Now showing items 4765-4784 of 6830

    • PICObase 

      Plassen, Arild; Vesteng, Øyvind Skattum (Bachelor thesis, 2009)
      PICObase er et system som hjelper medisinsk personale å søke i medisinske databaser, videre hjelper applikasjonen til med å strukturere og vurdere resultatene søket gir. Idéen er å støtte opp om en forsknings- og ...
    • PII redaction in identity documents 

      Olsen, Mats Erik Tuhus; Panasewicz, Michal Robert (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2025-05-20
    • Piloting map service for navigating in punctuality analyses for trains 

      Krane, Magnus (Master thesis, 2014)
      In a complex system such as the Norwegian railway network, there are much thatcan affect a trains punctuality. The undertakers strive to achieve higher and higherpunctuality, while the infrastructure owner, Jernbaneverket, ...
    • Pinning Multiple Plans in MySQL 

      Willa, Lisa (Master thesis, 2023)
      De fleste etablerte databasehåndteringssystemr har måter å manipulere spørringsplanleggeren til å lage eksekveringsplaner med spesifikke egenskaper. Dette gir database administratorer et kraftig verktøy til å håndtere den ...
    • Pixel-based Vertex Clustering for Spectral Data Enrichment of Planar Point Clouds 

      Storeide, Markus Sebastian Bakken; George, Sony (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Application of both hyperspectral imaging and 3D point clouds have been utilized in various fields that investigates a surface’s geometrical properties and its material characteristics. The two modalities are acquired using ...
    • Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment for Explainable Face Recognition 

      Terhorst, Philipp; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Raja, Kiran; Kuijper, Arjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this work, we introduce the concept of pixel-level gface image quality that determines the utility of single pixels in a face image for recognition. We propose a training-free approach to assess the pixel-level qualities ...
    • Pixel-Perfect: Style Transfer for Pixel Art Synthesis using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks 

      Ekpete, Sebastian Vildalen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven utforsker generering av pikselkunst gjennom bilde-til-bilde oversettelse ved bruk av sykliske generative nevrale nettverk (CycleGANs). Dette blir gjort gjennom å oversette digitale illustrasjoner til ...
    • Pixel-wise supervision for presentation attack detection on identity document cards 

      Mudgalgundurao, Raghavendra; Schuch, Patrick; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Damer, Naser (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Identity documents (or IDs) play an important role in verifying the identity of a person with wide applications in banks, travel, video-identification services and border controls. Replay or photocopied ID cards can be ...
    • PKI vs. Blockchain when Securing Maritime Operations 

      Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Meland, Per Håkon; Frøystad, Christian; Drugan, Ovidiu Valentin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The maritime sector is rapidly being digitalized as part of the introduction of Shipping 4.0. One of the most important drivers for digitalization is the possibility to automate work processes on board and on shore. However, ...
    • Plagiarism Detection: A combined Approach 

      Perleka, Erisa (Master thesis, 2014)
      The task of automated plagiarism detection is about finding out pieces of a text which have been derived from another text. This task could require to scan a large number of documents, until the one from which the text it ...
    • Plagiarism Detection: An Overview of Text Alignment Techniques 

      Perleka, Erisa (Master thesis, 2013)
      The task of plagiarism detection is to look at a given document and establish whether it is an original or not. More specifically, it concerns the disclosure of which sentences or passages are plagiarised from which ...
    • Plan caching in MySQL 

      Larsson, Jonas Brunvoll (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dagens relasjonsdatabasesystemer behandler enorme mengder med data. Digitale trender fører til at mengden med data som må behandles vokser i en stadig raskere hastighet. Siden oppgradering av maskinvare ikke er en pålitelig ...
    • Planning tool for guardrail data capture 

      Øverlien, Halvard Bolli; Staniszewski, Dawid; Furland, Gisle Brandsøy (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      iSi har utviklet produktet inSight, som er en innovativ løsning for å avdekke feil og avvik på rekkverk i det norske vegsystemet. inSight benytter en bil utstyrt med kamera, lasere og infrarøde lys samt en GPS for å ...
    • Plant Leaves Region Segmentation in Cluttered and Occluded Images Using Perceptual Color Space and K-means-Derived Threshold with Set Theory 

      Osadebey, Michael; Pedersen, Marius; Waaler, Dag (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    • PlastOPol: A Collaborative Data-driven Solution for Marine Litter Detection and Monitoring 

      Liu, Jincheng; Wu, Di; Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo; Wang, Hao (Chapter, 2023)
      Marine plastic pollution as a generally accepted global challenge has comprehensive impacts on our living environment. However, in practice, it is extremely difficult to monitor the severity of the problem based on the ...
    • Platform ecosystems in the public sector - A systematic literature review 

      Lund, Håvard (Master thesis, 2022)
      I takt med at platformmoddelen har blitt en av de mest utbredte foretningsmodellene de siste tiårene, har stadig flere offentlige organisasjoner besluttet å tilby sine tjenester og data gjennom gjennom digitale platformer. ...
    • Platform Interface for Smart City Stakeholders 

      Ahmed Mustafa (Master thesis, 2019)
      Smart cities and the creation of it are hot topics these days and every developed country is converting their urbanization into smart cites. The Internet has revolutionized almost everything including our lives and IoT ...
    • Platform-Supported Cooperative Work 

      Farshchian, Babak A.; Grisot, Miria; Hochwarter, Stefan; Islind, Anna Sigridur; Mikalsen, Marius; Parmiggiani, Elena; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Abstract. Platformization is transforming the way work is organized in a variety of businesses. The CSCW literature contains substantial amount of research on platforms, but this research to date has mainly been focusing ...
    • Platformer Generation AI 

      Somby, Christer Peltoperä; Luick, Henning Einar; Reitan, Jonas Dalheim; Eidså, Kristoffer (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-23)
      Kremengine is a game engine written from scratch in C++14. It supports both 3D and 2D. We made our own engine so we could have maximum control of the level generation algorithm and reduce time it take to test things as we ...
    • Platformization of the public sector: Assessing the space of possibility for participation 

      Dahl-Jørgensen, Tangni Cunningham; Parmiggiani, Elena (Chapter, 2020)
      Digitalization processes are emerging as a promising avenue to elicit participation in large-scale platforms. In the public sector, platformization efforts call for deeper insight into how they shape the space of possibility ...