Now showing items 3145-3164 of 6829

    • High-Level Visual Masking of Image Compression Artefacts 

      Le Moan, Steven; Pedersen, Marius; Chetouani, Aladine (Chapter, 2020)
      We present the results of a subjective experiment where we measured detection thresholds for 2°wide noise targets placed in 23 different natural scenes. Unlike previous studies on visual masking, we focus particularly on ...
    • High-Order Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations on GPUs 

      Berglie, Espen Graff (Master thesis, 2013)
      In this thesis, well-balanced, central-upwind high-resolution methods of high order are developed for the two-dimensional shallow water equations, on the graphics processing unit (GPU). The methods are based on a fifth-order ...
    • High-performance Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Protocol 

      Knudsen, Henrik (Master thesis, 2021)
      For å imøtekomme nye og banebrytende blockchain-baserte systemer innen Supply Chain Management (SCM) og Internet of Things (IoT), så er det et behov for konsensus mekanismer som kan sikre høy transaksjonsgjennomstrømning ...
    • High-Performance Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Protocol 

      Knudsen, Henrik; Li, Jingyue; Notland, Jakob; Haro, Peter; Ræder, Truls Bakkejord (Chapter, 2021)
      In response to new and innovating blockchain-based systems with Internet of Things (IoT), there is a need for consensus mechanisms that can provide high transaction throughput and security, despite varying network quality. ...
    • High-Performance Computation of Bézier Surfaces on Parallel and Heterogeneous Platforms 

      Palomar, Rafael; Gómez-Luna, Juan; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Olivares-Bueno, Joaquín; Elle, Ole Jakob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Bézier surfaces are mathematical tools employed in a wide variety of applications. Some works in the literature propose parallelization strategies to improve performance for the computation of Bézier surfaces. These ...
    • High-Performance X-ray Scattering Simulations 

      Havdal, Mathias (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis is part of a larger project in the field of computational microscopy. Its main contribution is to facilitate the implementation of high performance tools to assist in the understanding and simulation of microscopic ...
    • High-speed Echoes in the Polar Winter Mesosphere: Infrasound as a Probable Cause 

      Belova, Evgenia; Barabash, Victoria; Godin, Oleg A.; Kero, Johan; Näsholm, Sven Peter; Vorobeva, Ekaterina; Pichon, Alexis Le (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We considered three events on 4 November 2015, 22 December 2016, and 12 November 2018, when the signals travelling in the polar winter mesosphere with high horizontal velocities above 300 m/s were measured by the atmospheric ...
    • Highly available database clusters: Repair with large segments 

      Holthe, Steffen; Kvilesjø, Jan Steinar (Master thesis, 2005)
      The goal for this master thesis is finding trends and behaviors in a highly available database cluster using InfiniBand and RDMA. This will be used to optimize configuration of the segment size in such systems. To find ...
    • Highly Efficient Pattern Mining Based on Transaction Decomposition 

      Djenouri, Youcef; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Nørvåg, Kjetil; Ramampiaro, Heri (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper introduces a highly efficient pattern mining technique called Clustering-Based Pattern Mining (CBPM). This technique discovers relevant patterns by studying the correlation between transactions in transaction ...
    • HikePal: A mobile exergame to motivate people with intellectual disabilities to do outdoor physical activities 

      Torrado, Juan Carlos; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Pelagatti, Susanna; Wold, Ida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      People with intellectual disabilities often have a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to long-term issues like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and depression. Although literature shows that the main reason for ...
    • Hilbert-Geohash - Hashing Geographical Point Data Using the Hilbert Space-Filling Curve 

      Vukovic, Tibor (Master thesis, 2016)
      As geographic information systems become more and more widely used, an increasing amount of positional data is generated and shared between users. Sharing spatial data introduces challenges, with URLs containing lengthy ...
    • Historien om, utviklingen av og fremtiden til programmeringsspråk 

      Dragsjø, Marius André (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      De fleste programmerere har møtt på en eller flere av følgende «skrekkhistorier»: Man må lete i en gigantisk trestruktur, for å finne ut hvor koden er, og hva den gjør. Eller man må bruke all sin tid på å jobbe med selve ...
    • Hjemmekontorets innvirkning på ansattes produktivitet i IT-konsulentbransjen 

      Grøtte, Andreas Joveng; Tran, Tam Minh (Master thesis, 2023)
      Hjemmekontor er blitt noe stadig flere bedrifter legger opp til at sine ansatte kan bruke. Som følge av Covid-19 ble mange bedrifter tvunget til å benytte hjemmekontor for å kunne fortsette å operere, og de fleste bedriftene ...
    • Hjemmekontorets innvirkning på ansattes produktivitet i IT-konsulentbransjen 

      Grøtte, Andreas Joveng; Tran, Tam Minh (Master thesis, 2023)
      Hjemmekontor er blitt noe stadig flere bedrifter legger opp til at sine ansatte kan bruke. Som følge av Covid-19 ble mange bedrifter tvunget til å benytte hjemmekontor for å kunne fortsette å operere, og de fleste bedriftene ...
    • HoloNeoDoppler: Augmented Reality Training Application for Monitoring Cerebral Blood Flow in Infants 

      Bergebakken, Tore (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne masteroppgaven utviklet vi HoloNeoDoppler, en simulering av NeoDoppler-proben, en ultralydprobe som brukes til å overvåke blodstrømmen i hjernen til nyfødte barn. Kraftige svingninger i denne blodstrømmen har blitt ...
    • HoloUmoja: Augmented Reality training application for obstetric Doppler ultrasound 

      Nylund, Maria Emine (Master thesis, 2022)
      Pulset (PW) Doppler ultralyd er en veletablert og bredt brukt teknikk for å undersøke graviditeter og termindato. Bruken av den blir mer utbredt ettersom ultralydmaskiner blir håndholdte og flere land går inn i utviklingsstadiet ...
    • The Home as the Centre of Care: A Case Study on Moving Healthcare Services into Homes 

      Hochwarter, Stefan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:1, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Population ageing and demographic change pose a challenge to the delivery of healthcare services. In light of this development, new care models and the use of digital tools are reshuffling traditional healthcare settings. ...
    • Homotopical and geometric tools in representation theory 

      Børve, Erlend Due (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:195, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
    • Hovdetoppen. Et pilotprosjekt for opptak av forelesninger 

      Bragen, Simen Rune; Slåtsveen, Marius (Bachelor thesis, 2011)
      NORSK: Høgskolen i Gjøvik tilbyr blant annet fleksibel utdanning. Dette sammen med endrede studievaner generelt, setter nye krav til undervisning. Mange høgskoler og universiteter har i de siste årene jobbet med separate ...
    • How accurate is an online test for colour vision deficiency? 

      Gjærde, Kari Bjerke; Kvitle, Anne Kristin; Green, Philip John; Nussbaum, Peter (Journal article, 2021)
      This study explores the accuracy and specificity of an on-line version of a standardized colour vision deficiency test – the Hardy-Rand-Rittler test (HRR) performed in an uncontrolled environment. A group of 25 observers ...