• Knowledge discovery from large collections of unstructured information 

      Siniarski, Mateusz (Master thesis, 2016)
      The number of scientific publications is increasing by 3% per year, making it difficult for scientists to keep up with new research and to find relevant papers. As a result, time they could spent on research is used to ...
    • Knowledge Discovery in Climate Science using Jess rule Engine 

      Ryager, Knut Harald (Master thesis, 2016)
      Climate change is a difficult research problem, requiring insight from vast fields such as chemistry, biology, climatology and oceanography. As the ever increasing publishing of information in these fields continue, text ...
    • Knowledge Discovery in Scalable Real-time Data Mining Systems 

      He, Yu (Master thesis, 2013)
      This paper looks at the current state-of-the-art scalable real-time data miningsystems, and explores possible improvements to the automated knowledge discov-ery process through potential improvements in feature selection, ...
    • Knowledge exploration in public linked data ontologies 

      Albert, Espen (Master thesis, 2017)
      The internet is constantly expanding across millions of web pages. Using the internet effectively is a hard skill to learn both for humans and machines. The Semantic Web is an attempt to standardize the data across the web ...
    • Knowledge in app 

      Edvardsen, Susanne Skjold; Foss, Malin; Morud, Philip (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Vitensenteret Innlandet, et høyprofilert vitenskapssenter, tok kontakt med NTNU med et ønske om å gjøre noen av deres tilbud tilgjengelig på nettet. For å gjennomføre dette ble gruppen enig om å utvikle en mobilapplikasjon ...
    • Knowledge Management i Statoil, O&S Masterplan 

      Arnesen, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2005)
      I denne masteroppgaven har jeg gjennomført en empirisk forskningsundersøkelse i Statoil. Gjennom intervjuer, observasjoner og gjennomgang av Masterplanens intranett, har jeg fått et inntrykk av hvilke praktiske tiltak ...
    • Knowledge management in requirement elicitation: Situational methods view 

      Mishra, Deepti; Aydin, Secil; Mishra, Alok; Ostrovska, Sofiya (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In small-scale software development organizations, software engineers are beginning to realize the significance of adapting software development methods according to project conditions. There is a requirement to proliferate ...
    • Knowledge Management in start-up organisations: A case study 

      Pedersen, Geir Garmannvik (Master thesis, 2006)
      KM is a very popular topic among researchers and management practitioners. Despite this, research on KM in the context of start-up companies is limited. This causes a problem since start-up firms have quite the opposite ...
    • Knowledge Transfer Between Projects 

      Høisæter, Anne-Lise Anastasiadou (Master thesis, 2008)
      The practice of knowledge management in organizations is an issue that has recieved increasing attention during the last 20 years. This focus on knowledge management has also reached the public sector in Norway. Since 2001 ...
    • Knowledge Transfer in Open Source Communities of Practice: The Case of Azureus 

      Evans, Peter John Dalland (Master thesis, 2005)
      This paper discusses knowledge sharing dynamics in open source communities of practice based on an empirical study of an open source project. The paper describes how the online community in the study displayed many ...
    • Knowledge-Intensive Conversational Case-Based Reasoning in Software Component Retrieval 

      Gu, Mingyang (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:121, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      Case based reasoning (CBR) is a problem solving method that reuses the previous problem solving experiences (represented as cases) to solve the new problem. As a type of interactive CBR, conversational CBR has been proposed ...
    • Knowledge-Intensive Work in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study 

      Hjelle, Torstein Elias Løland (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:345, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      This thesis examines collaborative work practices within a large international oil and gas company (OGC). The work is founded on the introduction of a new standardised and integrated collaboration infrastructure based on ...
    • Knowledge-sharing between Agile Software Development Teams 

      With, Ole Markus (Master thesis, 2010)
      Agile development focus on in-person interaction and discourages the use ofdocuments. This has proven to be effective for knowledge-sharing within aproject team. However, agile teams tend to become isolated and it ...
    • KnowledgeWar 2.0 - A Pervasive Knowledge War Game 

      Øye, Jon Kjetil; Forberg, Stian (Master thesis, 2012)
      This thesis set out to study how a pervasive multiplayer lightweight Role-Playing Game could be used within higher education in order to motivate and engage students. The primary research goal was to study the educational ...
    • KnowledgeWar 2.0: A Pervasive Knowledge War Game 

      Oye, Jon Kjetil; Forberg, Stian (Master thesis, 2012)
      This thesis set out to study how a pervasive multiplayer lightweight Role-Playing Game could be used within higher education in order to motivate and engage students. The primary research goal was to study the educational ...
    • Kodepraksis ved sepsis 2008–21 

      Skei, Nina Vibeche; Afset, Jan Egil; Ehrnström, Anna Greta Birgitta; Nessan, Bente Sofie; Damås, Jan Kristian; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Gustad, Lise Tuset (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Bakgrunn:Sepsis har høy insidens og mortalitet. For planlegging av helsetjenester og i forskning trengs presise data, og det er behov for å kartlegge kodepraksis i Norge. Materiale og metode: Alle personer over 17 år som ...
    • Koios: Plattform for visualisering og analyse av data 

      Ljøterud, Andreas Nygård; Pedersen, Lars Stormark; Nekkøy, Mads Olsen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Argos Solutions sitt hovedprodukt er automatisk visuell inspeksjon av treplater, og det ligger mye potensial i dataen fra denne inspeksjonen. Argos har allerede en eksisterende rapportløsning, men har konkludert med at ...
    • Kollaborativ notering som suksessfaktor 

      Gibadullin, Danil (Master thesis, 2018)
      Dette studiet legger mye vekt på hvor viktig det er at studentene er godt informert på hvordan en slik prosess skal foregå. Resultatene viser hvor viktig god veiledning er for at studentene skal lykkes med kollaborativ ...
    • Kollisjonsdeteksjon og -respons ved animasjon av tekstiler og klær 

      Bakeng, Janne Beate Lervik (Master thesis, 2007)
      Oppgaven består i å studere metodene som brukes for å detektere kollisjoner ved animasjon av tekstiler og klær og hvordan det gies respons når kollisjon er fastslått.
    • Komparativ ytelsesmodellering av en WCSPH proxy-applikasjon på GPU og CPU arkitekturer 

      Kaldager, Andreas Kolstø (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne avhandlingen gransker vi ytelsen til en WCSPH proxy-applikasjon anvendt på demningsbrist-problemet når beregningsdelen er avlastet til GPUen. Vi implementerer en naiv og en sofistikert tilnærming til problemets ...