• NEIL3-Dependent Regulation of Cardiac Fibroblast Proliferation Prevents Myocardial Rupture 

      Olsen, Maria Belland; Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette; Scheffler, Katja; Vinge, Leif Erik; Alfsnes, Katrine; Palibrk, Vuk; Wang, Junbai; Neurauter, Christine Gran; Gomez, Luisa Fernanda Luna; Johansen, Jostein; Øgaard, Jonas; Ohm, Ingrid Kristine; Slupphaug, Geir; Kusnierczyk, Anna; Fiane, Arnt E; Brorson, Sverre Henning; Zhang, Lili; Gullestad, Lars; Louch, William Edward; Iversen, Per Ole; Østlie, Ingunn; Klungland, Arne; Christensen, Geir Arve; Sjaastad, Ivar; Sætrom, Pål; Yndestad, Arne; Aukrust, Pål; Bjørås, Magnar; Finsen, Alexandra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Myocardial infarction (MI) triggers a reparative response involving fibroblast proliferation and differentiation driving extracellular matrix modulation necessary to form a stabilizing scar. Recently, it was shown that a ...
    • Neodroid Playground: Designing environments and tasks for learning robots in virtual reality 

      Smedås, Halvor Bakken; Åkerholt, Nikolai; Skaara, Jone Martin; Hjerpbakk, Aksel (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven beskriver et Unity-prosjekt som forsøker å simplifisere utvikling av maskin-lærende robotter sine virtuelle miljøer og oppgaver. Prosjektet er todelt; en del baserer seg på å definere hvordan en ...
    • Nettbasert teamarbeid og betydningen av mestringstro : En anbefaling til faglærer fra et studentperspektiv 

      Lundberg, Gunhild Marie (Master thesis, 2016-07-06)
      Undervisning på campus og over nett blir stadig mer likt, og teamarbeid er vanlig å se i begge undervisningsformene. Men det er også forskjeller: nettbasert undervisning krever større fleksibilitet, og man må være mer ...
    • Nettsamfunn som en arena for kunnskap 

      Sigurd Oxaas Wie (Master thesis, 2021)
      Mer og mer kunnskap blir overført digitalt den dag i dag. Dette har skapt nye former for organisering hvor hele organisasjoner eksisterer digitalt på internett. Gjennom disse organisasjonene kan deltagerne dele kunnskap ...
    • Nettsideutvikling for bandet "Frostbite" 

      Rørvik, Stian; Fylkesnes, Sander; Mohamed, Mahmod (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Dette bachelorprosjektet dekker utviklingen av den nye nettsiden til bandet kjent som «Frostbite». Gruppen har oppnådd følgende resultater ved å kombinere informasjonen vi har lært fra våre tidligere emner, samt resultatet ...
    • Network based pandemic modeling 

      Orvik, Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)
      Beregningsbasert epidemiologi er et stort felt med mange tilnærminger og verktøy for modellering av pandemier. Disse tilnærmingene varierer fra statistisk analyse og differensialligninger, agentbasert modellering og til ...
    • Network Traffic Driven Storage Repair 

      Gligoroski, Danilo; Kralevska, Katina; Jensen, Rune Erlend; Simonsen, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Recently we constructed an explicit family of locally repairable and locally regenerating codes. Their existence was proven by Kamath et al. but no explicit construction was given. Our design is based on HashTag codes that ...
    • Neural classification of Norwegian radiology reports: using NLP to detect findings in CT-scans of children 

      Dahl, Fredrik Andreas; Kasicheyanula, Taraka Rama; Hurlen, Petter; Brekke, Pål Haugar; Husby, Haldor; Gundersen, Tore; Nytrø, Øystein; Øvrelid, Lilja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background With a motivation of quality assurance, machine learning techniques were trained to classify Norwegian radiology reports of paediatric CT examinations according to their description of abnormal findings. M ...
    • Neural Machine Translation using the RNNPB model with PB binding 

      Strømme Solberg, Daniel (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven vurderer modellen med navn Recurrent Neural Network with Parametric Biases (RNNPB) og anvender den til maskinoversetting. Modellen gjør det mulig å representere flere sekvenser med ett enkelt RNN ved å ...
    • Neural Modularity Helps Organisms Evolve to Learn New Skills without Forgetting Old Skills 

      Ellefsen, Kai Olav; Mouret, Jean-Baptiste; Clune, Jeff (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      A long-standing goal in artificial intelligence is creating agents that can learn a variety of different skills for different problems. In the artificial intelligence subfield of neural networks, a barrier to that goal is ...
    • Neural Net Controller for a Snake Robot 

      Dale, Eirik Skjeggestad (Master thesis, 2014)
      When we re talking about the field of robotics, one of the key components is the controller for the robots. The focus has recently begun shifting away from the traditional wheeled robots, into biologically inspired robots. ...
    • A neural network based framework for effective laparoscopic video quality assessment 

      Khan, Zohaib Amjad; Beghdadi, Azeddine; Kaaniche, Mounir; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Gharbi, Osama (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Video quality assessment is a challenging problem having a critical significance in the context of medical imaging. For instance, in laparoscopic surgery, the acquired video data suffers from different kinds of distortion ...
    • Neural Network for Recognizing Features in Music 

      Eiklid, Sindre; Loland, Rickard; Grindal, Maren Skårestuen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Gjennom de siste to tiårene har det blitt gjort stor fremgang rundt identifisering og klassifisering av trekk og egenskaper i musikk, gjennom bruk av fremgangsmåter som neural networks og maskinlæring. Til tross for dette ...
    • Neural Network Models of Mathematical Cognition 

      Sabathiel, Silvester (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:91, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
    • Neural Network Robustness Against Semantic Adversarial Attacks 

      Syversen, Lars Kåre (Master thesis, 2021)
      I de siste årene har dyp læring hatt en eksplosiv vekst i popularitet, både i akademiske og industrielle applikasjoner. Introduksjonen av konvolusjonære nevrale nettverk har tatt bildegjenkjenningsoppgaver til et nytt nivå ...
    • Neural Networks for Entity Matching: A Survey 

      Barlaug, Nils; Gulla, Jon Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Entity matching is the problem of identifying which records refer to the same real-world entity. It has been actively researched for decades, and a variety of different approaches have been developed. Even today, it remains ...
    • Neural networks for sentiment analysis in AsterixDB 

      Finckenhagen, Johan Morten Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2018)
      As data is generated at an ever increasing rate, and social media are getting larger and more comprehensive than ever, the availability of these data and the possibility to analyze them, is growing as well. The capability ...
    • Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Forecasting in the Energy Sector 

      Borg, Stefan Artur Sobczyszyn (Master thesis, 2019)
      Nevrale Ordinære Differentiallikninger (NODE) [Chen et al., 2018] er en ny familie av nevrale nettverk som eksplisitt modellerer nettverkets skjulte tilstand som et dynamisk system, og løser dette systemet ved å bruke en ...
    • A neuro-inspired general framework for the evolution of stochastic dynamical systems: Cellular automata, random Boolean networks and echo state networks towards criticality 

      Pontes-Filho, Sidney; Lind, Pedro; Yazidi, Anis; Zhang, Jianhua; Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Mello, Gustavo; Sandvig, Ioanna; Tufte, Gunnar; Nichele, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Although deep learning has recently increased in popularity, it suffers from various problems including high computational complexity, energy greedy computation, and lack of scalability, to mention a few. In this paper, ...
    • Neuronal avalanche dynamics and functional connectivity elucidate information propagation in vitro 

      Heiney, Kristine Anne; Huse Ramstad, Ola; Fiskum, Vegard; Sandvig, Axel; Sandvig, Ioanna; Nichele, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cascading activity is commonly observed in complex dynamical systems, including networks of biological neurons, and how these cascades spread through the system is reliant on how the elements of the system are connected ...