• Methods for psychophysical assessment of colour difference by observers with a colour vision deficiency 

      Kvitle, Anne Kristin; Oddløkken, Henrik; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter (Chapter, 2018)
    • Methods for Visualization of Trees 

      Ryeng, Tormod (Master thesis, 2009)
      As part of outdoor scenes, trees are important in a lot of computer games today. Still, their high complexity and tiny details make real-time rendering a challenge. This thesis looks at the possibilities for generating and ...
    • Methplotlib: Analysis of modified nucleotides from nanopore sequencing 

      De Coster, Wouter; Stovner, Endre Bakken; Strazisar, Mojca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Summary Modified nucleotides play a crucial role in gene expression regulation. Here, we describe methplotlib, a tool developed for the visualization of modified nucleotides detected from Oxford Nanopore Technologies ...
    • Metoder for automatisert oppmåling av flater i nærfotogrammetri 

      Malum, Anders Hveem (Master thesis, 2005)
      Denne masteroppgaven beskriver metoder for automatisert måling av mange punkt på 3-dimensjonale overflater. Hovedfokus er på anvendelse innen nærfotogrammetri. Bakgrunnsteori for generelle bildematchingsteknikker presenteres. ...
    • Metoder for å akselerere MEME 

      Syrstad, Øyvind Bø (Master thesis, 2006)
      MEME er et mye brukt verktøy for å finne nye mønster i biologiske data, og bruker Expectation Maximation på PWM-er for å finne mønster som skiller seg mest mulig fra bakgrunnen. Siden Expectation Maximation er en algoritme ...
    • Metoder for sikring av kommunikasjon, data og autentisering. 

      Andersen, Gorm (Master thesis, 2006)
      Hovedfokus i denne hovedfagsoppgaven er å gi en oversiktlig og lettfattelig innføring i data og kommunikasjonsikkerhet. Det er lagt vekt på å holde oppgaven på et såpass lavt teknisk og matematisk nivå at den vil være mulig ...
    • Metodeutvikling for fremskaffing av krav til en kontekstsensitiv mobil kurvebok. 

      Kosmo, Bjørg; Wien, Mari (Master thesis, 2005)
      Hovedhensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å utvikle metoder som skal kunne brukes i utvikling av krav til mobil elektronisk kurvebok. Gjennom behandling av pasienter på et sykehus er kilder med pasientinformasjon ...
    • Metodikker for testmiljø 

      Aursøy, Unn; Tollevsen, Wenche (Master thesis, 2007)
      Oppgaven omhandler testmiljø, og utreder hvilke metodikker for testmiljø som finnes i markedet og hvor oppdragsgiver for oppgaven, EDB Business Partner, står i arbeid med testmiljø i forhold til andre norske bedrifter. ...
    • Metodiske utfordringer med brukbarhetstesting av digitale læringsplattformer 

      Gåsland, Anders Matre (Master thesis, 2012)
      Digitale læringsplattformer, eller Learning Management System (LMS), brukes i utstrakt grad i Norge og i verden for øvrig. Dette er systemer som brukes for å planlegge, gjennomføre og vurdere konkrete læringsprosesser og ...
    • Metric indexing by database techniques 

      Erlandsen, Stian (Master thesis, 2011)
      Similarity search is very useful in many applications. Because of the complex-ity and expensive nature of such search operations, many existing methods re-quire special access methods and cannot be directly integrated with ...
    • Metric Indexing in Time Series 

      Rekdal, Espen Ekornes (Master thesis, 2008)
      Sammenligner LAESA, List of Cluster og Piecewise Constant Aggregation i henhold til utelse målt via hvor mange objekt sammenligninger som blir utført.
    • Metrics and Ambits and Sprawls, Oh My: Another Tutorial on Metric Indexing 

      Hetland, Magnus Lie (Chapter, 2020)
      A follow-up to my previous tutorial on metric indexing, this paper walks through the classic structures, placing them all in the context of the recently proposed sprawl of ambits framework. The indexes are presented as ...
    • Metrics for Aspect-Oriented Programming of middleware systems 

      Rønningen, Erlend; Steinmoen, Tore (Master thesis, 2004)
      In this diploma thesis we have aimed to identify metrics that accommodate two chosen system quality factors and implementing the selected metrics in a metrics tool. The metrics chosen should measure change in the system ...
    • A Metrological Framework for Hyperspectral Texture Analysis Using Relative Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix 

      Chu, Rui Jian; Richard, Noel; Ghorbel, Faouzi; Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A new hyperspectral texture descriptor, Relative Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix (RSDOM) is proposed. Developed in a metrological framework, it simultaneously considers the distribution of spectra and their spatial ...
    • A Metrological Measurement of Texture in Hyperspectral Images Using Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix 

      Chu, Rui Jian; Richard, Noel; Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A new hyperspectral texture descriptor, Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix (rSDOM) is proposed. It assesses the distribution of spectral difference in a given neighborhood. For metrological purposes, rSDOM ...
    • A metrological spectral difference space for the statistical modelling of hyperspectral images 

      Deborah, Hilda; Richard, Noël; Ülfarsson, Magnús Ö; Benediktsson, Jón Atli; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Chapter, 2019)
      Answering to metrological constraints typically required in the context of industrial and medical applications, a spectral difference space is introduced in this work. In this space, an acquired hyperspectral data is treated ...
    • MGiNX - Creating a modern platform for managing email delivery 

      Madsen, Tobias Lønnerød; Sem-Jacobsen, Ernst Thomas Kvadsheim (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-22)
      This thesis is about creating an email engine for sending shipment updates to receivers using a user-defined email configuration with optional survey delivery. The email configuration should be easily adjusted by the actor, ...
    • MHDT: A Deep-Learning-Based Text Detection Algorithm for Unstructured Data in Banking 

      Ma, Shenglan; Yang, Lingling; Wang, Hao; Xiao, Hong; Dai, Hong-Ning; Cheng, Shuhan; Wang, Tongsen (Chapter, 2019)
      Text detection in natural scene images becomes highly demanded for unstructured data in banking. In this paper, we propose a new deep learning algorithm called MSER, Hu-moment and Deep learning for Text detection (MHDT) ...
    • mHealth Support to Stimulate Physical Activity in Individuals With Intellectual Disability: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study 

      Michalsen, Henriette; Wangberg, Silje C; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Henriksen, André; Pettersen, Gunn; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Jahnsen, Reidun Birgitta; Thrane, Gyrd; Arntzen, Cathrine; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Several studies have shown that individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have low levels of physical activity (PA), and intervention studies on PA suggest inconsistent evidence. The use of technology ...
    • Micromanagement in StarCraft using Potential Fields tuned with a Multi- Objective Genetic Algorithm 

      Rathe, Espen Auran; Svendsen, Jørgen Bøe (Master thesis, 2012)
      This thesis presents an approach to controlling Micromanagement in Real-Time Strategy (RTS) computer games using Potential Fields (PF) that are tuned with Multi-Objectve Optimized Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA), specifically ...