• Depressive symptoms and mortality-findings from Helsinki birth cohort study 

      Eriksson, Mia D.; Eriksson, Johan G.; Korhonen, Päivi; Koponen, Hannu; Salonen, Minna K.; Mikkola, Tuija M.; Kajantie, Eero Olavi; Wasenius, Niko S.; von Bonsdorff, Mikaela; Kautiainen, Hannu; Laine, Merja K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Descent of fetal head during active pushing: secondary analysis of prospective cohort study investigating ultrasound examination before operative vaginal delivery 

      Kahrs, Birgitte Heiberg; Usman, Sana; Ghi, T; Youssef, A; Torkildsen, Erik A.; Lindtjørn, Elsa; Østborg, Tilde Broch; Benediktsdóttir, Sigurlaug; Brooks, L; Harmsen, Lotte; Salvesen, Kjell Å; Lees, C; Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objectives To investigate if descent of the fetal head during active pushing is associated with duration of operative vaginal delivery, mode of delivery and neonatal outcome in nulliparous women with prolonged second stage ...
    • Descent of the presenting part assessed with ultrasound 

      Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe; Hjartardottir, Hulda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Fetal head descent can be expressed as fetal station and engagement. Station is traditionally based on clinical vaginal examination of the distal part of the fetal skull and related to the level of the ischial spines. ...
    • Desflurane consumption with automated vapour control systems in two different anaesthesia machines. A randomized controlled study 

      Mostad, Dagmar; Klepstad, Pål; Follestad, Turid; Pleym, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: In general anaesthesia practice a fresh gas flow (FGF) of ≥0.5 L/min is usually applied. Automated gas delivery devices are developed to reduce volatile anaesthetic consumption by limiting gas flow. This study ...
    • Design, Development, and Evaluation of an mHealth App for Reporting of Side Effects During Cytostatic Treatment: Usability Test and Interview Study 

      Hægermark , Emil Carl Richard Aale ; Kongshaug, Nina Anita; Raj, Sunil Xavier; Hofsli, Eva; Faxvaag, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Using mobile health (mHealth) interventions such as smartphone apps to deliver health services is an opportunity to engage patients more actively in their own treatment. Usability tests allow for the evaluation ...
    • Detailed flow visualization in fetal and neonatal hearts using 2-D speckle tracking 

      Fadnes, Solveig; Nyrnes, Siri Ann; Wigen, Morten Smedsrud; Tegnander, Eva; Løvstakken, Lasse (Journal article, 2016)
      Two-dimensional blood speckle tracking has shown promise for measuring the complex flow patterns in neonatal hearts when based on linear array and high-frame-rate plane wave imaging. For phased array pediatric imaging, ...
    • Detailed statistical analysis plan for the Danish Palliative care trial (DanPaCT) 

      Johnsen, Anna T; Petersen, Morten A; Gluud, Christian; Lindschou, Jane; Fayers, Peter; Sjøgren, Per; Pedersen, Lise; Neergaard, Mette A; Vejlgaard, Tove Bahn; Damkier, Anette; Nielsen, Jan B; Strömgren, Annette S; Higginson, Irene J; Groenvold, Mogens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Background Advanced cancer patients experience considerable symptoms, problems, and needs. Early referral of these patients to specialized palliative care (SPC) could offer improvements. The Danish Palliative Care Trial ...
    • Detailed stratified GWAS analysis for severe COVID-19 in four European populations 

      Degenhardt, Frauke; Ellinghaus, David; Juzenas, Simonas; Lerga-Jaso, Jon; Wendorff, Mareike; Maya-Miles, Douglas; Uellendahl-Werth, Florian; ElAbd, Hesham; Lenning, Ole Bernt; Myhre, Ronny; Vadla, May Sissel; Holten, Aleksander Rygh; Kildal, Anders Benjamin; Lind, Andreas; Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Ma; Hoff, Dag Arne Lihaug; Müller, Fredrik; Solligård, Erik; Holter, Jan Cato; Afset, Jan Egil; Damås, Jan Kristian; Bergan, Jonas; Risnes, Kari; Muller, Karl Erik; Tonby, Kristian; Heggelund, Lars; Gustad, Lise Tuset; Grimsrud, Marit Mæhle; Dudman, Susanne Gjeruldsen; Folseraas, Trine; Skogen, Vegard; Hov, Johannes Espolin Roksund; Karlsen, Tom Hemming; Rühlemann, Malte C.; Arora, Jatin; Özer, Onur; Wacker, Eike Matthias; Wienbrandt, Lars; Ortiz, Aron Blandino; de Salazar, Adolfo; Chercoles, Adolfo Garrido; Palom, Adriana; Ruiz, Agustin; Garzia-Fernandez, Alba-Estela; Blanco-Grau, Albert; Mantovani, Alberto; Zanella, Alberto; Mayer, Alena; Bandera, Alessandra; Franke, Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Given the highly variable clinical phenotype of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a deeper analysis of the host genetic contribution to severe COVID-19 is important to improve our understanding of underlying disease ...
    • Detecting copy number variation in next generation sequencing data from diagnostic gene panels 

      Singh, Ashish Kumar; Olsen, Maren Fridtjofsen; Lavik, Liss Ane; Vold, Trine; Drabløs, Finn; Sjursen, Wenche (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background Detection of copy number variation (CNV) in genes associated with disease is important in genetic diagnostics, and next generation sequencing (NGS) technology provides data that can be used for CNV detection. ...
    • Detecting copy number variation in next generation sequencing data from diagnostic gene panels 

      Singh, Ashish Kumar; Olsen, Maren Fridtjofsen; Lavik, Liss Ane; Vold, Trine; Drabløs, Finn; Sjursen, Wenche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Detection of copy number variation (CNV) in genes associated with disease is important in genetic diagnostics, and next generation sequencing (NGS) technology provides data that can be used for CNV detection. ...
    • Detecting Toll-Like Receptor 8 

      Mevatne, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2020)
      Toll-lignende reseptorer (TLR)er er reseptorer i det iboende immunsystemet som kan binde et bredt utvalg av mikrobe-tilknyttede molekylære mønstre (MAMP)s. Ved deres aktivering, utløses et bredt spekter av cellulære ...
    • Detection and differentiation of breast cancer sub-types using a cPLA2a activatable fluorophore 

      Chiorazzo, MG; Tunset, Hanna Maja; Popov, AV; Johansen, Berit; Moestue, Siver Andreas; Delikatny, EJ (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Cytosolic phospholipase A2α (cPLA2α) has been shown to be elevated in breast cancer and is a potential biomarker in the differentiation of molecular sub-types. Using a cPLA2α activatable fluorophore, DDAO arachidonate, we ...
    • Detection of congenital heart defects in a non-selected population of 42,381 fetuses 

      Tegnander, Eva (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:112, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      Bakgrunn Siden 1986 har alle gravide i Norge fått tilbud om en ultralydundersøkelse ved 18 uker i svangerskapet. En av hensiktene med undersøkelsen er å oppdage sykdom hos fosteret for å optimalisere oppfølging, tidspunkt ...
    • Detection of germline variants with pathogenic potential in 48 patients with familial colorectal cancer by using whole exome sequencing 

      Singh, Ashish Kumar; Talseth-Palmer, Bente Anita; Xavier, Alexandre; Scott, Rodney J.; Drabløs, Finn Sverre; Sjursen, Wenche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Hereditary genetic mutations causing predisposition to colorectal cancer are accountable for approximately 30% of all colorectal cancer cases. However, only a small fraction of these are high penetrant mutations ...
    • Detection of phenotype-specific therapeutic vulnerabilities in breast cells using a CRISPR loss-of-function screen 

      Barkovskaya, Anna; Goodwin, Craig; Seip, Kotryna; Hilmarsdòttir, Bylgja; Pettersen, Solveig; Stalnecker, Clint; Engebraaten, Olav; Briem, Eirikur; Der, Channing J; Moestue, Siver Andreas; Guðjónsson, Þórarinn; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Prasmickaite, Lina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Cellular phenotype plasticity between the epithelial and mesenchymal states has been linked to metastasis and heterogeneous responses to cancer therapy, and remains a challenge for the treatment of triple-negative breast ...
    • Detection of recurrent prostate cancer with 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI 

      Selnæs, Kirsten Margrete; Krüger-Stokke, Brage; Elschot, Mattijs; Johansen, Håkon; Steen, Per Arvid; Langørgen, Sverre; Aksnessæther, Bjørg Yksnøy; Indrebø, Gunnar; Sjøbakk, Torill Eidhammer; Tessem, May-Britt; Moestue, Siver Andreas; Knobel, Heidi; Tandstad, Torgrim; Bertilsson, Helena; Solberg, Arne; Bathen, Tone Frost (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Objective: Simultaneous PET/MRI combines soft-tissue contrast of MRI with high molecular sensitivity of PET in one session. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate detection rates of recurrent prostate cancer by ...
    • Detection of spermatozoa and male DNA after sexual assault: A descriptive study from a Sexual assault center 

      Urke, Kristiane Erlendsdotter; Takle, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2019)
      Background: Previous population based prevalence studies have shown that 1 out of 10 women in Norway have been raped and that only 11 % of these undergo a medical examination. A recent report claim that only 10 % of Norwegian ...
    • Detection of spliced mRNA from human bocavirus 1 in clinical samples from children with respiratory tract infections 

      Christensen, Andreas; Døllner, Henrik; Skanke, Lars Høsøien; Krokstad, Sidsel; Moe, Nina; Nordbø, Svein Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is a parvovirus associated with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children, but a causal relation has not yet been confirmed. To develop a qualitative reverse transcription PCR to detect ...
    • Detection of subgenomic mRNA from endemic human coronavirus OC43 and NL63 compared to viral genomic loads, single virus detection and clinical manifestations in children with respiratory tract infections 

      Heimdal, Inger; Lysvand, Hilde; Krokstad, Sidsel; Christensen, Andreas; Døllner, Henrik; Nordbø, Svein Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background The importance of endemic human coronavirus (HCoV) in children has been insufficiently elucidated upon. Our aims were to develop subgenomic (sg) mRNA tests for HCoV species OC43 and NL63, and to evaluate the ...
    • Deterioration in Muscle Mass and Physical Function Differs According to Weight loss History in Cancer Cachexia 

      Stene, Guro Birgitte; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Leer, Anne Silja Mäkitalo; Bye, Asta; Kaasa, Stein; Fallon, Marie T.; Laird, Barry J; Maddocks, Matthew; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: Muscle mass and physical function (PF) are common co-primary endpoints in cancer cachexia trials, but there is a lack of data on how these outcomes interact over time. The aim of this secondary analysis of data ...