• Theoretical Foundation for Lecture Games 

      Wu, Bian (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:195, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      Nowadays, computer games are played in a technology-rich environment equipped with laptops, smart phones, game consoles (mobile and stationary), set-top boxes, and other digital devices. It is believed that the intrinsic ...
    • The Theoretical, Practical, and Technological Foundations of the 15-Minute City Model: Proximity and Its Environmental, Social and Economic Benefits for Sustainability 

      Allam, Zaheer; Bibri, Simon Elias; Chabaud, Didier; Moreno, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Conventional and emerging paradigms of urbanism require new responses under the current circumstances, especially in relation to the integration of sustainability dimensions and technology advances. The escalating rate of ...
    • There and back again; Efficient foraging with heterogeneous Agents using Pheromones 

      Moe, Kyrre Laugerud (Master thesis, 2016)
      Foraging is a canonical task for swarm intelligence systems. Traditionally thistask has been preformed by a swarm of homogeneous agents, often with the helpof pheromones for indirect communication. Some researcher have ...
    • Thermal transport in lithium-ion batteries: The effect of degradation 

      Spitthoff, Lena; Wahl, Markus Solberg; Vie, Preben Joakim Svela; Burheim, Odne Stokke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this work, we report thermal conductivities of pristine and degraded electrodes, from commercial lithium-ion batteries. The thermal conductivities were measured with and without electrolyte solvent and at different ...
    • Think Aloud Methods with Eye Tracking in Usability Testing: A comparison study with different task types 

      Røsand, Terje (Master thesis, 2012)
      The concurrent think aloud (CTA) method is perhaps the single most valuable usability engineering method. The method has certain issues that may be avoided by using another method: Retrospective think aloud (RTA). RTA can ...
    • This Is Not a Fish: On the Scale and Politics of Infrastructure Design Studies 

      Parmiggiani, Elena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Interconnected workplace information technologies (information infrastructures) are distributed across user and system types, agendas, locales, and temporal rhythms. The term infrastructuring describes the design of ...
    • Threats to Bitcoin Software 

      Kateraas, Christian H (Master thesis, 2014)
      Collect and analyse threat models to the Bitcoin ecosystem and its software. The create misuse case, attack trees, and sequence diagrams of the threats. Create a malicious client from the gathered threat models. Once the ...
    • Three dimensional surface preserving smoothing 

      Alsam, Ali; Rivertz, Hans Jakob (Chapter, 2022)
      We propose a new anisotropic diffusion process for removing noise from MRI images without distorting the edges. The method is based on a simple principle: any diffusion that increases a gradient at neighbouring pixels ...
    • Three investigations of piRNA: Making sense of a new class of molecules 

      Stovner, Endre Bakken (Master thesis, 2013)
      This master s thesis is about Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) and its object is threefold. We will investigate i) how well a Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based method compares to the currently used software for piRNA cluster ...
    • Three perceptual dimensions for specular and diffuse reflection 

      Toscani, Matteo; Guarnera, Dar'ya; Guarnera, Giuseppe Claudio; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Gegenfurtner, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Previous research investigated the perceptual dimensionality of achromatic reflection of opaque surfaces, by using either simple analytic models of reflection or measured reflection properties of a limited sample of ...
    • Three-stage segmentation of lung region from CT images using deep neural networks 

      Osadebey, Michael; Andersen, Hilde Kjernlie; Waaler, Dag; Fosså, Kristian; Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde; Pedersen, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Thresholds for Software Quality Metrics in Open Source Android Projects 

      Stojkovski, Mile (Master thesis, 2017)
      Quality is an important aspect of every software development project. Different stakeholders are interested in different aspect of quality. For instance, from the users point of view, it represents to what extent the ...
    • Throughput Computing on Future GPUs 

      Hovland, Rune Johan (Master thesis, 2009)
      The general-purpose computing capabilities of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) have recently been given a great deal of attention by the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community. By allowing massively parallel applications ...
    • Tilbudsapplikasjon med prisberegning og genererte produktbeskrivelser 

      Sandøy, Henrik Nielsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Denne oppgaven presenterer utviklingen av en Java-basert applikasjon designet for å automatisere opprettelsen av pristilbud hos EuroRope Marine AS. Applikasjonen løser ineffektiviteten ved manuell opprettelse av pristilbud ...
    • Tiles-Reflection: Designing for Reflective Learning and Change Behaviour in the Smart City 

      Gianni, Francesco Valerio; Klecha, Lisa; Divitini, Monica (Chapter, 2019)
      Modern cities are increasing in geographical size, population and number. While this development ascribes cities an important function, it also entails various challenges. Efficient urban mobility, energy saving, waste ...
    • Tilgjengeliggjøring av offentlige data 

      Hansen, Thomas Torjuul (Master thesis, 2011)
      Departementer, statlige og kommunale virksomheter forvalter en stadig størremengde informasjon, og som daglig benyttes i offentlig tjenesteproduksjon.Tilgjengeliggjøring og viderebruk av offentlige data har i den senere ...
    • Tillit til forbedring 

      Valdem, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2022)
      Tillit er en viktig del av vår hverdag. Det viser seg at nordmenn er det folkeslaget som har mest tillit til hverandre, og til samfunnssystemet. Dette kan man også se i arbeidslivet. Tillit er viktig både for ledelsen og ...
    • Tilpassing av isolasjonsegenskaper for mobile transaksjoner 

      Gauslaa Bergem, Gunnar; Høivik, Rune (Master thesis, 2005)
      Denne rapporten beskriver en transaksjonsmodell, eksport-import modellen, som tillater deling av verdier mellom transaksjoner under utførelse. Modellen er beregnet for bruk i mobile distribuerte databaseystemer med en stor ...
    • Tilrettelegging for forskning på data ved et nettbasert forum 

      Grimsrud, Felix (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Studieprogrammet heter «Bachelor i informatikk med spesialisering i informasjonsbehandling», og tar for seg en hel masse forskjellige fagfelt. Deriblant objekt-orientert programmering, webutvikling, økonomi, prosjektarbeid, ...
    • Tilrettelegging for prototyping av ny teknologi i en utviklingsomgivelse: En designers perspektiv 

      Evjen, Bjørn Sand (Master thesis, 2004)
      Når nye teknologier blir utviklet er de gjerne forbeholdt noen få, da stor kompleksitet kan innebære en for høy terskel til at andre enn fageksperter kan forstå teknologien fullt ut. For at en teknologi skal gjøres ...