Now showing items 6575-6594 of 6766

    • Virtual University hospital as an arena for medical training and health education 

      Kleven, Nils Fredrik (Master thesis, 2014)
      The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the virtual univer- sity initiative at NTNU with some initial recommendations for the early design and development of a virtual university hospital. The findings in this thesis ...
    • Virtualization as a key component for SOA enabling 

      Skage, Robert (Master thesis, 2008)
      OBJECTIVES Service oriented architecture (SOA) is frequently recognized as an approach to enhance the business value of IT, in particular for its potential to enable more flexible IT infrastructures and organizational ...
    • Virtuell Virkelighet som Hjelpemiddel mot Presentasjonsangst - Bruk av ny VR-teknologi for å eksponere mennesker med sceneskrekk for simulerte presentasjoner. 

      Sættem, Lars Lauvstad (Master thesis, 2017)
      I oppgaven utforskes bruk av VR mot taleskrekk, og hvilke kvaliteter som er viktig i en presentasjons-simulator for å skape nervøsitet og innlevelse. En simulator ble produsert som repliserer et ekte klasserom ved NTNU ...
    • Virtuelle stemmeassistenter som salgskanal 

      Korsnes, Sindre Neslein; Kjer, Varand Rebni; Berg, Adrian Santana; Berg, Madeleine Svendsrud (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Virtuelle stemmeassistenter brukes i større og større grad til utførelse av hverdagslige oppgaver. Det har blitt utviklet en applikasjon, på oppdrag fra Buypass AS og til Google Home, for å undersøke om virtuelle assistenter ...
    • Virtuelt miljø for klinisk trening 

      Bugge-Hundére, Mathilde; Fiborg, Matilde Volle; Lindberg, Peder Johan (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2024-05-20
    • Vision Training Through Virtual Reality for Stroke Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Deficits 

      Giørtz, Annette; Aaraas, Målfrid Henden (Master thesis, 2020)
      Synsforstyrrelser er en vanlig konsekvens av hjerneslag. Den vanligste formen for synsforstyrrelse er ensidig synsfeltutfall (homonym hemianopsi). Målrettet trening av synsfeltet kan ha positiv effekt på selvtillit og ...
    • Vision Training Through Virtual Reality for Stroke Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Deficits 

      Giørtz, Annette; Aaraas, Målfrid Henden (Master thesis, 2020)
      Synsforstyrrelser er en vanlig konsekvens av hjerneslag. Den vanligste formen for synsforstyrrelse er ensidig synsfeltutfall (homonym hemianopsi). Målrettet trening av synsfeltet kan ha positiv effekt på selvtillit og ...
    • Vision transformer and explainable transfer learning models for auto detection of kidney cyst, stone and tumor from CT-radiography 

      Islam, Md Nazmul; Hasan, Mehedi; Hossain, Md Kabir; Alam, Md Golam Rabiul; Uddin, Md Zia; Soylu, Ahmet (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Vision transformers as a support for prostate cancer detection 

      Zelenčík, Michal (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dette arbeidet undersøker muligheten for å bruke Vision Transformers for å detektere prostatakreft og segmentere kreft i MR bilder. Vi har laget en tilpasset arkitektur som ga bedre resultater enn toppmoderne modeller ...
    • VisNIR pigment mapping and re-rendering of an experimental painting 

      Grillini, Federico; Thomas, Jean Baptiste; George, Sony (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Pigment mapping allows the classification and estimation of the abundances of pigments in paintings. The information learned becomes extremely important for conservators, who are then able to decide the best strategies ...
    • viSQLizer: An interactive visualizer for learning SQL 

      Folland, Kristin Annabel Torjussen (Master thesis, 2016-08-30)
      Structed Query Language (SQL) is used for interaction between database technology and its users. In higher education, students often struggle with understanding the underlying logic of SQL, thus have trouble with understanding ...
    • Visual analytics for exploring air quality data in an AI-enhanced IoT environment 

      Kalamaras, Ilias; Xygonakis, Ioannis; Glykos, Konstantinos; Akselsen, Sigmund; Munch-Ellingsen, Arne; Nguyen, Hai Thanh; Jacobsen Lepperod, Andreas; Bach, Kerstin; Votis, Konstantinos; Tzovaras, Dimitrios (Chapter, 2019)
      Visual analytics have an important role in the exploration and analysis of large amounts of data in IoT applications. Data visualizations can provide overviews of different aspects of data and user interaction can assist ...
    • Visual and data stationarity of texture images 

      Conni, Michele; Deborah, Hilda; Nussbaum, Peter; Green, Philip John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The stationarity of a texture can be considered a fundamental property of images, although the property of stationarity is difficult to define precisely. We propose a stationarity test based on multiscale, locally stationary, ...
    • Visual Display Calibration 

      Rueda Montes Maria-Jose (Master thesis, 2022)
      The color mismatch between display devices is a relevant issue in color-critical applications. Here we use a colorimetric display calibration technique based on visual judgments that do not need a measurement device. This ...
    • Visual Exploration and Cohort Identification of Acute Patient Histories Aggregated from Heterogeneous Sources 

      Sætre, Rune; Nytrø, Øystein; Nordbø, Stein Jakob; Steinsbekk, Aslak (Chapter, 2016)
      How can we use information visualization to support retrospective, exploratory analysis of collections of histories for patients admitted to acute care? This paper describes a novel design for visual cohort identification ...
    • Visual Identification of Transmission Tower Faults and Semantic Attributes using Deep Learning 

      Veierland, Per Magnus (Master thesis, 2018)
      A historical set of faults with accompanying images provided by network operator TrønderEnergi is studied in order to investigate the amount of variance within and between fault categories, and to suggest appropriate ...
    • Visual Navigation of an autonomous drone 

      Møst, Pål Moen (Master thesis, 2014)
      In this thesis we have implemented and developed the necessary hardware and software solutions to transform a radio controlled quad copter into an autonomous drone. The main goal for this thesis was to safely land the drone ...
    • Visual Pretraining for Deep Q-Learning 

      Sandven, Torstein (Master thesis, 2016)
      Recent advances in reinforcement learning enable computers to learn human level polices for Atari 2600 games. This is done by training a convolutional neural network to play based on screenshots and in-game rewards. The ...
    • Visualisation of Git in Virtual Reality 

      Bjørklund, Håkon (Master thesis, 2017)
      The aim of this study was to explore visualisation of complex data in virtual reality in the area of information visualisation. The purpose of this study was to find a better way to portray the visualisation of the Git ...
    • Visualisering av 3D BIM Modeller i Augmented Reality 

      Klyve Larsen, Bjarte; Omholt-Jensen, Morten; Hanssen, Jørgen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Byggebransjen er en lite digitalisert bransje, hvor det er meget lav ressurstildeling for forskning og utviklingsarbeid. En av de digitale fremskrittene i bransjen er imidlertid vedtakelsen av bygningsinformasjonsmodellering ...