• Organisasjonskulturens påvirkning på kunnskapsforvaltning : En casestudie 

      Krohn-Holm, Kristian (Master thesis, 2017)
      I utviklende markeder, hvor produkter og teknologier har korte livssykluser, anses bruken, organiseringen og skapelsen av kunnskap som et viktig konkurransefortrinn. Et stort antall organisasjoner har derfor en fremtredende ...
    • Organisering av digitaliseringsprosjekter 

      Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Bjørnson, Finn Olav; Sporsem, Tor Thorsrud (Research report, 2021)
      Stadig flere prosjekter inkluderer grader av digitalisering, spesielt prosjekter med innovasjon i produkter, tjenester eller arbeidsmetoder. Slike prosjekter har hatt utfordringer med å levere på nytte, teknisk produktkvalitet, ...
    • Organisering og bruk av Hazard and Operability-ledeord for tekstlige use case 

      Hånde, Tor Magnus (Master thesis, 2011)
      I oppgaven har vi sett på organisasjon av ledeord i analysemetoden Hazard and Operability (HazOp) og hvordan domenespesifikke ledeordssett kan benyttes for å gi bedre resultater fra analyseprosessen. Forskningsresultatene ...
    • Organizational Culture Challenges of Adopting Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Lunde, Trygve Åse; Sjusdal, Atilla Paul; Pappas, Ilias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The interest of adopting big data (BD) in organizations has emerged in recent years. Even though many organizations have attempted to adopt BD, the benefits gained by this investment has been limited, and organizations ...
    • Organizational issues in embracing Agile methods : an empirical assessment 

      Mishra, Alok; Abdalhamid, Samia; Mishra, Deepti; Ostrovska, Sofiya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study provides empirical evidence to the body of knowledge in Agile methods adoption in small, medium and large organizations in international context. This research explores the factors involved in the adoption of ...
    • Organizing Mobile Work Processes in Ubiquitous Computing Environments 

      Jacobsen, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2005)
      This thesis explores the domain of ubiquitous computing and relates situations of mobile work to Virtual Organizations (VOs). Motivated by the work performed by the MOWAHS project, this thesis aims to contribute in ...
    • Orientation Modulation for Data Hiding in Chrominance Channels of Direct Binary Search Halftone Prints 

      Kitanovski, Vlado; Pedersen, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      In this article, we propose a joint halftoning and data hiding technique for color images. To ensure high quality of the printed image, the color direct binary search (CDBS) iterative halftoning algorithm is used. The ...
    • OS Runner 

      Umbraško, Artūrs; Lewandowski, Kacper; Dahl, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Spill kan bli brukt som et veldig effektivt læremiddel. Imidlertid er markedetfor pedagogiske spill med fokus på cybersikkerhet lite og meget begrenset. DannyLopes Murillo, en cybersikkerhet spesialist, tilnærmet oss med ...
    • OsloTUC - Natural Language Bus Oracle for a new City - An Evaluation of BusTUC's Extensibility 

      Jacobsson, Espen (Master thesis, 2015)
      The recent years have seen an increased demand for smart phones and other handheld devices. This gives producers of applications or content an excellent opportunity to reach out to a larger audience than before, and it ...
    • OTS-Wiki: A Web Community for Fostering Evaluation and Selection of Off-The-Shelf Software Components 

      Aaslund, Kristian; Larsen, Simon (Master thesis, 2007)
      Many challenges arises when it comes to the selection of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) software components to use in software development. To make the selection process easier, other users experience on working out similar tasks ...
    • OurBox 

      Garrad, Gavin Thomas; Maluchev, Stepan (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      The Cisco lab at HiG consist of old computers running on Windows 7 and is available for all students who has access to the lab. On these machines students has full administrator rights, which means that the students can ...
    • Out of Core Voxel Data Registration 

      Stølen, Martin (Master thesis, 2015)
      Image Registration is the task of aligning two different images of the same scene taken from different viewpoints, at different times or with different sensors. Image Registration is a task often performed in processing ...
    • Out-of-the-Box Reproducibility: A Survey of Machine Learning Platforms 

      Isdahl, Richard Juul; Gundersen, Odd Erik (Chapter, 2019)
      Even machine learning experiments that are fully conducted on computers are not necessarily reproducible. An increasing number of open source and commercial, closed source machine learning platforms are being developed ...
    • Outsourcing Software quality 

      Kaur, Amanpreet (Master thesis, 2013)
      The key factors which have led to a growing trend of outsourcing are:? Lack of expert-labor in some portions of the business process.? Availability of cheaper labor, whilst not comprising on the quality of output.? Ability ...
    • Outsourcing, et sikkerhetshull i virksomheten? 

      Nordby, Yngve (Master thesis, 2006)
      Oppgaven tar for seg sikkerhetsaspekter ved outsourcing av it-tjenester og forsøker konkret å si noe om hvorvidt sikkerheten blir dårligere ved outsourcing enn den var før man valgte å sette bort tjenesten. I tillegg tar ...
    • Overgang til Microsoft Azure med fokus på App Service og sikkerhet 

      Tofte, Jakob Tolstad (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • Overgangen til en digital arbeidsplattform i større organisasjon: En case-studie av NAVs endringsprosjekt 

      Huuse, Halvard Heide; Indrevær, Olav; Suthakaran, Briann (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Digitalisering og endringsledelse har den siste tiden spilt en stor rolle for mange organisasjoner, spesielt nå som arbeidshverdagen støttes av digitale arbeidsplattformer. Organisasjoner har brukt store summer for å ...
    • Overvåkning av miljøparametere i maskinrom. 

      Klemm, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2005)
      Denne oppgaven er utført i samarbeid med IDI. IDI ønsket å finne ut hvorvidt miljøovervåkning kunne ha en nytteverdi i deres største maskinrom K45. I tillegg var det ønske om å teste ut en mulig teknikk for å måle den ...
    • An Overview of the Linked Data AppStore 

      Roman, Dumitru; Pop, Claudia D.; Roman, Roxana I.; Mathisen, Bjørn Magnus; Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus; Elvesæter, Brian; Berre, Arne- Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      This demo/poster paper provides an overview of a Software-as-a-Service platform prototype for data integration on the Web – The Linked Data AppStore (LD-AppStore). It builds upon Linked Data technologies, targets data ...
    • Owning Your Career Paths: Storytelling to Engage Women in Computer Science 

      Rubegni, Elisa; Penzenstadler, Birgit; Landoni, Monica; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana (Chapter, 2023)
      Motivation & challenge: Computer Science suffers from a lack of diversity that gets perpetuated by the most dominant and visible role models. The community is doing itself a disservice by upholding techno-solutionism, ...