Now showing items 835-854 of 6766

    • Barco - Projector Calculator for Residential Use 

      Navelsaker Ola Henrik Otterlei; Olsen Sveinung; Sellesbakk Andreas Haug (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Prosjektet har som mål å utvikle et brukervennlig, lett utvidbart verktøy som kunder kan bruke for å motta produkt anbefalinger basert på skjermdimensjoner og skjermlysstyrke for boligformål. Produktet er målrettet for ...
    • Basal level of autophagy and MAP1LC3B-II as potential biomarkers for DHA-induced cytotoxicity in colorectal cancer cells 

      Samdal, Helle; Sandmoe, Malin Alise; Olsen, Lene Christin; Jarallah, Elaf Ali Hadi; Høiem, Therese Stork; Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe Arentz; Pettersen, Caroline Hild (Journal article, 2018)
      The omega‐3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is known as an anticancer agent. Colorectal cancer (CRC) cells exhibit different sensitivity toward DHA, but the mechanisms involved are still unclear. Gene expression ...
    • BAT: A Benchmark Suite for Auto-Tuners - Development of BAT and Tuning DGX-2 and More 

      Kirkhorn, Knut Aasgaard (Master thesis, 2020)
      HPC (High Performance Computing) systemer har i de siste årene blitt mer og mer heterogene, og inneholder forskjellige arkitekturer som flerkjernede CPUer og akseleratorer som GPUer og FPGAer. På grunn av mangfoldet i ...
    • BAT: A Benchmark suite for AutoTuners 

      Sund, Ingunn; Kirkhorn, Knut Aasgaard; Tørring, Jacob Odgård; Elster, Anne C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      An autotuner takes a parameterized code as input and tries to optimize the code by finding the best possible values for a given architecture. To our knowledge, there are currently no standardized benchmark suites for ...
    • BAT: A Benchmark suite for AutoTuners - Development of BAT and Tuning on 20x Tesla T4 GPUs and More 

      Sund, Ingunn (Master thesis, 2020)
      Autotuning løser ytelsesportabilitetsutfordringen når man lager applikasjoner som skal kjøres på forskjellige arkitekturer. En autotuner er et program som tar en parameterisert kode som input og prøver å finne de best ...
    • Bayesian Analysis in a Knowledge-Intensive CBR System 

      Nikpour, Hoda; Aamodt, Agnar (Chapter, 2017)
      This study presents a case-based reasoning system that makes use of general domain knowledge - referred to as a knowledge-intensive CBR system. The system applies a Bayesian analysis aimed at increasing the accuracy of the ...
    • Bayesian Feature Construction for Case-Based Reasoning: Generating Good Checklists 

      Flogard, Eirik Lund; Mengshoel, Ole Jakob; Bach, Kerstin (Chapter, 2021)
      Checklists are used to aid the fulfillment of safety critical activities in a variety of different applications, such as aviation, health care or labour inspections. However, optimizing a checklist for a specific purpose ...
    • Bayesian framework inspired no-reference region-of-interest quality measure for brain MRI images 

      Osadebey, Michael; Pedersen, Marius; Arnold, Douglas; Wendel-Mitoraj, Katrina; Neuroimaging Initiative, The Alzheimer’s Disease (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We describe a postacquisition, attribute-based quality assessment method for brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. It is based on the application of Bayes theory to the relationship between entropy and image quality ...
    • Bayesian-Supported Retrieval in BNCreek: A Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoning System 

      Nikpour, Hoda; Aamodt, Agnar; Bach, Kerstin (LNCS;volume 11156, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study presents a case-based reasoning (CBR) system that makes use of general domain knowledge - referred to as a knowledge-intensive CBR system. The system applies a Bayesian analysis aimed at increasing the accuracy ...
    • Beating the bookmakers - Using artificial neural networks to profit from football betting 

      Borøy-Johnsen, Simon (Master thesis, 2017)
      Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have throughout the years been used for several different purposes. Problems spanning from image classification to text generation have all been subject to ANNs. In this report, ANNs were ...
    • Because it is Fun: Investigating Motives of Fake News Sharing with Exploratory Game Quests 

      Jost, Patrick (Chapter, 2020)
      Exploratory learning has become a widely applied, pedagogical concept. One approach to encourage exploratory knowledge creation are situated game experiences. Putting learners in quest-based environments can thereby support ...
    • Becoming a Guest: On Proximity and Distance in Mental Health Home Treatment 

      Hochwarter, Stefan; Schwarz, Julian; Muehlensiepen, Felix; Monteiro, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Mental health home treatment is a service where patients with severe mental illnesses are visited by a multiprofessional psychiatric care team at their homes. In Germany, inpatient-equivalent home treatment as a specialized ...
    • Becoming Fully Operational: Employability and the Need for Training of Computer Science Graduates 

      Lundberg, Gunhild Marie; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke; Krogstie, John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      For graduates in computer science and informatics to get employment as IT professionals, there is a need for their education to provide the competence sought after by employers. To become fully operational in the organization, ...
    • Behavioral consistency in multi-modeling 

      Kräuter, Tim Oliver; König, Harald; Rutle, Adrian; Lamo, Yngve; Stünkel, Patrick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Multiple heterogeneous interacting systems are needed to realize the requirements of complex domains. Describing the interactions between these systems and checking their global behavioral consistency is a general, well-known ...
    • Behavioral Investigation of Visual Appearance Assessment 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Pedersen, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The way people judge, assess and express appearance they perceive can dramatically vary from person to person. The objective of this study is to identify the research hypotheses and outline directions for the future work ...
    • BeMiT : BeOS – Musical Instrument Tracker 

      Halasy, Balazs; Sæverud, Bjarte; Trillhus, Morten (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      In this document we shall focus on a specific music composition software solution, reffered to as a 'tracker'. A tracker is a program used to create music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment. There ...
    • Benchmarking and evaluating the interpretation of bibliographicrecords 

      Aalberg, Trond; Duchateau, Fabien; Takhirov, Naimdjon; Decourselle, Joffrey; Lumineau, Nicolas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In a global context which promotes the use of explicit semantics for sharing information and developing new services, the MAchine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) format that is commonly used by libraries worldwide has demonstrated ...
    • Benchmarking and Exploring New Low-powerd Architectures for Ultrasound Processing 

      Tungesvik, Bjørn Åge Nordskog (Master thesis, 2015)
      Small embedded systems are becoming more and more powerful through parallelization. In this thesis, we investigate how suitable such systems are for real-time medical signal processing. We start by analyzing and ...
    • Benchmarking Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks 

      Moe-Helgesen, Ole-Marius (Master thesis, 2006)
      Catastrophic Forgetting is a behavior seen in artificial neural networks (ANNs) when new information overwrites old in such a way that the old information is no longer usable. Since this happens very rapidly in ANNs, it ...
    • Benchmarking modern gloss correlators with established ISO 2813 standard and visual judgement of gloss 

      Saric, Donatela; Kraushaar, Andreas; Mattuschka, Marco; Green, Philip John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)