• Improving the Diversity of Bootstrapped DQN by Replacing Priors With Noise 

      Meng, Li; Goodwin, Morten; Yazidi, Anis; Engelstad, Paal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Q-learning is one of the most well-known Reinforcement Learning algorithms. There have been tremendous efforts to develop this algorithm using neural networks. Bootstrapped Deep Q-Learning Network is amongst them. It ...
    • Improving the Energy-Efficiency of Task Based Programming on Chip Multiprocessors 

      Iordan, Alexandru Ciprian (Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2017:175, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      In the early 2000s, the superscalar CPU paradigm reached the point of diminishing returns mainly due to power requirements and overheating concerns. Faced with a constant demand for performance, hardware developers were ...
    • Improving the first-level cache bandwidth in the Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine 

      Nesset, Erling Feet (Master thesis, 2023)
      Ettersom moderne prosessorer de siste tiårene har truffet minnegapet, har de brukt minne-nivå-parallelisme(MLP) for skjule forskjellen i ytelse mellom prosessoren og minnet. For å utnytte MLP trenger prosessorer nok ...
    • Improving the Performance of Parallel Applications in Chip Multiprocessors with Architectural Techniques 

      Jahre, Magnus (Master thesis, 2007)
      Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) or multi-core architectures are a new class of processor architectures. Here, multiple processing cores are placed on the same physical chip. To reach the performance potential of these architectures ...
    • Improving the Performance of Pipelined Query Processing with Skipping 

      Jonassen, Simon; Bratsberg, Svein Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Web search engines need to provide high throughput and short query latency. Recent results show that pipelined query processing over a term-wise partitioned inverted index may have superior throughput. However, the query ...
    • Improving the Performance of Processor Core Simulation in the M5 Simulator 

      Bertheussen, Håkon (Master thesis, 2008)
      Simulators are often used to evaluate new ideas in computer architecture research. Unfortunately, detailed simulation is computationally expensive, leading to long simulation turn-around times. This is particularly true ...
    • Improving the robustness of neural networks for time series forecasting through augmentationswith specific characteristics 

      Kjærnli, Håkon Slåtten (Master thesis, 2021)
      Nevrale nettverk er sett på som en toppmoderne metode i mange oppgaver som handler om mønstergjenkjenning, som bildeklassifisering og maskinoversettelse. Likevel har det blitt vist nevrale nettverk ofte produserer prediksjoner ...
    • Improving the semantic segmentation of historical aerial images of riverscapes using both data-centric and model-centric approaches. 

      Shamsaliei, Saeid (Master thesis, 2022)
      Menneskelig utbygging legger press på elvelandskapet, noe som setter bevaring av landområder og biologisk mangfold i en farlig situasjon. For å vurdere endringene og undersøke restaureringspotensialet, er det viktig å ...
    • Improving User Experience of Indoor Maps Through Merging of Rooms 

      Normann, Morten Alver; Njærheim, Helmer Råby Schaug (Master thesis, 2017)
      The field of indoor map representation is an emerging field of research, contrary to outdoor maps, which has been under research for decades. A lot of focus in indoor maps has been on indoor positioning. However, map ...
    • Improving User Experience with Gamification and Reward Systems 

      Kartevoll, Morten (Master thesis, 2017)
      The use of mobile technology is steadily increasing in the modern society. Smartphones and tablets have already surpassed desktops on internet usage in 2016. As the possibilities to use these technologies as tools are ...
    • Improving Vehicle Localization with Two Low-Cost GPS Receivers 

      Namazi, Elnaz; Mester, Rudolf; Lu, Chaoru; Log, Markus Metallinos; Li, Jingyue (Chapter, 2021)
      A primary concern of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMSs) is to collect the required traffic data. Vehicle position is one of the most important data types to manage traffic effectively. In this regard, Global ...
    • Improving Write Performance for Multidimensional Data 

      Lerfaldet, Mari Sofie (Master thesis, 2022)
      Mengden romlig data som blir generert hver dag øker raskt. Sosiale medier og sensorer genererer data som inneholder geografisk informasjon, og nødvendigheten for indeksstrukturer som kan håndtere en høy skrivelast med ...
    • In Need of Creative Mobile Service Ideas? Forget Adults and Ask Young Children 

      Kuzmickaja, Ilona; Wang, Xiaofeng; Graziotin, Daniel; Dodero, Gabriella; Abrahamsson, Pekka Kalevi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      It is well acknowledged that innovation is a key success factor in the mobile service domain. Having creative ideas is the first critical step in the innovation process. Many studies suggest that customers are a valuable ...
    • In the Backrooms of Data Science 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Østerlie, Thomas; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Much Information Systems research on data science treats data as pre-existing objects and focuses on how these objects are analyzed. Such a view, however, overlooks the work involved in finding and preparing the data in ...
    • In The Scrum: An Ethnographic Study Of Implementation and Teamwork 

      Kvangardsnes, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2008)
      Agile software development have in recent years been widely accepted in industry, as well as being the target of much research. XP has been the main focus, while there exist relatively few studies of other Agile methods ...
    • In utero exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, micro-RNA profiles, and fetal growth: a pilot study protocol 

      Larose, Tricia L; Sætrom, Pål; Martinussen, Marit; Skogseth, Haakon; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Scélo, Ghislaine; McHale, Cliona M; Jacobsen, Geir Wenberg; Smith, Martyn T (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: The developing fetus is particularly vulnerable to the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Molecular fingerprints of EDCs can be identified via microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles and may be ...
    • In-Application Payment from Mobile Apps: A study of In-App Payment 

      Haines, Jøran Christiansen; Hanssen, Alexander (Master thesis, 2013)
      The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and compare existing serviceproviders of in-app payment solutions and their APIs, and then concludewhat would be the best choice for hobby developers when deciding on whatservice ...
    • In-Service Teacher Training and Self-efficacy 

      Jørgen, Thorsnes; Rouhani, Majid; Divitini, Monica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Programming is increasingly introduced in secondary schools, both as a stand-alone subject or integrated into other subjects, leading to growing attention to the training of in-service teachers. Teachers need to learn both ...
    • In-Service Teachers’ Attitude Towards Programming for All 

      Rouhani, Majid; Jørgensen, Victor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Coding instruction has increased widely throughout primary and secondary education in many countries, and educators are just beginning to understand the complexities of teaching students to code. A question raised is whether ...
    • In.Line: A Navigation Game For Visually Impaired People 

      Giarre, Laura; Tinnirello, Ilenia; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Chapter, 2017)
      In.line is a novel game based on a navigation system, called ARIANNA (pAth Recognition for Indoor Assisted NavigatioN with Augmented perception, [1]), primarily designed for visually impaired people permitting to navigate ...