• Manuell oppfølging av sau på beite 

      Mork, Nikolai; Rebner, Anders Hoelseth (Master thesis, 2022)
      Det lovpålagte oppsynet av sau på utmarksbeite har frem til i dag foregått ved notering med penn og papir, som er utfordrende i vær og vind, og som gjør overføringen fra notater til digital årsrapport tidkrevende. Denne ...
    • MAP inference in dynamic hybrid Bayesian networks 

      Ramos-López, Dario; Masegosa, Andres; Martinez, Ana M.; Salmeron, Antonio; Nielsen, Thomas D.; Langseth, Helge; Madsen, Anders L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this paper, we study the maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem in dynamic hybrid Bayesian networks. We are interested in finding the sequence of values of a class variable that maximizes the posterior probability given ...
    • Map Visualizations Of Contaminated Water - Usability Research In Zimbabwe: GIS Supported Organization And Presentation Of Data On Contaminated Water Caused By Mining Operations 

      Sørjoten, Merete (Master thesis, 2006)
      The aim of this project was to find a method for organization and visualization of water contamination in a mining area north of Harare in Zimbabwe. This was important because it does not exist a synopsis that gives a good ...
    • maplib: Interactive, Literal RDF Model Mapping for Industry 

      Bakken, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Knowledge graphs are important for industrial digitalization. Industrial knowledge graphs are often mapped from multiple existing large data sources, and creating a mapping requires the time of scarce subject matter experts ...
    • Mapping child–computer interaction research through co-word analysis 

      Giannakos, Michail; Papamitsiou, Zacharoula; Markopoulos, Panos; Read, Janet; Hourcade, Juan Pablo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper employs hierarchical clustering, strategic diagrams, and network analysis to construct an intellectual map of the Child–Computer Interaction research field (CCI) and to visualize the thematic landscape of this ...
    • Mapping next generation sequence data - existing methods and a new non-coding RNA pipeline 

      Steiro, Espen (Master thesis, 2011)
      This paper touches on several different aspects in the field of bioinformatics.Some of the challenges facing the bioinformatics community will be discussedalong with why these challenges still need a lot of research. How ...
    • Mapping Quantitative Observer Metamerism of Displays 

      Trumpy, Giorgio; Andersen, Casper Find; Farup, Ivar; Elezabi, Omar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Observer metamerism (OM) is the name given to the variability between the color matches that individual observers consider accurate. The standard color imaging approach, which uses color-matching functions of a single ...
    • Mapping Tools for Open Source Intelligence with Cyber Kill Chain for Adversarial Aware Security 

      Yamin, Muhammad Mudassar; Ullah, Mohib; Ullah, Habib; Katt, Basel; Hijji, Mohammad; Muhammad, Khan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools are used for gathering information using different publicly available sources. With the rapid advancement in information technology and excessive use of social media in our daily ...
    • MARCO: An Experimental High-Performance Compiler for Large-Scale Modelica Models 

      Agosta, Giovanni; Casella, Francesco; Cattaneo, Daniele; Cherubin, Stefano; Leva, Alberto; Scuttari, Michele; Terraneo, Federico (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper introduces MARCO, a research compiler aimed at the efficient generation of efficient simulation code from a large-scale Modelica model. MARCO’s design goals, requirements, and specifications are dis- cussed in ...
    • MARF: The Medial Atom Ray Field object representation 

      Sundt, Peder Bergebakken; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We propose Medial Atom Ray Fields (MARFs), a novel neural object representation that enables accurate differentiable surface rendering with a single network evaluation per camera ray. Existing neural ray fields struggle ...
    • MARF: The Medial Atom Ray Field object representation 

      Sundt, Peder Bergebakken; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Marine Traffic Portal 

      Gustavsen, Sjur; Jørgensen, Mathias; Nilsen, Sebastian (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Accenture flyttet nylig kontorlokalene sine til bryggen i Trondheim. Grunnet dette opplevde de en økt interesse i båttrafikken bland de ansatte. Derav ønsket Ac- centure et moderne nettsted hvor all kommersiell maritim ...
    • A Markov-Switching model for building occupant activity estimation 

      Wolf, Sebastian; Møller, Jan; Bitsch, Magnus Alexander; Krogstie, John; Madsen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Heating and ventilation strategies in buildings can be improved significantly if information about the current presence and activity level of the occupants is taken into account. Therefore, there is a high demand for ...
    • Marvin - Intelligent Corridor Guide 

      Hartvigsen, Ole Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      Intelligent helpers are becoming increasingly popular as computer systems are being used in new areas and by new users every day. Programs and robots that communicate with users in a human-like way offer friendlier and ...
    • Masking Communication Overhead for a Finite Difference Shallow Water Equations Solver 

      Brate, Frithjof (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne avhandlingen fokuserer vi på å undersøke effekten av varierende tykkelser på kantutvekslinger for en proxy-applikasjon. Mengden data i utvekslingene påvirker kostnaden av beregningene og overheaden i forbindelse ...
    • Masking in chrominance channels of natural images — Data, analysis, and prediction 

      Kitanovski, Vlado; Pedersen, Marius (Chapter, 2017)
      This paper addresses the visual masking that occurs in the chrominance channels of natural images. We present results from a psychophysical experiment designed to obtain local thresholds of just noticeable log-Gabor ...
    • Maskinlæring for bevegelsesanalyse 

      Olsson, Emil Orvik; Revillard, Ann-Marie Aeronuwy Françoise (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Mange mennesker blir eldre og eldre i dagens samfunn. Parallelt med at folk blir eldre senkes livskvaliteten og fører med seg ulike fysiske og psykiske skader. Det er bevist at fysisk helse har en stor innvirkning på sunn ...
    • Maskinlæring for predikering av live odds 

      Hunstad, Christian; Reinholdt, Daniel (Master thesis, 2017)
      Dette prosjektet har hatt som mål å forbedre måten kalkulering av odds gjøres på for et spesifikt tippemarked i fotball. Ved å bruke historisk data samlet inn av Sportradar under fotballkamper, har vi laget maskinlæringsmodeller ...
    • Maskinsyn for hastighetsestimering av undervannsdrone 

      Kalstad, Mikael; Tronstad, Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I dette prosjektet har vi forsket på to ulike maskinsyns-algoritmer for hastighetsestimering av en undervannsdrone. Løsningene er produsert for SINTEF Ocean AS, hvor de skal brukes på en undervannsdrone som beveger seg ...
    • Massively Online Games with Food Chains 

      Collet, Thibault (Master thesis, 2007)
      MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) are today a multi-bilion dollar industry where typically thousands of players interact in a virtual world. Two of the main complaints of the MMOG community are the lack of interaction ...