• GFSOM: Genetic Feature Selection for Ontology Matching 

      Belhadi, Hiba; Akli-Astouati, Karima; Djenouri, Youcef; Lin, Chun Wei; Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper studies the ontology matching problem and proposes a genetic feature selection approach for ontology matching (GFSOM), which exploits the feature selection using the genetic approach to select the most appropriate ...
    • Ghost loads: what is the cost of invisible speculation? 

      Sakalis, Christos; Alipour, Mehdi; Ros, Alberto; Jimborean, Alexandra; Kaxiras, Stefanos; Själander, Magnus (Chapter, 2019)
      Speculative execution is necessary for achieving high performance on modern general-purpose CPUs but, starting with Spectre and Meltdown, it has also been proven to cause severe security flaws. In case of a misspeculation, ...
    • GIF Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing Environment 

      Reyes, Evelyn Lissete Paiz; de Lima, Nadile Nunes; Yildirim, Sule (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      GIF images have been used in the last years, especially on social media. Here it is explored a content-based image retrieval system to work specifically with GIF file format. Its implementation is extended to a cloud ...
    • GIRLS AND COMPUTING IN LOWER SECONDARY EDUCATION: The surprisingly unsurprising results of a Norwegian exploratory study 

      Serussi, Sarah; Divitini, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The low percentage of women pursuing Information Technology (IT) education is a concern in many countries worldwide. This exploratory study is motivated by the experimental introduction of an elective programming course ...
    • Git in an Educational Context 

      Haugse, Åsmund; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The version control system Git is commonly used in computer science education. Best practice use of Git is a relevant professional skill that students need to learn, but Git also is a natural choice for efficient collaboration ...
    • Git in an educational context 

      Haugse, Åsmund (Master thesis, 2021)
      Git brukes ofte i informatikkutdanning som et verktøy for å støtte prosjektbasert utvikling. Å introdusere studenter til Git har fordeler ikke bare for samarbeid og programvareutvikling, men også for samarbeidslæring. Denne ...
    • Gitek Bestill 

      Kristiansen, Andreas; Nilsen, Kai Breder; Kleppe, Nikolai (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-23)
      Gitek Bestill is a system where the merchant will order bread from the bakers, who will then process these orders. The system has a calendar where all the placed orders can be seen, and running campaigns can be displayed. ...
    • Gitek PLU 

      Rosland, Daniel; Eivind, Ristebråten (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-22)
      Price-look-up(PLU) koder brukes i butikker for enkelt å håndtere løsvektvarer som grønnsaker og frukt. Selv om de i seg selv er effektive og gir en god kobling mellom produkt og system, er de ikke veldig effektive om ...
    • Gitek Register 

      Harestad, Martin Trehjørningen; Johannessen, Håvard Myrvold; Lundsvoll, Vetle Nikolai Løland; Stenen, Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Gitek Register går ut på å lage en modernisert implementasjon av et eldre system brukt av Det norske Skogfrøverk. Den nye løsningen skal være en webløsning som håndterer flere aspekter ved registrering og bestilling av frø ...
    • Gitpod, the new standard in programming courses? 

      Stamnes, Jørgen Helgå (Master thesis, 2020)
      Gitpod er et nytt utviklingsmiljø i skyen som som legger vekt på korte og kastbare miljø som automatiserer bygging, oppsett og installasjon av program og kode. Med oppdagelsen av mulighetene med Gitpod, prøver denne studien ...
    • Gjenfinning av Sau på Utmarksbeite - Effektivitetsvurdering av brukergrensesnitt for oppfølging av sau på utmarksbeite 

      Svendsen, Lærke (Master thesis, 2019)
      Når norske bønder har sauer på utmarksbeite, går de tilsynsturer for å holde øye med hvor sauene holder til, og hvordan de har det. Disse turene utgjør en måte å forhindre eller minske rovdyrangrep, og detektere åpenbare ...
    • Gjenfinning av sau ved hjelp av drone 

      Guttormsen, Magnus (Master thesis, 2019)
      Hver høst må sauebønner over hele Norge hente inn sauene som har vært på beite. Dette er en tidkrevende prosess hvor de får hjelp av familie, venner og turgåere for å lokalisere og drive sauen til gården. Lokalisering ...
    • Global Reach, Local Use: Design and Use of Electronic Patient Record Systems in Large Hospitals 

      Ellingsen, Gunnar Adelsten (Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      The implementation of electronic patient records (EPRs) in large hospitals has for close to two decades been considered as a means for improving the exploitation of the health care resources. Both at the governmental level, ...
    • Global Software Development and Agile Methods: A Case Study 

      Ingebrigtsen, Øystein (Master thesis, 2011)
      Global software development has gone from being a trend to becoming a part of business as usual in most large software organizations. While it was possible to survive without offshoring five years ago, today there hardly ...
    • Global Software Development: A Case Study of Knowledge Management Challenges and Industry Approaches 

      Dharmadas, Mugunthan (Master thesis, 2008)
      Recent years, Global Software Development has been pervasive in the field of software development. Research literature describes empirically observed benefits and challenges, but it is descriptive and pragmatic, and offers ...
    • Global Transformer Architecture for Indoor Room Temperature Forecasting 

      Clemente, Alfredo; Nocente, Alessandro; Ruocco, Massimiliano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A thorough regulation of building energy systems translates in relevant energy savings and in a better comfort for the occupants. Algorithms to predict the thermal state of a building on a certain time horizon with a good ...
    • Gløshaugen's Digital Twin 

      Knutsen, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2022)
      Digitale tvillinger, dvs. digitale, kontinuerlig oppdaterte digitale representasjoner av fysiske enheter fra den virkelige verden, blir i stadig økende grad brukt for formål innenfor simulering, overvåkning, prediksjoner, ...
    • GNU Debugger for Single-ISA Heterogeneous MAny-Core System (SHMAC) 

      Seime, Bjørn Christian (Master thesis, 2014)
      Processors have historically attained performance improvements primarily by increasing frequency and the number of transistors. As the transistor density increases, keeping the power density constant gets harder. As a ...
    • Goal-Oriented Shopping on Mobile Devices: A Technology Acceptance Study 

      Pedersen, Anders Røsæg (Master thesis, 2014)
      This paper presents the evaluation of goal-oriented shopping for mobile applications using the Mobile Services Acceptance Model to study user acceptance. A prototype application was developed and used as a basis for a ...
    • Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity 

      Niforatos, Evangelos; Tran, Camilla; Pappas, Ilias; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Incentives and peer competition have so far been employed independently for increasing physical activity. In this paper, we introduce Goalkeeper, a mobile application that utilizes deposit contracts for motivating physical ...