår. Mens Norge sammen med EU(EU) har vært proaktive ved å ta bærekraftige ini- tiativer anslås Norge å komme til kort et av de tre hovedmålene i ... -
GluPredKit: A Python Package for Blood Glucose Prediction and Evaluation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Managing blood glucose levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes. Historically, non-linear physiological modeling of glucose dynamics laid the groundwork for automated insulin delivery. Blood glucose prediction can ... -
A Comprehensive Approach from 360◦ Scanning to 3D Reconstruction, and Safer Marine Operations With the Help of Robotic Simulation
(Master thesis, 2024)I jakten på å fremme marine operasjoner, beskriver denne masteroppgaven en omfattende rørledning som inkluderer 360° skanning for 3D-rekonstruksjon og robot simulering for å fremme tryggere og mer effektive maritime ... -
Forecasting Wind Turbine Power Based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
(Master thesis, 2024)Bidraget fra vindkraft i de elektriske nettsystemene i mange land øker på grunn av at det er en grønn energikilde, tilgjengeligheten av rikelig tilgang på vindressurser og den nylige teknologiske utviklingen på feltet. ... -
Wildlife Animal Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning Models
(Master thesis, 2024)Decisions taken toward managing and conserving wildlife are critical and they should be made after accurate and authentic recognition of these animals. A similar project NORDARK is underway with a focus on the whole ecology. ... -
Enhancing Health Literacy Through Sustainable Digital Healthcare Solutions: System Development and Usage Perspectives
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter summarises findings from an empirical study investigating how digital healthcare solutions should be developed to satisfy individual demands for understanding and managing healthcare information and activities. ... -
Object Interaction and Control Design in Virtual Reality Environment for Large Scale Digital Twins
(Master thesis, 2024)Digital Twin og Virtual Reality er to fremtredende teknologier som har hatt stor utvikling de siste to tiårene. Digitale tvillinger er virtuelle modeller av fysiske eiendeler eller prosesser som brukes til simulering, ... -
A faunistic study of maërl beds at Kråkvågsvaet
(Master thesis, 2022)Maërl beds are a poorly known habitat not systematically mapped along the Norwegian coast. Due to this, there is a knowledge gap regarding the distribution and the community associated with the maërl beds. The threat ocean ... -
Development and Validation of a Passive Musculoskeletal Ankle Joint Model Capable of Simulating Fibular Injuries with a Focus on Deltoid Ligament
(Master thesis, 2024)Virtuelle simuleringsmodeller har potensial til å forbedre helsevesenet ved å legge til rette for sikker evaluering av nye medisinske intervensjoner, spesielt ikke-kirurgiske behandlinger for fibulafrakturer, slik som de ... -
Haptic Rendering of Arthroscopic Meniscus Examination in SOFA
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Learning to distinguish between healthy and degenerative meniscus tissue is an important skill for orthopedic surgeons, as it could impact further treatment. Virtual simulations with kinesthetic haptic feedback offers a ... -
Digital Twin for Fault Detection in Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag: Denne forskningen fokuserer på utviklingen av en prediktiv digital tvilling for solcelle (PV) systemer for å forbedre energieffektiviteten og redusere vedlikeholdskostnadene ved å forutsi tap på grunn av ... -
Knowledge-informed Analysis for the Barrier Effect Evaluation in European Cycling Network.
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen undersøker hvordan stor transportinfrastruktur påvirker sykkelperspektivet, med særlig fokus på barriereeffekten i sykkelveinettet i Europa. Tidligere studier har primært tatt for seg barriereeffekten ... -
Advancing Building Energy Efficiency with Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting
(Master thesis, 2024)Rask urbanisering og befolkningsvekst har drevet bygninger til å forbruke en betydelig del av verdens energi, med forventninger om ytterligere økninger i fremtiden. Regjeringer har svart ved å implementere tiltak som å øke ... -
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Interpretable Autonomous Navigation of Surface Vessels
(Master thesis, 2024)The emerge of artificial intelligence (AI) in past years had gained great attentions in academic research and successful applications in industries. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), as an ultimate approach of AI, in which ... -
QoS aware resource allocation for coexistence mechanisms between eMBB and URLLC: Issues, challenges, and future directions in 5G
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)5G NR enables three types of use case scenarios viz. enhance mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC), and massive machine type communication (mMTC). The eMBB is suitable for applications ...