• Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks with state-dependent external forces 

      Stasik, Alexander Johannes; Sterud, Camilla; Bøhn, Eivind Eigil; Riemer-Sørensen, Signe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Hybrid machine learning based on Hamiltonian formulations has recently been successfully demonstrated for simple mechanical systems, both energy conserving and not energy conserving. We introduce a pseudo-Hamiltonian ...
    • Psychiatric Home Treatment for Inpatient Care - Design, Implementation and Participation 

      Hochwarter, Stefan; Tangermann, Pierre; Heinze, Martin; Schwarz, Julian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support long-term care is gaining attention, also in the light of population ageing. Known in Scandinavian countries under the term of welfare technology, it ...
    • Psychophysical and optical evaluation of transmission haze 

      Santandreu Oliver, Maria (Master thesis, 2023)
      This research assesses optical measurement methods used to characterise the transmission haze in correlation with its visual perception. Seven silica-filled amorphous polymer test samples from a developed sample set were ...
    • Ptolemaic Indexing 

      Hetland, Magnus Lie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper discusses a new family of bounds for use in similarity search, related to those used in metric indexing, but based on Ptolemy's inequality, rather than the metric axioms. Ptolemy's inequality holds for the ...
    • Ptolemaic Indexing: An Evaluation 

      Reksten, Eirik Benum (Master thesis, 2010)
      Quadratic form distances adhere to the ptolemaic inequality, and is suitable for ptolemaic indexing. The thesis studies the performance of the eXtended Node Tree (X-tree) and the Pivoting Metric Tree (PM-tree) on quadratic ...
    • Public Blockchain-Based Data Integrity Verification for Low-Power IoT Devices 

      Khor, Jing Huey; Sidorov, Michail; Ong, Ming Tze; Chua, Shen Yik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The integration of sensor nodes with public blockchains is possible with the help of low-power communication networks that use Bluetooth low energy and long range. However, power-consuming Wi-Fi is still the main means of ...
    • Pulmonary Tumor Segmentation Utilizing Mixed-Supervision in a Teacher-Student Framework 

      Fredriksen, Vemund; Sevle, Svein Ole Matheson (Master thesis, 2021)
      Kreft er en av de fremste dødsårsakene i den utviklede verden, og den mest dødelige typen er lungekreft. Kliniske eksperter er avhengig av avanserte medisinske bildebehandlingsteknikker og visuell analyse for å oppdage ...
    • Pulmonary Tumor Segmentation Utilizing Mixed-Supervision in a Teacher-Student Framework 

      Fredriksen, Vemund; Sevle, Svein Ole Matheson (Master thesis, 2021)
      Kreft er en av de fremste dødsårsakene i den utviklede verden, og den mest dødelige typen er lungekreft. Kliniske eksperter er avhengig av avanserte medisinske bildebehandlingsteknikker og visuell analyse for å oppdage ...
    • Punctuation and extrapolation: representing a subsurface oil reservoir 

      Almklov, Petter Grytten; Østerlie, Thomas; Haavik, Torgeir K (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article discusses how data are made to represent subsurface phenomena in petroleum production. Drawing on studies of the subsurface disciplines in an oil company, and the multitude of sensor data employed there, we ...
    • Pyception: Teaching Python with a Serious Game 

      Laskemoen, Kristian (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis set out to study how an online serious game could affect users? motivation on learning Python. One of the projects core goals is to find out whether learning Python is more motivating when having an effortless ...
    • PyRanges: efficient comparison of genomic intervals in Python 

      Stovner, Endre Bakken; Sætrom, Pål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Complex genomic analyses often use sequences of simple set operations like intersection, overlap and nearest on genomic intervals. These operations, coupled with some custom programming, allow a wide range of analyses to ...
    • Pyroeis 

      Vik, Magnus Bjerke; Sporaland, Asbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2014)
      ENGLISH: Pyroeis is a 2D action exploration game for PC that uses a custom built engine to send the player to Mars as an astronaut. Players will explore the mysterious caves and creatures below the planet’s surface. The ...
    • Python Gamut Library 

      Voigt, Jakob Michael; Niebuhr, Lars Michael; Behenam, Nawar Maher; Lahafdoozian, Sahand (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Colour er et programmeringsbibliotek utviklet av prosjektets oppdragsgiver Ivar Farp. Bibliotekets formål er å forenkle forskning innen fargevitenskap og fargebildeteknologi, ved å tilby et enkelt API å jobbe med. Biblioteket ...
    • Q-PRM - A QoS Aware Resource Manager for Colocated Services 

      Sandberg, Jonas; Allport, Michael Moen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Veksten innenfor bruk av skytjenester har ført til at tjenester som er følsomme for forsinkelser i større grad bor i skyen. Disse tjenestene er ofte rettet mot brukere, et faktum som gjør konsvensjonelle energibesparingsmetoder ...
    • Q-PRM - A QoS Aware Resource Manager for Colocated Services 

      Allport, Michael Moen; Sandberg, Jonas (Master thesis, 2021)
      Veksten innenfor bruk av skytjenester har ført til at tjenester som er følsomme for forsinkelser i større grad bor i skyen. Disse tjenestene er ofte rettet mot brukere, et faktum som gjør konvensjonelle energibesparingsmetoder ...
    • QT-UNet: A Self-Querying All-Transformer U-Net for 2D and 3D Segmentation Augmented by Self-Supervised Learning 

      Håversen, Andreas Hammer (Master thesis, 2022)
      I 2017 revolusjonerte Transformer-modellen naturlig språkbehandling ved å tilgjengeliggjøre store modeller som var i stand til å forstå komplekse sammenhenger over store avstander i tekst med en håndterbar beregningskostnad. ...
    • Qualitative research methods in Information Systems: A call for Phenomen-focused Problematization 

      Monteiro, Eric; Constantinides, Panos; Scott, Susan; Shaikh, Maha; Burton-Jones, Andrew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Qualities of Professional Python Code 

      Nystuen, Amalie; Ødegård, Kristina (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Evna til å programmere strekk seg utover kunnskap om syntaksen i programmeringsspråk. Nybyrjarar i programmering manglar ofte dei problemløysingsevnene som ekspertar demonstrerer ved å nytte seg av ei rekke skjema og mønster ...
    • Quality and Traffic Flow in Videoconferencing Infrastructures 

      Fagerbekk, Kristoffer; Lien, Andreas Kilde; Rømo, Andreas; Erstad, Håkon Holm (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Målet med denne bacheloroppgaven har vært å gi innsikt i de to platformene Microsoft Teams og Cisco Webex. For å oppnå målet har forskjellige typer virituelle møter blitt kjørt og analysert. De virtuelle møtene er forskjellige ...
    • Quality Assessment of 2.5D Prints 

      Kadyrova, Altynay (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:16, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Technology is developing rapidly around the globe and advancing its capabilities in every industry. It can provide users with high-tech solutions to complex tasks.With the help of technology, industry, presently, can acquire ...