• Copwall 

      Andreassen, Magne; Langseth, Jon; Ramse, Stian (Bachelor thesis, 2005)
      The Copwall project presents the foundation in form of architecture, design and application prototype of the Copwall Firewall management system. The Copwall Firewall management system aims to solve the task of configuring, ...
    • Correcting Classification: A Bayesian Framework Using Explanation Feedback to Improve Classification Abilities 

      Bekkemoen, Yanzhe (Master thesis, 2021)
      Nevrale nettverk (NNs) har vist høy prediktiv ytelse, men med mangler. For det første er ikke årsakene bak klassifiseringene fullstendig forstått. Flere forklaringsmetoder er utviklet, men de har ikke mekanismer for brukere ...
    • Correlations in Joint Spectral and Polarization Imaging 

      Courtier, Guillaume; Lapray, Pierre-Jean; Thomas, Jean Baptiste; Farup, Ivar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Recent imaging techniques enable the joint capture of spectral and polarization image data. In order to permit the design of computational imaging techniques and future processing of this information, it is interesting to ...
    • CoSSMunity: Applying Gamification to create Informed Energy Users within a Smart Grid Community. 

      Gulbrandsen, Håkon; Franang, Thomas Aleksander (Master thesis, 2015)
      s the world's population continues to grow, the importance of energy efficiency is getting increasingly dire. The amount of fossil fuels and and kilowatts a household expends has to be reduced. One way to accomplish this ...
    • A Cost Model for Data Discovery in Large-Scale IoT Networks of Smart Cities 

      Soltvedt, Torbjørn Kirkevik; Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Ahlers, Dirk (Chapter, 2020)
      A smart city with huge numbers of physical (e.g., sensors and actuators) and non-physical (e.g., external databases) data sources will continuously produce high amounts of massive city-data. Distributed data storage across ...
    • COTS component diversity in safety-critical systems 

      Johannessen, Ole Tjensvold (Master thesis, 2005)
      COTS component diversity in safety-critical systems
    • Could We Issue Driving Licenses to Autonomous Vehicles? 

      Li, Jingyue; Zhang, Jin; Kaloudi, Nektaria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Many companies are studying autonomous vehicles. One trend in the development of control algorithms for autonomous vehicles is the use of deep-learning approaches. The general idea is to simulate a human driver’s decision-making ...
    • COVID-19 Genome Sequence Analysis for New Variant Prediction and Generation 

      Ullah, Amin; Malik, Khalid Mahmood; Saudagar, Abdul Khader Jilani; Khan, Muhammad Badruddin; Hasanat, Mozaherul Hoque Abul; AlTameem, Abdullah; AlKhathami, Mohammed; Sajjad, Muhammad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Covid-19 pandemiens effekt på sosial mediebruk 

      Ingebrigtsen, Magnus (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      12. mars 2020 ble Norge “stengt ned” som følge av covid-19 pandemien. Bakteppet var å kunne begrense smittespredning av sarsCov-2 viruset som fører til sykdommen covid-19. Et nedstengt samfunn der folk for det meste ...
    • COVID-19-pandemiens påvirkning på smidig utvikling i team 

      Gjengedal, Helene; Larsen, Juni Leirvik; Liland, Tiril Bjerkebakke (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • CPU and GPU Co-processing for Sound 

      Gjermundsen, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2010)
      When using voice communications, one of the problematic phenomena that can occur, is participants hearing an echo of their own voice. Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) is used to remove this echo, but can be computationally ...
    • Crack Detection in Single- and Multi-Light Images of Painted Surfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks 

      Dulecha, Tinsae; Giachetti, Andrea; Pintus, Ruggero; Ciortan, Irina-Mihaela; Jaspe Villanueva, Alberto; Gobbetti, Enrico (Chapter, 2019)
      Cracks represent an imminent danger for painted surfaces that needs to be alerted before degenerating into more severe aging effects, such as color loss. Automatic detection of cracks from painted surfaces' images would ...
    • Craquelure as a Graph: Application of Image Processing and Graph Neural Networks to the Description of Fracture Patterns 

      Sidorov, Oleksii; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Chapter, 2019)
      Cracks on a painting is not a defect but an inimitablesignature of an artwork which can be used for origin exam-ination, aging monitoring, damage identification, and evenforgery detection. This work presents the development ...
    • Creating a 2D platformer using Unity 

      Løver, Kevin Michael; Britt, Wade Hampton; Johansen, Emil Myrvang; Bastiansen, Hans Petter Årvik (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Vår oppgave var å lage et 2D plattformspill ved bruk av Unity. Mesteparten av gruppen vår hadde ingen tidligere erfaring med bruk av Unity, og de av oss som hadde det hadde veldig lite. Ved å lage spillet, lærte vi og ...
    • Creating a framework for an ARPG-style game in the Unity game engine 

      Røed, Ole-Gustav; Aunebakk, Eivind Vold; Budsted, Einar (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Spillet som ble laget for denne oppgaven er innenfor sjangerne Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) og Twin Stick Shooter ved bruk av spillmotoren Unity Game Engine. Spillet inneholder tilfeldig utstyr som spilleren kan ...
    • Creating a simulation option for the reconstruction of ancient documents: Palimpsests 

      Reiner, Eschbach; Roger, Easton; Knox, Keith; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Ancient documents were often created by overwriting older documents that had been erased to re-use the expensive parchment. There is thus the situation that we have valuable documents that actually contain possibly more ...
    • Creating a Social Media App for Goal Accomplishment 

      Holen, Tor-Martin (Master thesis, 2019)
      Arbeidet omfatter "persuasive technology" og dette er brukt for å lage en sosial media applikasjon for må oppnåelse. Arbeidet prøver å utforske om personlighetstrekk fra BFI-44 modelen påvirker handlingene brukerne utfører ...
    • Creating a Virtual Reality Application with Game Elements for Teaching Geometry 

      Gjelsvik, Erlend; Strand, Simon Hagen (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne studien har vi sett på mulige fordeler en "Virtual Reality"(VR)-applikasjon med spill-elementer kan ha for første års studenter som lærer geometri ved videregående skole. Første års studenter ved videregående skole ...
    • Creating a Virtual Reality Application with Game Elements for Teaching Geometry 

      Strand, Simon Hagen; Gjelsvik, Erlend (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne studien har vi sett på mulige fordeler en "Virtual Reality"(VR)-applikasjon med spill-elementer kan ha for første års studenter som lærer geometri ved videregående skole. Første års studenter ved videregående skole ...
    • Creating a Weapon of Mass Disruption: Attacking Programmable Logic Controllers 

      Gjendemsjø, Morten (Master thesis, 2013)
      A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a small industrial computer made to withstand the harsh environment it operates in. PLCs were designed for a closed, trusted network with little emphasis on security. Since their ...