• Software for a Better Society 

      Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Journal article, 2022)
      The main goal of my research through 30 years is to understand how to imagine software for a better society. While researchers traditionally use students as subjects to pilot studies before they are carried out in industrial ...
    • Software for Virtual Puzzle Reassembly 

      Iversen, Mathias; Mathiassen, Mikael Røv; Steinsholt, Oda Katrine (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I dette prosjektet ble en programvare kalt Artifact Assembly videreutviklet for dette formålet. Målet var å legge til så mange funksjoner som mulig i programvaren for å øke brukervennligheten og nytteverdien. Utviklingsprosessen ...
    • Software quality assurance on a Student Satellite - The NTNU Test Satellite 

      Thomassen, Torleif Ajer (Master thesis, 2013)
      The NTNU student test satellite project aims to launch a satellite into low earth orbit in 2014. Its goal is to make observations of atmospheric gravity waves with an infrared camera. The satellite is a interdisciplinary ...
    • Software Quality in the Trenches: Two Case Studies of Quality Assurance Practices in Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) 

      Vestbø, Tor Arne (Master thesis, 2007)
      When proponents of open source software are asked to explain the success of their movement they typically point to the quality of the software produced, which is in turn attributed to the rather unconventional development ...
    • Software Quality Issues in SCRUM: A Systematic Mapping 

      Mishra, Deepti; Abdalhamid, Samia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Scrum is a process framework used to develop complex software. As Scrum is one of the prominent approaches in agile development projects, it is significant to define the issues of quality in the Scrum method. In this paper, ...
    • Software Requirements Engineering: A Case Study of a Startup 

      Morthen, Erlend (Master thesis, 2019)
      Forskningsprosjektet bekrefter de uformelle, dynamiske og rudimentære praksisene fulgt av oppstartbedrifter som finnes i litteraturen. Kravbehandling(requirements engineering) er gjort ad-hoc, prosesser prøves ut og beholdes ...
    • Software safety issues in the maritime industry, and challenges related to human computer interfaces. Theoretical background and results of a survey among equipment suppliers, yards and classification societies in four European countries. 

      Turkerud, Stina Ramdahl (Master thesis, 2007)
      This thesis concerns the safety in user interfaces. In particular it concerns the user interfaces in systems in which safety is critical. I have studied such systems in the maritime industry, where we for instance may find ...
    • Software Startup Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 

      Berg, Vebjørn; Birkeland, Jørgen; Nguyen Duc, Anh; Pappas, Ilias; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Software startups have long been a significant driver in economic growth and innovation. The on-going failure of the major number of startups calls for a better understanding of state-of-the-practice of startup activities. ...
    • Software Startup Formation in an Experiential-Based Course - An Empirical Investigation of Students’ Motivations 

      Cico, Orges; Nguyen Duc, Anh; Jaccheri, Letizia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We added a Bootcamp external activity to our experiential-based course for first-year master students of Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Students engaged with realistic challenges from stakeholders while ...
    • Software Startup Metrics 

      Mahle, Stian (Master thesis, 2021)
      Undersøkte hva som står i literatur om måleenheter i software startup bedrifter. Samlet måleenheter fra literatur og internett, undersøkte via en spørreundersøkelse om bedrifter bruker disse, og hvordan de brukes.
    • Software startups-A research agenda 

      Unterkalmsteiner, Michael; Abrahamsson, Pekka Kalevi; Wang, Xiaofeng; Nguyen-Duc, Anh; Shah, Syed; Bajwa, Sohaib Shahid; Baltes, Guido H; Conboy, Kieran; Cullina, Eoin; Dennehy, Denis; Edison, Henry; Fernandez-Sanchez, Carlos; Garbajosa, Juan; Gorschek, Tony; Klotins, Eriks; Hokkanen, Laura; Kon, Fabio; Lunesu, Ilaria; Marchesi, Michele; Morgan, Lorraine; Oivo, Markku; Selig, Christoph; Seppänen, Pertti; Sweetman, Roger; Tyrväinen, Pasi; Ungerer, Christina; Yague, Agustin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Software startup companies develop innovative, software-intensive products within limited timeframes and with few resources, searching for sustainable and scalable business models. Softwarestartups are quite distinct from ...
    • SOI-tool 

      Løkkeborg, Thomas; Mork, Nikolai; Rebner, Anders Hoelseth; Sagvold, Petter (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      "Samband- og operasjonsinstruks", eller SOI, er et kritisk dokument nødvendig for sikker kommunikasjon under Heimevernets operasjoner. Dokumentet blir i dag laget for hånd, noe som er tidkrevende og utsatt for feil. Denne ...
    • SoliTester: Detecting exploitable external-risky vulnerability in smart contracts using contract account triggering method 

      Hu, Tianyuan; Li, Jingyue; Xu, Xiangfei; Li, Bixin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Solving Multi-Constraint Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Problems 

      Grimsgaard, Stian Tornholm (Master thesis, 2020)
      Ruteproblemet, kjent som "Vehicle routing problem (VRP)" , har vært forsket på i over seksti år på grunn av dets teoretiske kompleksitet og betydning i mange bruksområder. Mange applikasjoner i det virkelige liv har et økt ...
    • Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Using Binary Decision Diagrams 

      Visser, Ilse Gerda (Master thesis, 2017)
      The traveling salesman problem is one of the most well known NP-hard problems. Binary decision diagrams can be used in the process of finding an exact solution to traveling salesman problems. Previous methods using binary ...
    • SOS: NDN Based Service-Oriented Game-Theoretic Efficient Security Scheme for IoT Networks 

      Kar, Pushpendu; Misra, Sudip; Mandal, Ankush Kumar; Wang, Hao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of heterogeneous physical devices connected over the Internet. Each of the devices is capable of collecting and processing data. Due to the connection with the Internet, the IoT devices ...
    • Sosiale Spill-baserte klasseromsapplikasjoner 

      Kalstad, Andreas; Olsen, Jan Michael (Master thesis, 2016)
      Hensikten med denne forskningen var å finne ut hvordan spillelementer og funksjoner fra moderne og populære spill passer inn i et læringsmiljø. Tidligere forskning som vi har sett på beskriver at alle spillere kan deles ...
    • Sosialt Engasjement ved bruk av Gamification Implementert i Sosiale Medier - - Et eksplorativt studie av muligheter og utfordringer 

      Pham, Tuyet Trang Thi (Master thesis, 2016)
      Gamification er et relativt nytt konsept. Sosiale medier bruker i større eller mindre grad gamification for å løse utfordringer som blant annet brukerens holdninger og engasjement. Begrepet gamification er mer enn bare ...
    • Source Code Inspection: Measuring the Difference Between Individual and Group Performance 

      Dybdahl, Andreas (Master thesis, 2013)
      The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the performances of group efforts versus individual efforts. Study of previous research on software inspection has shown that opinions are divided on whether ...
    • SP-BERT: A Language Model for Political Text in Scandinavian Languages 

      Doan, Tu My; Kille, Benjamin Uwe; Gulla, Jon Atle (Journal article, 2023)
      Language models are at the core of modern Natural Language Processing. We present a new BERT-style language model dedicated to political texts in Scandinavian languages. Concretely, we introduce SP-BERT, a model trained ...