Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap (MH)
Recent Submissions
Executive Functions in the Chronic Phase of Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury: A randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of pediatric Goal Management Training and Associations with Long-term Outcome
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:304, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Pediatric acquired brain injury (pABI), both traumatic and non-traumatic such as brain tumor or stroke, result in more diffuse and enduring impairments compared to adult ABI. These injuries, occurring during ongoing ... -
Investigating Trait and State Risk Factors for Substance Use Among Young Adults in Norway
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:311, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Substance use and substance use disorders (SUD) cause significant mental, physical, and societal costs and suffering. This creates a need for prevention and timely interventions based on appropriate risk models. Cognitive ... -
Impact of inflammatory signals in multiple myeloma – the role of interleukin-32 and toll-like receptors
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)En studie av inflammatoriske signaler i myelomatose: fokus på rollen til interleukin-32 og toll-liknende reseptorer Myelomatose, også kalt beinmargkreft, skyldes ukontrollert vekst av plasmaceller i beinmargen. Plasmaceller ... -
The Bachelor's Thesis in Nursing Education and its impact on evidence-based practice. Perspectives from students and supervisors
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:316, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The bachelor’s thesis (BT) in nursing education is both a summative assignment with the possibility to assess the students’ accumulated knowledge and a pedagogical assignment with the intention to bridge theory and practice ... -
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire in a preschool sample
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Purpose: The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is widely used internationally, however less so in preschool populations and validations studies are thus needed. This study examined the psychometric properties ... -
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) as a marker of alcohol consumption with particular focus on women: Could there be a future for increased use?
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:312, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English summary Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance and it carries significant harm to the fetus. It not only leads to psychological, physical, and familial issues for the individual, but also imposes a substantial ... -
Opplevd handlingsrom for sosialt ansvarlig bærekraftig ledelse, gjennom helsefremmende arbeidsplasser: En casestudie av mellomledere i NAV
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Hensikt: Det norske arbeidslivet møter samfunnsutfordringer tilknyttet forventninger om bærekraftig utvikling, effektiv ressursbruk og ledelse som tilrettelegger for at flere kan være i arbeid og over lengre ... -
Den koordinerende operasjonssykepleierens rolle i tiden før knivstart; En kvalitativ studie av operasjonssykepleiere
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Det er en voksende utfordring globalt at pasientene utsettes for skader i operasjonsavdelingen. Gjennom operasjonssykepleiernes yrkesutøvelse skal man gi helhetlig omsorg. Man skal ha detaljert kunnskap ... -
Sammenhenger mellom selvrapporterte støyplager og søvnproblemer og psykiske plager blant voksne i HUNT4
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Europa taper årlig opptil en million friske leveår som følge av miljøstøy. Urbanisering og støyeksponering er økende, og miljøstøy er et folkehelseproblem. Støy har flere negative effekter på helsen, både ... -
Sykepleieres erfaringer med å ivareta den våkne respiratorpasienten
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduksjon Sedasjonspraksiser har forandret seg betydelig i løpet av de siste tjue årene. Tidligere lå alle respiratorpasienter dypt sedert. Forskningsbaserte bevis indikerer at disse praksisene er assosiert med høyere ... -
Circular RNA Profile in Atherosclerotic Disease: Regulation during ST-Elevated Myocardial Infarction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Circular (circ) RNAs are non-coding RNAs with important functions in the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and cancer. Their role in atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction (MI) remains poorly described. We aim to ... -
Enhancing Palliative Care in Primary Healthcare for Patients with Cancer: Integrating Advance Care Planning to Support Home-Based Care at the End-of-Life
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:295, Doctoral thesis, 2024)According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a significant global health issue and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. An increasing number of cancer patients, live longer with modern oncology ... -
On the road from low to high-value care: Designing, implementing and evaluating a pilot intervention to reduce low-value imaging in Norway
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:287, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background The use of diagnostic imaging that does not contribute to improving patient health may be considered low value. Such examinations may result in delays for appropriate care and constitute potential risks in terms ... -
Sleep Disturbances, Epilepsy, EEG findings and Clinical function in Norwegian Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:285, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Søvnforstyrrelser, epilepsi, EEG-funn og klinisk funksjon hos norske barn med føtalt alkohol spektrumforstyrrelse (FASD) Vi har utført en omfattende undersøkelse av barn og ungdom med diagnosen FASD som har vært til ... -
Child Maltreatment: To Report or Not to Report? It’s More Complex than That
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Child maltreatment (CM) is a widespread problem, contributing to health and societal difficulties often throughout the lifespan. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) who see potential warning signs for CM are responsible for ... -
Sosioøkonomiske ulikheter i bruk av ulike helsetjenester blant voksne i HUNT 4 (2017 - 2019)
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Det norske helsevesenet er i stor grad offentlig finansiert og organisert, hvor verdigrunnlaget om lik tilgang til likeverdige helsetjenester står sterkt. Det er pasientens medisinske behov som skal ... -
A large conditioned pain modulation response is not related to a large blood pressure response: A study in healthy men
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)A large conditioned pain modulation response is not related to a large blood pressure response: A study in healthy men -
The effect of sleep restriction on laser evoked potentials, thermal sensory and pain thresholds and suprathreshold pain in healthy subjects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Objective: Sleep restriction seems to change our experience of pain and reduce laser evoked potential (LEP) amplitudes. However, although LEP-habituation abnormalities have been described in painful conditions with comorbid ... -
Potentials and Limitations of MOOCs in Vocational Teacher Education; Postgraduate Vocational Students’ Perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Recommendations on practice of conditioned pain modulation (CPM) testing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Protocols for testing conditioned pain modulation (CPM) vary betweendifferent labs/clinics. In order to promote research and clinical applicationof this tool, we summarize the recommendations of interested researchersconsensus ...