• Trygg Heim - Teknologi og tjenester som effektiviserer og forbedrer omsorgstjenester i hjemmet 

      Kofod-Petersen, Anders; Dahl, Yngve; Brørs, Kirsti Fossland; Murvold, Viggo (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      Denne rapporten beskriver resultater fra et forprosjekt finansiert av Regionale forskningsfond – Midt-Norge. Forprosjektet har vært et samarbeid mellom Trondheim kommune, Malvik kommune og SINTEF. Rapporten presenterer ...
    • Trygghet i helsesystemer, kan vi beskytte oss mot uønskede hendelser? 

      Bonvik, Ole Roar (Master thesis, 2012)
      Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven har vært å se om det finnes anvendbare metodikker for å kunne identifisere trusselfaktorer i et systems omgivelser, som kan være med på å forårsake uønskede hendelser i en leveransekjede ...
    • TSES-R: An Extended Scale for Measuring Parental Expectations toward Robots for Children in Healthcare 

      Zhang, Feiran; Broz, Frank; Ferrari, Oriana; Barakova, Emilia (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      There is a growing interest in implementing robotics applications for children in healthcare to provide companionship, comfort, education, and therapy. Parental expectations regarding robotics for young children play a ...
    • Tuberkulosearbeid i lys av Samhandlingsreformen - med fokus på IKT som virkemiddel 

      Baardsgaard, Anne-Lise (Master thesis, 2015)
      Samhandlingsreformen er utarbeidet for å møte noen uttalte utfordringer i det norske helsevesenet og som et middel for å oppnå «Rett behandling, på rett sted, til rett tid». Det er sammen med samhandlingsreformen definert ...
    • TucGui: eksponere GeneTUC sin kunnskapsbase for biologer. 

      Hagen, Fredrik Medby (Master thesis, 2005)
      Tuc er et system med mange samarbeidende deler og prosesser, for eksempel; forstå setninger brukere trykker inn, lete fram svar, gi tilbake svar på forståelig form, øke kunnskapsbasen og plugge inn nye domene-modeller. Som ...
    • TULIPP: Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms 

      Ruf, Boitumelo; Muddukrishna, Ananya; Göhringer, Diana; Schuchert, Tobias; Ehrenstråhle, Carl; Paolillo, Antonio; Marty, Fabien; Christensen, Flemming; Tchouchenkov, Igor; Bernard, Guillaume; Kalms, Lester; Pons, Carlota; Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar; Rodriguez, Ben; Jahre, Magnus; Duhem, Francois; Peterson, Magnus; Millet, Philippe; Kalb, Tobias; Lemer, Christian (IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (IC-SAMOS);, Chapter, 2016)
      Many industrial domains rely on vision-based applications which require to comply with severe performance and embedded requirements. TULIPP will develop a reference platform, which consists of a hardware system, a tool ...
    • Tuning Abstractive Summarization Models Towards Increased Novelty 

      Havikbotn, Eivind Tveita (Master thesis, 2018)
      Neural machine translation models, based on attention and pointer-mechanism, has in recent studies been successfully applied to the task of Abstractive Summarization of long documents such as news articles. Although ...
    • Tuning the victim selection policy of Intel TBB 

      Iordan, Alexandru Ciprian; Jahre, Magnus; Natvig, Lasse (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11)
      The wide adoption of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) in almost all ICT segments has triggered a change in the way software needs to be developed. Parallel programming maximizes the performance and energy efficiency of CMPs, ...
    • Turbo Amber: A high-performance processor core for SHMAC 

      Akre, Anders Tvetmarken; Bøe, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2014)
      The performance increase of state of the art processors has stagnated dueto power and thermal constraints. Heterogeneous computing has latelyattracted interest and may be the key for improving the performanceand energy-efficiency ...
    • Turning a Digital Camera into an Absolute 2D Tele‐Colorimeter 

      Guarnera, Giuseppe Claudio; Bianco, Simone; Schettini, Raimondo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We present a simple and effective technique for absolute colorimetric camera characterization, invariant to changes in exposure/aperture and scene irradiance, suitable in a wide range of applications including image‐based ...
    • Turning Eight Family Homes Into Interactive, Pervasive Playgrounds During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown 

      Matjeka, Louise Petersen; Svanæs, Dag; Wang, Alf Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Turning Poachers into Gamekeepers: Detecting Machine-Generated Text in Academia Using Large Language Models 

      Sivesind, Nicolai Thorer; Winje, Andreas Bentzen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Introduksjonen av store generative språkmodeller har nylig ført til store endringer i samfunnet. Innen for akademia, blir det gitt uttrykk for bekymringer knyttet til deres potensial for misbruk i akademiske kontekster ...
    • TV2++: a novel spatial-temporal total variation for super resolution with exponential-type norm 

      Deng, Lizhen; Zhou, Zhetao; Xu, Guoxia; Zhu, Hu; Bao, Bing-Kun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Recently, many super-resolution algorithms have been proposed to recover high-resolution images to improve visualization and help better analyze images. Among them, total variation regularization (TV) methods have been ...
    • Tweet Sentiment, Sentiment Trend, and a Comparison with Financial Trend Indicators. 

      Kirø, Magnus Løken (Master thesis, 2014)
      Background: As Twitter has become a global microblogging site, it s influ-ence in the stock market has become noticeable. This makes tweets an interest-ing medium for gathering sentiment. A sentiment that might influence ...
    • Twig: Multi-Agent Task Management for Colocated Latency-Critical Cloud Services 

      Nishtala, Rajiv; Petrucci, Vinicius; Carpenter, Paul; Själander, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Many of the important services running on data centres are latency-critical, time-varying, and demand strict user satisfaction. Stringent tail-latency targets for colocated services and increasing system complexity make ...
    • Twig: Profile-Guided BTB Prefetching for Data Center Applications 

      Ahmed Khan, Tanvir; Brown, Nathan; Sriraman, Akshitha; Soundararajan, Niranjan; Kumar, Rakesh; Devietti, Joseph; Subramoney, Sreenivas; Pokam, Gilles; Litz, Heiner; Kasikci, Baris (Chapter, 2021)
      Modern data center applications have deep software stacks, with instruction footprints that are orders of magnitude larger than typical instruction cache (I-cache) sizes. To efficiently prefetch instructions into the I-cache ...
    • A Twin XCBR System Using Supportive and Contrastive Explanations 

      Bayrak, Betül; Bach, Kerstin (Chapter, 2023)
      Machine learning models are increasingly being applied in safety-critical domains. Therefore, ensuring their trustworthiness and reliability has become a priority. Uncertainty measures the lack of trust in these models, ...
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis - Exploring Automatic Creation of Sentiment Lexica 

      Fredriksen, Valerij; Jahren, Brage Ekroll (Master thesis, 2016)
      In recent years, micro-blogging on the Internet has become a popular way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Twitter is a social networking service specialized on the phenomenon, with over 320 million monthly active ...
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis - Exploring the Effects of Linguistic Negation 

      Faret, Jørgen; Reitan, Johan (Master thesis, 2015)
      Twitter sentiment analysis, the process of automatically extracting sentiment conveyed by Twitter data, is a field that has seen a dramatic increase in research in recent times. This Master's Thesis presents a study of the ...
    • Two Years After: A Scoping Review of GDPR Effects on Serious Games Research Ethics Reporting 

      Jost, Patrick; Lampert, Marisa (Chapter, 2020)
      On May 25th, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. Recognised as a comprehensive regulation for improving privacy and data protection, a substantial impact on data processing disciplines ...