• A visual scoping review of plastic consumption in everyday life 

    Kaplan Sarisaltik, Ayse; Gulden, Tore; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    This scoping literature review aimed to understand state-of-the-art knowledge about plastic consumption in the context of daily life by identifying controversies and interventions addressed in the reviewed articles. First, ...
  • Dispersive Wave Focusing on a Shear Current: Part 1—Linear Approximations 

    Ellingsen, Simen Ådnøy; Zheng, Zibo; Abid, Malek; Kharif, Christian; Li, Yan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    We consider the evolution and kinematics during dispersive focussing, for a group of waves propagating atop currents varying with depth. Our analysis assumes long-crested linear waves propagating at arbitrary angles relative ...
  • The sticky particle dynamics of the 1D pressureless Euler-alignment system as a gradient flow 

    Galtung, Sondre Tesdal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    We show how the sticky dynamics for the one-dimensional pressureless Euler-alignment system can be obtained as an L2-gradient flow of a convex functional. This is analogous to the Lagrangian evolution introduced by Natile ...
  • How to tame a catoblepas 

    Toorman, Jeske; Haukioja, Jussi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Two recent experimental studies, by Shaun Nichols et al. and by Michael Devitt & Brian Porter claim to find evidence for the view that both causal-historical factors and descriptive factors play a role in determining the ...
  • Salma ved reisens slutt. Etikk og teknologiske avsporinger i debatten om genredigering av oppdrettslaks 

    Winther, Hannah; Myskja, Bjørn Kåre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Oppdrettsnæringen preges av store miljø- og velferdsutfordringer. Vi diskuterer en mulig løsning, nemlig genredigering av oppdrettslaks ved bruk av CRISPR. Pågående debatter om CRISPR handler om hvorvidt slike teknologier ...

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