Now showing items 3125-3144 of 6828

    • Helseinformasjonssystemer i utviklingsland - Bruk av DHIS2 i en mHealth løsning i Zambia 

      Bremnes, Jan Alexander S (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne oppgaven fokuserer på temaet "Helseinformasjonssystemer i utviklingsland" og de utfordringene en kan møte på under arbeid i en lavressurskontekst. Oppgaven er en case study som baserer seg på forskningsprinsipper fra ...
    • Helsekort for omsorgssektoren 

      Andersen, Frode; Hallingstad, Kai; Helling, Anders (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg utviklingen av et smartkortsystem som skal lette hverdagen for omsorgssektoren. Hensikten er å få pasientenes hjemmejournal, som i dag er på papirform, over på et smartkort. Pleieren skal benytte ...
    • Heterogeneous FTDT for Seismic Processing 

      Skomedal, Andreas Berg (Master thesis, 2013)
      In the early days of computing, scientific calculations were done by specializedhardware. More recently, increasingly powerful CPUs took over and have beendominant for a long time. Now though, scientific computation is not ...
    • Heuristics for Dynamic Delaunay Triangulation 

      Fielding, Victor (Master thesis, 2018)
      An efficient algorithm for heuristic dynamic Delaunay triangulation has been produced. Heuristics have been tested and present a trade off between speed and accuracy. A heuristic has been made that yields a triangulation ...
    • Heuristics-based compartmentalization of Replay memory in simple environments 

      Wasaznik, Aleksander Gustaw (Master thesis, 2019)
      En viktig komponent av moderne forsterkningslæringsalgoritmer er repriseminnet. En rekke foreslåtte endringer i virkemåten til repriseminnet har blitt utforsket, men de fleste har med samplingsmekanismen å gjøre. Denne ...
    • HEVN - M : Hvem Er hVor Når - Mobil 

      Harbosen, Anne Margrete; Krasniqi, Kosovare; Sveum, Arnstein (Bachelor thesis, 2003)
      På Høgskolen i Gjøvik brukes et program som kalles HEVN – Hvem Er hVor Når. Dette er en elektronisk tidskalender for de ansatte og har vært i bruk noen år allerede og er per i dag tilgjengelig på Høgskolens nettverk for ...
    • Hexachrome Color Management : kartlegging av prøvetrykksystemers mulighet til simulering av Hexachrome-trykk, under anvendelse av ICC-basert fargestyring 

      Arnesen, Frank Tony; Kvikshaug, Robin; Sivesindtajet, Trond Erik; Tangen, Torleiv (Bachelor thesis, 2002)
      Denne rapporten omhandler resultatet av et prosjekt gjennomført av studenter ved grafisk ingeniørutdanning på Høgskolen i Gjøvik. Prosjektet er gjort på oppdrag for Capella Media AS, en reprobedrift lokalisert ...
    • HFM: A Hybrid Feature Model Based on Conditional Auto Encoders for Zero-Shot Learning 

      Al Machot, Fadi; Ullah, Mohib; Ullah, Habib (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) is related to training machine learning models capable of classifying or predicting classes (labels) that are not involved in the training set (unseen classes). A well-known problem in Deep Learning ...
    • Hiding in plain sight: Directed surveillance as a bodily practice 

      Dahl, Johanne Yttri; Svanæs, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this article, we empirically explore directed surveillance as bodily practice—material bodies observing other material bodies. Such low-tech police surveillance practice (Haggerty 2012) relies on a police officer’s body ...
    • The Hierarchical Discrete Pursuit Learning Automaton: A Novel Scheme With Fast Convergence and Epsilon-Optimality 

      Omslandseter, Rebekka Olsson; Jiao, Lei; Zhang, Xuan; Yazidi, Anis; Oommen, John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Since the early 1960s, the paradigm of learning automata (LA) has experienced abundant interest. Arguably, it has also served as the foundation for the phenomenon and field of reinforcement learning (RL). Over the decades, ...
    • High Availability and Partitioning in Key-Value Stores 

      Sylliaas, Eirik Martiniussen (Master thesis, 2018)
      Maintaining and ensuring availability in modern distributed key-value stores at scale require a deep understanding of the clustering internals and the topology of the cluster. Detecting and fixing problems is often a ...
    • High Availability Transactions 

      Kolltveit, Heine (Master thesis, 2005)
      This thesis presents a framework of a passively replicated transaction manager. By integrating transactions and replication, two well known fault tolerance techniques, the framework provides high availability for transactional ...
    • High Dynamic Hyperspectral Imaging: An empirical investigation of tone mapping on spectral radiance for HDR scene 

      Hassan, Aqsa (Master thesis, 2023)
      High dynamic range (HDR) images require tone-mapping to scale the large range of luminance information that exists in the real world so that it can be displayed on a device that is capable of only a limited dynamic range ...
    • High Dynamic range imaging for dual-RGB system for cultural heritage 

      Syed, Ali Raza (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis work explores the usage of a dual-RGB multispectral imaging setup for enhancing the colour accuracy of photographic films capture. A dual-RGB multispectral imaging system captures two images from a trichromatic ...
    • High Dynamic Range Spectral Imaging Pipeline For Multispectral Filter Array Cameras 

      Lapray, Pierre-Jean; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Gouton, Pierre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Spectral filter arrays imaging exhibits a strong similarity with color filter arrays. This permits us to embed this technology in practical vision systems with little adaptation of the existing solutions. In this communication, ...
    • High Level Modeling and Evaluation of Multi-Channel Services 

      Gao, Shang (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:86, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      The objective of this thesis is two-fold: (1) to study potential factors which influence users’ adoption of mobile services, and (2) to study important factors to construct a business process support system in a mobile ...
    • High Utility Drift Detection in Quantitative Data Streams 

      Duong, Quang-Huy; Ramampiaro, Heri; Nørvåg, Kjetil; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Dam, Thu-Lan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper presents an efficient algorithm for detecting changes (drifts) in the utility distributions of patterns, named High Utility Drift Detection in Transactional Data Stream (HUDD-TDS). The algorithm is specifically ...
    • High-intensity exergaming for improved cardiorespiratory fitness: A randomised, controlled trial 

      Berg, Jonathan; Haugen, Guri; Wang, Alf Inge; Moholdt, Trine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Exergaming has been proposed as a promising alternative to traditional endurance training since many experience exergaming as more enjoyable. Therefore, the aim of this trial was to determine the exergaming-induced effect ...
    • High-intensity exergaming for improved cardiorespiratory fitness: A randomised, controlled trial 

      Berg, Jonathan; Haugen, Guri; Wang, Alf Inge; Moholdt, Trine Tegdan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Exergaming has been proposed as a promising alternative to traditional endurance training since many experience exergaming as more enjoyable. Therefore, the aim of this trial was to determine the exergaming-induced effect ...
    • High-Level Visual Masking of Image Compression Artefacts 

      Le Moan, Steven; Pedersen, Marius; Chetouani, Aladine (Chapter, 2020)
      We present the results of a subjective experiment where we measured detection thresholds for 2°wide noise targets placed in 23 different natural scenes. Unlike previous studies on visual masking, we focus particularly on ...