• A Novel Ensemble Representation Framework for Sentiment Classification 

      Sun, Mengtao; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Wang, Hao (Chapter, 2020)
      Text representation has a critical impact on the accuracy of text classifiers which is imperative to be strengthened. On the other hand, the question of how the state-of-the-art embeddings outperform previous approaches ...
    • Novel Extended Brickmap for Real-time Ray Tracing 

      Hjerpbakk, Aksel (Master thesis, 2022)
      Lagring og tegning av storskala volumetrisk data kan være en utfordring. I denne avhandlingen kommer vi til å videreutvikle en datastruktur kalt \textit{brickmap} i fra 2015. Brickmapdatastrukturen leverer en praktisk ...
    • Novel interactions for adventure game - Mythophobia 

      Reinsnos, Lars Inge; Struijk, Sander; Hembre, Arild; Brekken, Heine Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2010)
      NORSK: Produksjon av et PC spill med muligens utvidelse til XBOX 360, i XNA med fokus på utvikling av et innovativt spill interagerings system. Det inkluderer utviklingen av en spill motor basert på Microsofts XNA rammeverk, ...
    • A Novel Mean-Shift Algorithm for Data Clustering 

      Cariou, Claude; Le Moan, Steven; Chehdi, Kacem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We propose a novel Mean-Shift method for data clustering, called Robust Mean-Shift (RMS). A new update equation for point iterates is proposed, mixing the ones of the standard Mean-Shift (MS) and the Blurring Mean-Shift ...
    • A Novel Model for Data-Driven Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future: A Strategic Planning Process of Transformative Change towards Sustainability 

      Bibri, Simon Elias (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:171, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Sustainable cities have been the leading global paradigm of urbanism and the most preferred response to the challenges of sustainable development. Significant advances have been achieved in knowledge and a multitude of ...
    • A Novel Model for Driven Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future: The Institutional Transformations Required for Balancing and Advancing the Three Goals of Sustainability 

      Bibri, Simon Elias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In recent years, it has become increasingly feasible to achieve important improvements of sustainability by integrating sustainable urbanism with smart urbanism thanks to the proven role and synergic potential of data-driven ...
    • A novel multi-scale based deep convolutional neural network for detecting COVID-19 from X-rays 

      Karnati, Mohan; Seal, Ayan; Sahu, Geet; Yazidi, Anis; Krejcar, Ondrej (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented threat to the global public health system, primarily infecting the airway epithelial cells in the respiratory tract. Chest X-ray (CXR) is widely available, faster, and less ...
    • NOVELICA: A Visual Novel System to Make People Forget Their Negative Feelings on Mathematics 

      Shikine, Nobumitsu; Yamanaka, Toshimasa; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Gomez Escribano, Javier; Hoshino, Junichi (Chapter, 2018)
      In this paper we present a new visual novel system “NOVELICA” which employed Japanese anime like character agent and segmented the lesson to conversation size. It is designed to make exciting pace like an entertainment ...
    • Novelty Detection in Knowledge Base Acceleration 

      Andresen, Ellen Wiig (Master thesis, 2013)
      Knowledge bases provide the users of the World Wide Web with a vast amount of structured information. They are meant to represent what we know about the world the way it is today. Therefore, every time something happens, ...
    • Noxed - A NOX Engine World Editor 

      Aune, Gisle; Strømme, Tor (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-23)
      Noxed is a 2D level editor built for – and with – the NOX Engine. It leverages the JSON file format of actors and world files to construct a world file that can be understood by the built-in means of world loading within ...
    • Noxplus 

      Tran, Tien Quoc; Bjørklund, Håkon; Rognlien, Even Arneberg (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      ENGLISH: Nox is a game engine used for creating 2D games. Noxplus is an extension to this game engine and covers two main modules. The first main module is to implement a time manipulation feature and develop new game ...
    • NSMs grunnprinsipper i praksis 

      Sandvik, Fabian Hauge; Fladvad, Erling Cockerell; Nilsen, Jørgen Torset (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med NSMs grunnprinsipper i praksis er å bidra til å redusere små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB) sin sårbarhet til IKT-sikkerhetshendelser. IKT-sikkerhetsarbeid kan være utfordrende for SMB som ofte har mindre ...
    • NTNU-1@ScienceIE at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Identifying and Labelling Keyphrases with Conditional Random Fields 

      Marsi, Erwin; Skidar, Utpal; Marco, Cristina; Barik, Biswanath; Sætre, Rune (Chapter, 2017)
      We present NTNU’s systems for Task A (prediction of keyphrases) and Task B (labelling as Material, Process or Task) at SemEval 2017 Task 10: Extracting Keyphrases and Relations from Scientific Publications (Augenstein et ...
    • NTNUI NDA-System 

      Ofrim, Mikkel; Remvang, Oskar (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      NTNUI er Norges største idrettsorganisasjon med et bredt spekter av idretter og et stort antall medlemmer. Som en følge av sin størrelse og medlemsmasse sitter organisasjonen på enorme mengder personlig informasjon om mange ...
    • NTWEAR15 

      Dølvik, Lars Bendik; Fjeld, John Christian G. (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Vi har laget en webapplikasjon for Norsk Tipping. Denne applikasjonen skal hjelpe Norsk Tipping i å aktivisere og sosialisere grasrotlagenes medlemmer. Ved å bruke vår applikasjon har man tjene opp grasrotcoins ved å være ...
    • NUBA: Non-Uniform Bandwidth GPUs 

      Zhao, Xia; Jahre, Magnus; Tang, Yuhua; Zhang, Guangda; Eeckhout, Lieven (Chapter, 2023)
      The parallel execution model of GPUs enables scaling to hundreds of thousands of threads, which is a key capability that many modern high-performance applications exploit. GPU vendors are hence increasing the compute and ...
    • Nucleotide Sequence Similarity Search Using Techniques from Content-Based Image Retrieval 

      Lysne, Eivind (Master thesis, 2015)
      The amount of DNA data continues to increase exponentially as a result of high- throughput next generation sequencing. Current state-of-the-art tools for nucleotide sequence similarity search are not equipped to deal with ...
    • Numerical evaluation on parametric choices influencing segmentation results in radiology images—a multi-dataset study 

      Prasad, Pravda Jith Ray; Survarachakan, Shanmugapriya; Khan, Zohaib Amjad; Lindseth, Frank; Elle, Ole Jacob; Albregtsen, Fritz; Kumar, Rahul Prasanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Medical image segmentation has gained greater attention over the past decade, especially in the field of image-guided surgery. Here, robust, accurate and fast segmentation tools are important for planning and navigation. ...
    • Nurse Scheduling and Rescheduling: Combining Optimization with Machine Learning-Driven Demand Predictions 

      Johansen, Anne-Sofie; Nag, Bendik; Tveit, Herborg Hermansen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Turnusplanlegging er avgjørende for alle sykehus for å sikre tilstrekkelig pasientbehandling og balansert arbeidsbelastning for sykepleierne. Det er et komplekst problem, og turnusplanen er utsatt for usikkerhet både i ...