Now showing items 1015-1034 of 6708

    • Business Intelligence for SMB 

      Benjaminsen, Helle (Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg småa- og mellomstore bedrifters (SMB) behov forBusiness Intelligence (BI), og utfordringer for slike bedrifter. Det diskutereshvordan disse bedriftene burde gåa fram, for å lykkes med BI. Det ...
    • Business Process Modeling of a Quality System in a Petroleum Industry Company 

      Krogstie, John; Heggset, Merethe; Wesenberg, Harald (Chapter, 2018)
      Situation faced: The petroleum industry is characterized by increased focus on safety and compliance with regulations, in addition to efficient operations. Earlier quality systems were represented in large binders of textual ...
    • But aren’t all soaps metal soaps? A review of applications, physico-chemical properties of metal soaps and their occurrence in cultural heritage studies 

      Russo, Silvia; Brambilla, Laura; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste Denis; Joseph, Edith (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Metal soaps, the organic salts resulting from the interaction of fatty acids and metal cations, arouse interest in the scientific field because of their versatility in a great range of chemical applications as well as ...
    • Bygdetorget: e-commerce 

      Pettersen, Fredrik With; Hanssen, John-Kenneth; Røraas, Terje (Bachelor thesis, 2006)
      Vi har utviklet en nettportal (torgplass) primært for landbruksprodukter. Applikasjonen er en markedsplass for leverandører av produkter(varer og tjenester) og kjøpere. er en videreutvikling av open source ...
    • ByggPOS : salgssystem for byggevarehandelen 

      Atterås, Vivian; Hansen, May Britt; Nymoen, Lars-Otto; Ophus, Kjetil; Sjulstad, Oddbjørn Brede (Bachelor thesis, 2002)
      Målet var å utvikle et enkelt og brukervennlig, men allikevel fullverdig, stabilt og pålitelig flerbruker salgsstøttesystem for byggevarehandelen. Systemet har kun den funksjonaliteten som faktisk er nødvendig for brukerne, ...
    • ByKvalitet - A Contextual Online Survey - A concept for collecting public opinions on urban areas 

      Mathisen, Thomas (Master thesis, 2017)
      Planners in urban development planning processes make their decisions based on knowledge about the city as it is now and what needs improvement. The foundation of this knowledge is data collected about the city using various ...
    • Bærekraftig forretningsutvikling ved store idrettsarrangement 

      Myhre, Anniken Engan; Raaholt, Marie Kongestøl; Ravlo, Nadia Elisabeth   (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I 2025 avholdes Ski-VM i Trondheim med ambisjonen om «å være tidenes mest bærekraftige verdensmesterskap på ski». På grunn av idrettens omfattende rekkevidde og ulike uttrykksformer, åpner det seg store muligheter for å ...
    • CA-NEAT: Evolved Compositional Pattern Producing Networks for Cellular Automata Morphogenesis and Replication 

      Nichele, Stefano; Ose, Mathias Berild; Risi, Sebastian; Tufte, Gunnar (Journal article, 2017)
      Cellular Automata (CA) are a remarkable example of morphogenetic system, where cells grow and self-organise through local interactions. CA have been used as abstractions of biological development and artificial life. Such ...
    • Cache replacement policies in NoSQL databases and full-text search engines 

      Langdal, Håvard (Master thesis, 2020)
      Problemet, eller utfordringen bak optimale måter å erstatte innhold i en cache har lenge vært populære tema innen forskning, som stammer fra sidet virtuelt minne. I det meste har foregående arbeid konsentrert seg på ...
    • Cake Defense game for the android operative system 

      Berg, Øyvind; Øien, Knut; Jotun, Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      ENGELSK: Cake Defense is a game project based on the game genre tower defense (TD). With a few disputes in the implementation of this genre we have come up with an interactive TD, resulting in a unique game for the android ...
    • Call graph discovery in binary programs from unknown instruction set architectures 

      Pettersen, Håvard; Morrison, Donn Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study addresses the challenge of reverse engineering binaries from unknown instruction set architectures, a complex task with potential implications for software maintenance and cyber-security. We focus on the tasks ...
    • Camera Relocalization for Augmented Reality Applications using Machine Learning 

      Papin, Maxime (Master thesis, 2020)
      Augmented Reality-applikasjoner har blomstrende spesielt siden smarttelefoner har blitt så kraftige, og behovet for effektive, raske og robuste lokaliseringsalgoritmer har vokst med det. I dette masteroppgavearbeidet takler ...
    • Camera Response Function Assessment in Multispectral HDR Imaging 

      Ansariasl, Majid; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste Denis; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Recently, spatially varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (svBRDF) is widely used as a model to characterize the appearance of materials with varying visual properties over the surface. One of the ...
    • Can Gaming Get You Fit? 

      Berg, Jonathan; Wang, Alf Inge; Lydersen, Stian; Moholdt, Trine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Rationale: Exergaming may be a viable alternative to more traditional exercise. As high-intensity exercise can provide substantial health benefits, the purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term effectiveness ...
    • Can Genome Information be used to Guide Evolutionary Search? 

      Wold, Håkon Hjelde (Master thesis, 2013)
      Uniform cellular automata have been evolved as phenotypes from zygotes using an extensive rule table as the genotype. This is used to simulate complex systems which could impact future hardware development and programming. ...
    • Can image cues explain the impact of translucency on perceived gloss? 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Jayed Islam, Akib (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Gloss perception is a complex psychovisual phenomenon, whose mechanisms are not yet fully explained. Instrumentally measured surface reflectance is usually poor predictor of human perception of gloss. The state-of-the-art ...
    • Can Image Enhancement be Beneficial to Find Smoke Images in Laparoscopic Surgery? 

      Wang, Congcong; Sharma, Vivek; Fan, Yu; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Beghdadi, Azeddine; Elle, Ole Jacob; Stiefelhagen, Rainer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Laparoscopic surgery has a limited field of view. Laser ablation in a laproscopic surgery causes smoke, which inevitably influences the surgeon's visibility. Therefore, it is of vital importance to remove the smoke, such ...
    • Can no-reference image quality metrics assess visible wavelength iris sample quality? 

      Liu, Xinwei; Pedersen, Marius; Charrier, Christophe; Bours, Patrick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The overall performance of iris recognition systems is affected by the quality of acquired iris sample images. Due to the development of imaging technologies, visible wavelength iris recognition gained a lot of attention ...
    • Can the bias of self-reported sitting time be corrected? A statistical model validation study based on data from 23 993 adults in the Norwegian HUNT study 

      Kongsvold, Atle Austnes; Flaaten, Mats; Logacjov, Aleksej; Skarpsno, Eivind Schjelderup; Bach, Kerstin; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Mork, Paul Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Despite apparent shortcomings such as measurement error and low precision, self-reported sedentary time is still widely used in surveillance and research. The aim of this study was threefold; (i) to examine ...
    • Can the Public Sector and Vendors Digitally Transform? A Case from Innovative Public Procurement 

      Mikalsen, Marius; Farshchian, Babak A. (Chapter, 2020)
      Recent research emphasizes the distinctive characteristic of innovation in public sector as opposed to that in the private sector. Several researchers point to the need for open and networked innovation for the public ...