Browsing Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk by Title
Now showing items 3113-3132 of 7224
Gab-SSDS: An AI-Based Similar Days Selection Method for Load Forecast
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The important, while mostly underestimated, step in the process of short-term load forecasting–STLF is the selection of similar days. Similar days are identified based on numerous factors, such as weather, time, electricity ... -
Game AI: micromanagement in Star Craft.
(Master thesis, 2010)Real-time strategy (RTS) games are both popular among players as well as among academics. A typical RTS gameplay can be divided into macromanagement and micromanagement. Other researchers have successfully applied Case-based ... -
Game elicitation: exploring assistance in delayed-effect supply chain decision making
(Chapter, 2020)Socio-technical systems are creating work environments that are data-driven and real-time oriented. While algorithms can assist in this complex environment, decision making still predominantly relies on humans. An inadequate ... -
Game Enhanced Lectures: An Implementation and Analysis of a Lecture Game
(Master thesis, 2007)Educational games have recently caught the attention of educational organizations witnessing newfound potential that is not achievable through traditional lectures. By reviewing findings from authoritative theory, we present ... -
Game feedback mechanisms supporting reflection and self-efficacy in learning work-related soft skills
(Master thesis, 2019)Unge voksne som er nye til arbeidslivet har ofte ferdigheter utviklet gjennom utdanning, sertifisering eller andre aktiviteter, som vil hjelpe dem med å få en bestemt jobb. Det er derimot uvanlig å undervise mellommenneskelige ... -
Game Mechanic based E-Learning: A case study
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis presents a case study of Game Mechanic based E-Learning. This is put forward as a new approach to E-Learning that tries to mimic games to harness some of their motivational properties. A prototype system was ... -
Game of Git - Developing and testing an educational game for learning Git version control system
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne masteroppgaven fortsetter vi å utvikle en spillbasert prototype rettet mot læring av Git versjonskontrollsystem, som ble utviklet under spesialiseringsprosjektet 'Game of Git' av Francis & Thorvik (2023). Denne ... -
Game of Git - Developing and testing an educational game for learning Git version control system
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne masteroppgaven fortsetter vi å utvikle en spillbasert prototype rettet mot læring av Git versjonskontrollsystem, som ble utviklet under spesialiseringsprosjektet 'Game of Git' av Francis & Thorvik (2023). Denne ... -
Game-based digital quiz as a tool for improving students’ engagement and learning in online lectures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Distance teaching and learning are gaining popularity, especially amidst the COVID-19 crisis at the beginning of 2020. Several schools, colleges, and universities across the globe, as a result, have adopted the online mode ... -
Game-based Learning - Motion-based Educational Game
(Master thesis, 2016)This master s project is dedicated to investigate the potential for educational games with a motion controller based interface. Through professor Alf Inge Wang at NTNU we were assigned the task of brainstorming and developing ... -
Game-based learning design and evaluation: Towards better understanding and improvement
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:214, Doctoral thesis, 2021)In recent years, Game-based learning (GBL) has proliferated rapidly and is widely used in various fields to improve learning. Educational games can actively engage learners and meet individual learning situations, making ... -
Game-Based Learning for IoT: the Tiles inventor toolkit
(Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a Game-Based Learning Design Pattern for designing Internet of Things (IoT) applications, as well as an instance of this particular pattern, namely the ‘Tiles inventor game’. This educational game has ... -
[Game-based Learning] The Knowledge Challenge Game
(Master thesis, 2015)Denne masteroppgaven ser på hvilke løsninger som finnes for flerspiller mobilspill og fokuserer på en metode kalt "time-shifting". Vi vil presentere en "time-shifted" quiz-applikasjon som vi utviklet til Android for å teste ... -
Games for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Education: Review and Perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Digital games have gained significance as a new paradigm in education. Digital games are accessible and affordable to anyone and provide opportunities for at-scale teaching and learning. In recent years, there has been ... -
Gamification in Environmental Education: Investigating the Impact of coralQuest on Learning Experience and Perceptions of Environmental Education for K-12 Students
(Master thesis, 2023)Miljøundervisning er avgjørende for å takle dagens miljøutfordringer og oppnå FNs bærekraftsmål. Imidlertid klarer tradisjonelle undervisningsmetoder ofte ikke å engasjere og motivere elevene effektivt. For å forbedre ... -
Gamification of Chores
(Master thesis, 2021)I dagens samfunn øker antallet folk som eier smarttelefoner daglig. Spill er blant de mest populære mobilapplikasjonstypene. I tillegg til den høye bruken av mobilspill, pleier folk å gjøre minimalt med husarbeid. Dette ... -
Gamification of Chores
(Master thesis, 2021)I dagens samfunn øker antallet folk som eier smarttelefoner daglig. Spill er blant de mest populære mobilapplikasjonstypene. I tillegg til den høye bruken av mobilspill, pleier folk å gjøre minimalt med husarbeid. Dette ... -
Gamification of Chores
(Master thesis, 2020)I dag bruker en betydelig del av befolkningen smarttelefoner på daglig basis. Spredningen av denne teknologien og dens anvendelse under forskjellige omstendigheter har blitt et attraktivt felt for forskere. Spesielt ... -
Gamification of Chores
(Master thesis, 2020)I dag bruker en betydelig del av befolkningen smarttelefoner på daglig basis. Spredningen av denne teknologien og dens anvendelse under forskjellige omstendigheter har blitt et attraktivt felt for forskere. Spesielt ... -
Gamification of Curricula for Primary, Lower Secondary, and Upper Secondary Schools
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Oppigjennom årene har læringsmetoder utviklet seg mer og mer fra de tradisjonelle metodene for å holde følge med moderniseringen av multimedia. NTNU Gjøvik ønsker å utforske mulighetene til å gi lærerne en plattform til å ...