Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk
Recent Submissions
Collaborative Data Curation as Data Governance: A Case of Data Sharing in Environmental Science
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:351, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Data sharing involves a lot of data curation work. This thesis explains what this work is, how it is done, why it is necessary, and what its implications are for governing data infrastructures. The thesis is based on a ... -
Quantifying performance variation in a deep learning model for wind turbine blade degradation
(Master thesis, 2024)Det å utføre vedlikehold på vindturbinblader til riktig tid er ikke en enkel oppgave. Slitasje på materialet er vanskelig å oppdage, og simuleringer som kan estimere dette er vanskelige å innstille og for krevende til å ... -
Economic growth versus the environment: government spending, trust, and citizen support for environmental protection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Support for sustainability activities among citizens will also increase the probability of more sustainable choices being made by governments. In this study, we investigate the relationship between prioritization of ... -
Looking for Validated Approaches to Accessibility in Software Engineering
(Master thesis, 2024)Programvaretilgjengelighet, spesielt i forhold til nettsteder, blir mer og mer relevant i mange deler av verden, og lovverk som krever minimumsnivå av tilgjengelighet for digitale tjenester har dukket opp over de siste ... -
Exploring Player Engagement in Social and Pervasive Learning Games
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:334, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Pervasive gaming is a genre of gaming that integrates with the physical and social aspects of the real world and blends into the player’s everyday life. The context of this thesis is the use of long-lasting pervasive games ... -
Viewpoints Detection in Political Speeches
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:315, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English abstract Politics has significant impacts on our daily lives. It influences laws, policies, and resources allocation. The Internet and social media confront readers with an overwhelming amount of political texts. ... -
User Collaboration and Self-Expression in Virtual Worlds
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sett nærmere på temaet brukerinteraksjon i virtuelle verdener. Oppgaven tar for seg følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan har historiske hendelser formet virtuelle verdener og metaverser, og ... -
Challenges in Interpreting Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Records
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Electronic Health Record system BUPdata served Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for over 35 years and is still an important source of information for understanding clinical practice. Secondary ... -
Taleteknologi og kunstig intelligens
(Research report, 2022) -
AIO: An Abstraction for Performance Analysis Across Diverse Accelerator Architectures
(Chapter, 2024)Specialization is the key approach for continued performance growth beyond the end of Dennard scaling. Academics and industry are hence continuously proposing new accelerator architectures, including conventional Domain-Specific ... -
The workers strike back- A literature survey of digital circumvention tools used by online gig workers
(Journal article, 2023)Most studies of digital labor platforms –also known as gig platforms –investigate how workers are affected by platforms through algorithmic control and governance models implemented by platform owners. We draw on platform ... -
Estimating the Number of Local Optima in Multimodal Pseudo-Boolean Functions: Validation via Landscapes of Triangles
(Chapter, 2024)Pseudo-Boolean functions are often multimodal, and it is of interest to find multiple optima. However, the problem of estimating the number of local optima has not been much studied in the combinatorial setting. Since ... -
Practical Measurement and Neural Encoding of Hyperspectral Skin Reflectance
(Chapter, 2024)We propose a practical method to measure spectral skin reflectance as well as a spectral BSSRDF model spanning a wide spectral range from 300nm to 1000nm. We employ a practical capture setup consisting of desktop monitors ... -
ShapeBench: A new approach to benchmarking local 3D shape descriptors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Practices of Anticipation: How Public Sector Organizations Anticipate Artificial Intelligence and Its Regulation
(Chapter, 2024)AI holds significant potential for the future but also presents various risks. As global regulation of AI advances, with the European AI Act (AIA) leading the way, it prompts critical questions: How are organizations ... -
Automatic Adjusting Global Similarity Measures in Learning CBR Systems
(Chapter, 2024)This paper explores how learning case-based reasoning (CBR) systems are affected by updating similarity measures. We create CBR systems using the local-global principle and we investigate (1) how adding new cases changes ... -
CyberFamily: A collaborative family game to increase children’s cybersecurity awareness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Parental involvement is an essential factor that influences a child’s learning, behavior, and every other aspect of life, including online interactions. While holding parents responsible for the consequences of children’s ... -
Vineyard Leaf Disease Prediction: Bridging the Gap between Predictive Accuracy and Interpretability
(Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;, Chapter, 2024)This study is a part of "VIPA-DELF" sub-project and has indirectly received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation action programme, via the CHAMELEON Open Call#1 issued and executed under ... -
"Did You Know That You Are a Role Model?" - Exploring Role Models for Female Computing Students
(Master thesis, 2024)Kontekst: Utvikling av ny teknologi er begrenset av en mangel på kjønnsmangfold i IT industrien. Ikke-universell teknologi blir produsert som et resultat av for få kvinner i industrien. Mange kommer inn i arbeidslivet ...