Now showing items 2812-2831 of 6766

    • Forståelsen av skybasert ERP: Faktorer som påvirker beslutningen om overgang/adopsjon i SMB-er 

      Knive, Hermann; Damsleth, Christian (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Private bedrifter i dagens næringsliv benytter ERP-systemer, som enten er tradisjonelle, hybride eller skybaserte, som en viktig del av sin arbeidshverdag. Ved oppfordring fra vår oppdragsgiver, TietoEvry, ble det uttrykt ...
    • Forum for brukkerrepresentanter 

      Bylund, Kristin; Forfot, Alexander (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Målet med denne rapporten er å fremheve løsningen vi har utviklet, tilhørende dokumentasjon og hvordan vi har jobbet gjennom prosjektperioden. Hovedfokuset ligger i å beskrive hvilke vurderinger som ligger til grunn for å ...
    • Fostering Learners’ Performance with On-demand Metacognitive Feedback 

      Papamitsiou, Zacharoula; Economides, Anastasios; Giannakos, Michail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Activating learners’ deeper thinking mechanisms and reflective judgement (i.e., metacognition) improves learning performance. This study exploits visual analytics to promote metacognition and delivers task-related ...
    • Fostering Smart Cities based on an Enterprise Architecture Approach 

      Bokolo, Anthony Junior; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (Journal article, 2020)
      The concept of smart cities means using data and information communication technology (ICT) to manage a city’s resources to create a sustainable environment, benefit the economy and improve quality of life. Unfortunately, ...
    • Fotorealistiske bilder for objekt-gjennfinning 

      Nygård, Arve (Master thesis, 2016)
      Med basis i en database av 3d-modeller fra Princeton genererer vi et datasett med 2d-bilder som kan brukes til trening og testing av algoritmer for objekt-gjenfinning. Det resulterende datasettet samt rammeverket som ble ...
    • FPGA Framework for CMP 

      Østby, Kenneth (Master thesis, 2007)
      The single core processor stagnated due to four major factors. (1) The lack of instruction level parallelism to exploit, (2) increased power consumption, (3) complexity involved in designing a modern processor, and (4) the ...
    • FPGA realization of a public key block cipher 

      Fjellskaalnes, Stig (Master thesis, 2009)
      This report will cover the physical realization of a public key algorithm based on multivariate quadratic quasigroups. The intension is that this implementation will use real keys and data. Efforts are also taken in order ...
    • Fra data til TV-grafikk: En applikasjon som dynamisk håndterer data ved bruk av flytdiagram 

      Mediå, Fredrik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne rapporten forklarer hvilke teknologier jeg har benyttet for å lage en programvare med intensjon om å gi grafikkoperatører i NEP Norway AS full kontroll over data fra scoringsystemer til bruk i TV-grafikk. Programmet ...
    • Fra papir til Teams - digitalisering av en arbeidsplass med multicloud 

      Misund, Erlend Sandøy; Vadla, Njål (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med Atea i Trondheim, hvor det ble utarbeidet en multiskyløsning med Microsoft Azure og Amazon Web Services. Prosjektgruppen består av to studenter ved Institutt for datateknologi ...
    • Fra regneark til full stack - Utvikling av registreringssystem for Matsentralen 

      Lillehaug, Lars Andreas; Matre, Erlend; Skretting, Vetle Malmin (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler utvikling av et registreringssystem for Matsentralen. Matsentralen er en organisasjon som har til formål å kutte matsvinn ved å omfordele overskuddsmat fra matbransjen til ideelle organisasjoner ...
    • Fractal and multifractal analysis of PET/CT images of metastatic melanoma before and after treatment with ipilimumab 

      Breki, Christina-Marina; Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia; Hassel, Jessica; Theoharis, Theoharis; Sachpekidis, Christos; Pan, Leyun; Provata, Astero (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Background PET/CT with F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) images of patients suffering from metastatic melanoma have been analysed using fractal and multifractal analysis to assess the impact of monoclonal antibody ipilimumab ...
    • A Framework for Digital Transformation for Research and Practice: Putting Things into Perspective 

      Mikalef, Patrick; Parmiggiani, Elena (Chapter, 2022)
      The past years of researching digital transformation and the accumulated experience of practitioners in deploying projects of novel digital technologies have allowed us to gain much valuable insight about the process. From ...
    • Framework for java games to learn software architecture 

      Mosti, Øyvind Andre (Master thesis, 2009)
      The project explores how we can make and use a java game development framework to shorten the development process in small projects connected to a course in software architecture at NTNU. The framework should let the ...
    • Framework for Multi-player GameWall Interaction 

      Gamnes, Vegard; Elvemo, Aleksander Aanesl. (Master thesis, 2013)
      This report describes the experiences and results made by developing a multimodal web application framework. The framework, called FIGA, is to assist developers in creating web applications where users share a common screen. ...
    • A Framework for Online Document Verification Using Self-Sovereign Identity Technology 

      Satybaldy, Abylay; Subedi, Anushka; Nowostawski, Mariusz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      As the world is gradually moving towards digitization, forgery of vital digital documents has become relatively easy. Therefore, the need for efficient and secure verification and authentication practices of digital documents ...
    • Framework for Polygonal Structures Computations on Clusters 

      Larsen, Leif Christian (Master thesis, 2007)
      Seismological applications use a 3D grid to represent the subsea rock structure. Many computations, such as detecting layers of rock in the seismic, can be done using the 3D grid exclusively. However, some algorithms for ...
    • Framework for Proactive Enterprises - Evaluation and Enhancement 

      Hamnvik, Eirik (Master thesis, 2018)
      Enterprises in today s world find themselves in fast-changing environments and should for that reason be applicable to change. By being proactive and agile, enterprises can be early adopters of newfound opportunities, ...
    • Framework for Real-Time Editing of Endless Procedural Terrains 

      Helsing, Johan Klokkhammer (Master thesis, 2014)
      Procedural content generation is the act of creating video game content automatically, through algorithmic means. In online procedural generation, content is generated as the game is running on the consumer's computer. Online ...
    • Framework for real-time forest fire animation: Simulating fire spread using the GPU 

      Kjærnet, Øystein (Master thesis, 2010)
      In 2009 Odd Erik Gundersen and Jo Skjermo described a conceptual framework for animating physically based forest fires. This project expands on their ideas with a focus on how modern graphics hardware can be utilized to ...
    • A framework for software vendor selection by applying Inconsistency and Conflict Removal (ICR) method 

      Rani, Anshul; Mishra, Deepti; Omerovic, Aida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In a software ecosystem, companies’ stakeholders make various decisions and perform various tasks to ensure the strategic and architectural goals of the company. Analyzing vendor capabilities and making decisions to select ...