• Radiometric spectral fusion of VNIR and SWIR hyperspectral cameras 

      Grillini, Federico; Thomas, Jean Baptiste; George, Sony (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      When two hyperspectral cameras are sensitive to complementary portions of the electromagnetic spectrum it is fundamental that the calibration processes conducted independently lead to comparable radiance values, especially ...
    • Radix Spline Parameter Optimization 

      Bognæs, Oscar Selnes (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne oppgaven utforsker vi muligheten for å predikere den optimale konfigurasjonen av Radix Spline ved hjelp av et multi-output nevralt nettverk trent på syntetiske datasett basert på ulike distribusjoner. Det nevrale ...
    • RAFT - Real And False TFBSs 

      Prasai, Sandesh (Master thesis, 2014)
      Most prediction methods for finding potential DNA binding sites for a specific transcription factor (TF) use a model for the transcription factor binding site (TFBS), and compare each position of the DNA sequence (e.g. a ...
    • RAIL: A Domain-Specific Language for Generating NPC Behaviors in Action/Adventure Game 

      Zhu, Meng; Wang, Alf Inge (Chapter, 2018)
      Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) has shown its effectiveness of improving software productivity in many software domains [1], where Domain Specific Language (DSL) plays a key role. Also in the domain of video games, researchers ...
    • RaiseAuth: a novel bio-behavioral authentication method based on ultra-low-complexity movement 

      Zhao, Shuo; Guo, Zhongwen; Cheng, Xu; Jiang, Sining; Wang, Hao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Raising awareness about climate change and heritage preservation in Trondheim City with fire in VR 

      Stulen, Morten (Master thesis, 2020)
      Virtuell virkelighet gir enestående tilstedeværelse sammenlignet med tradisjonelle spillformer og introduserer mange muligheter for bruk i utdanningsformål. Tilstedeværelsen i VR gir en enklere måte å oppleve effekten av ...
    • Raising Awareness of Individual Contributions to Climate Change with Virtual Reality 

      Jacobsen, Bjørn Rude (Master thesis, 2021)
      Til tross for advarsler fra forskere over flere tiår, er de globale karbonutslippene fortsatt på vei oppover og forårsaker klimaendringer. Når man tilskriver utslippene fra forbruksvarer og tjenester til de totale ...
    • Raising Awareness of Stereotyping Through Collaborative Digital Storytelling: Design for Change with and for Children 

      Rubegni, Elisa; Landoni, Monica; Malinverni, Laura; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Journal article, 2022)
      The purpose of our research is to use design as a mean to support children becoming more aware of stereotypes in their own artefacts. We have been facing this challenge leveraging on Digital StoryTelling (DST) as a powerful ...
    • Raising cybersecurity awareness among children and parents using gamification 

      Aas, Rolf Erik Sesseng; Augdal, Sigurd Røstad (Master thesis, 2022)
      Ettersom mer og mer av vår moderne hverdag omhandler det å være på internett til enhver tid, er det viktigere enn noen gang å være oppmerksom på truslene som finnes på internett. Den yngre generasjonen, med sin naivitet ...
    • Raising cybersecurity awareness among children and parents using gamification 

      Aas, Rolf Erik Sesseng; Augdal, Sigurd Røstad (Master thesis, 2022)
      Ettersom mer og mer av vår moderne hverdag omhandler det å være på internett til enhver tid, er det viktigere enn noen gang å være oppmerksom på truslene som finnes på internett. Den yngre generasjonen, med sin naivitet ...
    • Rammeverk for å lage ARPG-lignende spill 

      Røed, Ole-Gustav, Vold Aunebakk, Eivind og Budsted, Einar (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Spillet som ble laget for denne oppgaven er innenfor sjangerne Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) og Twin Stick Shooter ved bruk av spill motoren UnityGameEngine.Spillet inneholder tilfeldig utstyr som spilleren kan finne,ogfiender ...
    • Rammeverk for presentasjon av hendelsesforløp 

      Holter, Vegard Lundberg; Eriksen, Steffen (Master thesis, 2015)
      Litteratur omhandler ofte en rekke geografiske steder. Disse er ofte dårlig beskrevet, noe som kan føre til at leseren blir usikker på nøyaktig hvor bokens hendelsesforløp foregikk. Lesere må ofte gjøre oppslag i andre ...
    • Random testing 

      Shrestha, Sonik (Master thesis, 2014)
      Testing in any engineering field is a difficult task as it requires giving precise information of the product and how useful, safe and secure the product is. It isalso a tool to discover bugs within the product and if such ...
    • Random Testing versus Partition Testing 

      Oftedal, Kristian (Master thesis, 2011)
      The difference between Partition Testing and Random Testing has been thoroughlyinvestigated theoretically. In this thesis we present a practical study ofthe differences between random testing and partition testing. Thestudy ...
    • Ranking and clustering of search results: Analysis of Similarity graph 

      Shevchuk, Ksenia Alexander (Master thesis, 2008)
      Evaluate the clustering of the similarity matrix and confirm that it is high. Compare the ranking results of the eigenvector ranking and the Link Popularity ranking and confirm for the high clustered graph the correlation ...
    • Ranking Mechanisms for Image Retrieval based on Coordinates, Perspective, and Area 

      Skjønsberg, Sindre (Master thesis, 2010)
      Image retrieval is becoming increasingly relevant as the size of image collections, and amount of image types grow. One of these types is aerial photography, unique in that it can be represented by its spatial content, and ...
    • Ranking Streaming Data With Continuous Queries 

      Skarshaug, Sandra Marie (Master thesis, 2019)
      En økende mengde data genereres som en del av digitaliseringen av samfunnet vårt. Forskning fra 2013 viser at 90% av all dataen generert i verden frem til det tidspunktet, ble generert i løpet av de to foregående årene. ...
    • The Ransomware-as-a-Service economy within the darknet 

      Meland, Per Håkon; Bayoumy, Yara; Sindre, Guttorm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Ransomware is an epidemic that adversely affects the lives of both individuals and large companies, where criminals demand payments to release infected digital assets. In the wake of the ransomware success, Ransomware-as-a-Service ...
    • Rapid prototyping internet of things applications for augmented objects: The tiles toolkit approach 

      Gianni, Francesco Valerio; Mora, Simone; Divitini, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Designing and prototyping for IoT have historically required a diverse range of skills and a set of tools that individually supported only a fraction of the whole process, not being designed to work together. These tools ...
    • RapIoT toolkit: Rapid prototyping of collaborative Internet of Things applications 

      Gianni, Francesco Valerio; Mora, Simone; Divitini, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The Internet of Things holds huge promise in enhancing collaboration in multiple application domains. Bringing internet connectivity to everyday objects and environments promotes ubiquitous access to information and ...