Now showing items 3085-3104 of 6828

    • Guided Process Discovery - A pattern-based approach 

      Mannhardt, Felix; de Leoni, Massimiliano; Reijers, Hajo A.; van der Aalst, Wil M.P.; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Process mining techniques analyze processes based on events stored in event logs. Yet, low-level events recorded by information systems may not directly match high-level activities that make sense to process stakeholders. ...
    • Guidelines for research and design of software for children with ASD in e-health 

      Bondioli, Mariasole; Buzzi, Maria Claudia; Buzzi, Marina; Chessa, Stefano; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Senetti, Caterina; Pelagatti, Susanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental disorder that results in narrow interest and impairments in communication and social relationships. Usually, unknown contexts generate anxiety and frustration in ...
    • Guiding Learning by Creating an Adaptive User-Model of Knowledge, Memory and its Decay 

      Dahlin, Anders Oliver (Master thesis, 2015)
      Background As time pass, education has been an ever growing enterprise. The past 150 years obligatory education has grown from almost non-existent to a project that takes most of our childhood. Adding more years to an ...
    • Guiding the training of Generative Adversarial Networks 

      Selseng, Simen (Master thesis, 2017)
      Image generation with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has been popular in the last few years by using the knowledge about objects and structures to generate dreamlike images, applying smart filters or making images appear ...
    • hACME game - A Tool for Teaching Security 

      Hagen, Eilev; Taraldset, Ralf Bjarne (Master thesis, 2009)
      The number of vulnerabilities in computer software is rapidly increasing. Often are these vulnerabilities caused by known and common bugs or design flaws. hACME game is an online game targeted at teaching software developers ...
    • hACME game: Administrative Interface 

      Berrum, Christian Grønnet; Johnsen, Morten Weel (Master thesis, 2011)
      hACME game is a game based learning tool for teaching software security. The game is intended to help raising awareness and interest in the subject of software security. The purpose of the game is to make future software ...
    • Halftone Modulation for Embedding UV Watermarks in Color Printed Images 

      Kitanovski, Vlado; Pedersen, Marius (Chapter, 2019)
      A method for embedding ultraviolet (UV) responsive watermarks in CMY printed halftone images, named white modulation (WM), was proposed recently, which is based on the iterative color direct binary search (CDBS) halftoning ...
    • Halftone modulations for data hiding in color printed images 

      Kitanovski, Vlado (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:8, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Techniques for embedding imperceptible data in printed images have been studied for the past few decades. The hidden data in printed images can be used to bridge the gap between printed media and the digital world in ...
    • Hallmarks of Criticality in Neuronal Networks Depend on Cell Type and the Temporal Resolution of Neuronal Avalanches 

      Heiney, Kristine; Valderhaug, Vibeke Devold; Huse Ramstad, Ola; Sandvig, Ioanna; Sandvig, Axel; Nichele, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The human brain has a remarkable capacity for computation, and it has been theorized that this capacity arises from the brain self-organizing into the critical state, a dynamical state poised between ordered and dis- ordered ...
    • Hand gesture recognition and interactivity in Pexip video conference calls 

      Kanter, Haakon Tideman; Sheikh, Omar Tveiten; Tosbakken, Aleksander (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven omfatter utviklingen av en håndgests-detektor, som ble utviklet for Pexip. Det er to hoveddeler til denne prosessen, en objektdetekteringsmodell og et GStreamer element med en prosesseringsalgoritme for ...
    • Handling Autonomous Robot Scheduling as an Optimization Problem 

      Rugsveen, Nils Inge; Bakke, Alexander (Master thesis, 2016)
      This dissertation investigates the possibility to model the behavior of an agent solving a complex robotic scheduling task, mission 7a of the International Aerial Robotics Competition, as an optimization problem known as ...
    • Handling big spatial data 

      Dahl, Vestein (Master thesis, 2019)
      De siste årene har moderne tjenester og applikasjoner måtte håndtert mer og mer flerdimensjonale data enn noen gang tidligere. Satellitter, mobilenheter, sosiale nettverk og fremtidige IoT-enheter genererer store mengder ...
    • Handling modifiability as an integrated part of development 

      Hervik, John Inge (Master thesis, 2004)
      It is not unusual that software systems are redeveloped when the systems environment changes or new requirements to functionality are found. The reason for this is that system evolution is usually not considered during the ...
    • Hands-free continuous carotid Doppler ultrasound for detection of the pulse during cardiac arrest in a porcine model 

      Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Storm, Benjamin; Lappegård, Knut Tore; How, Ole-Jakob; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Torp, Hans; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background/Purpose Pulse palpation is an unreliable method for diagnosing cardiac arrest. To address this limitation, continuous hemodynamic monitoring may be a viable solution. Therefore, we developed a novel, hands-free ...
    • Hands-On Experiences With Assistive Technologies for People With Intellectual Disabilities: Opportunities and Challenges 

      Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Gomez, Javier; Montoro, Germán (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In the recent years, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance the educational and developmental interventions of individuals with intellectual disabilities has increased drastically. Current ...
    • Haptisk simulering av organisk materiale modellert med Endelige elementers metode 

      Fagerholt, Geir (Master thesis, 2005)
      Denne rapporten omhandler hvordan endelige elementers metode kan benyttes i modellering av virtuelt organisk materiale til bruk i et haptisk system. Slik fysisk modellering har stor bruksverdi spesielt innenfor medisinske ...
    • Hardware accelerated genetic programming for pattern mining in strings 

      Sætrom, Pål (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:197, Doctoral thesis, 2005)
      This thesis considers the problem of mining patterns in strings. Informally, this is the problem of extracting information (patterns) that characterizes parts of, or even the complete, string. The thesis describes a high ...
    • Hardware accelerated sequence analysis 

      Hestnes, Arne Johan (Master thesis, 2005)
      The thesis evaluates two different techniques for using hardware acceleration in sequence analysis. The problem at hand is to detect remote homologies in protein sequences. This is useful for medical purposes, since protein ...
    • Hardware Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks 

      Halvorsen, Magnus (Master thesis, 2015)
      Convolutional neural networks have been widely employed for image recognition applications because of their high accuracy, which they achieve by emulating how our own brain recognizes objects. The possibility of making our ...
    • Hardware and software surveillance 

      Braathen, Andreas (Master thesis, 2005)
      The surveillance of computer equipment is an important task at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Given the nature and size of its installations, constant feedback about the health state of its hosts is ...