Now showing items 2594-2613 of 6569

    • Extracting Knowledge for Cultural Heritage Knowledge Base Population 

      Takhirov, Naimdjon (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:289, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      The entity-oriented description of the world is a major, current trend motivated by the need for semantic services that can support the human need of finding information, learning and discovering new knowledge, and broadening ...
    • Extracting Named Entities and Synonyms from Wikipedia for use in News Search 

      Bøhn, Christian (Master thesis, 2008)
      In news articles the focus on named entities is quite common and usually a news case is tied around a person, a company, or similar. One challenge from an information retrieval point of view is that one entity often have ...
    • Extracting news events from microblogs 

      Øystein, Repp; Ramampiaro, Heri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Twitter stream has become a large source of information, but the magnitude of tweets posted and the noisy nature of its content makes harvesting of knowledge from Twitter has challenged researchers for long time. Aiming ...
    • Extraction of image properties for plurigaussian simulation 

      Aagaard, Herman Tolpinrud; Tran, Thomas Thien Dinh (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2023-12-31
    • Extraction-Based Automatic Summarization: Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Summarization Techniques 

      Sizov, Gleb (Master thesis, 2010)
      A summary is a shortened version of a text that contains the main points of the original content. Automatic summarization is the task of generating a summary by a computer. For example, given a collection of news articles ...
    • Extreme Programming i sikkerhetskritiske systemer 

      Thorsen, Liv Ryssdal (Master thesis, 2002)
    • Extrusion Planner 

      Søvik, Emma Sofie; Trøan, Jesper; Tveiten, Kristian; Tuv, Nils Olav (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Teknologi er i konstant endring, og det er viktig for selskapene å holde seg oppdatert på disse endringene for å rykke videre i bransjen. Spesielt moderne programvare forbedres raskt, og det er viktig å oppgradere gammel ...
    • Eye Contact in Leisure Video Conferencing 

      Hoest, Annick van der (Master thesis, 2012)
      The concept of presence refers to the sensation of being in a physically distinct location. Presence with respect to video conferencing refers to feeling as if together with the remote user rather than being conscious of ...
    • Eye Tracking Studio – Designing and Evaluating a Feedback System Utilizing Eye-Tracking to Improve Remote Collaboration Between Pair Programmers 

      Rimolsrønning, Andreas; Plassen, Ola (Master thesis, 2022)
      Fjernparprogrammering har de siste årene sett en økning i popularitet, spesielt på grunn av økt bruk av hjemmekontor. Fjernsamarbeid har imidlertid ikke alle fordelene som samlokalisert samarbeid. Det er mangel på ikke-verbale ...
    • Eye Tracking Studio – Designing and Evaluating a Feedback System Utilizing Eye-Tracking to Improve Remote Collaboration Between Pair Programmers 

      Rimolsrønning, Andreas; Plassen, Ola (Master thesis, 2022)
      Fjernparprogrammering har de siste årene sett en økning i popularitet, spesielt på grunn av økt bruk av hjemmekontor. Fjernsamarbeid har imidlertid ikke alle fordelene som samlokalisert samarbeid. Det er mangel på ikke-verbale ...
    • Eye-tracking and artificial intelligence to enhance motivation and learning 

      Sharma, Kshitij; Giannakos, Michail; Dillenbourg, Pierre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The interaction with the various learners in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is often complex. Contemporary MOOC learning analytics relate with click-streams, keystrokes and other user-input variables. Such variables ...
    • Eyetracking i VR 

      Moan, Martin; Nygård, Marius; Ramberg, Håvard (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Blikkdeteksjon har i dag flere bruksområder blant annet innen akademia og kommersielle sammenhenger. Blikkdeteksjon tillater oss til en viss grad å undersøke hvor brukerens visuelle oppmerksomhet er rettet, som igjen er ...
    • EZPlugIn: Plug-n-Play Framework for a Heterogeneous IoT Infrastructure for Smart Home 

      Kar, Pushpendu; Wang, Hao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Internet of Things (IoT) introduces a very large scale of technologies. An IoT system is comprised of a large number of smart devices and sensors connected together that are often non-intrusive, transparent, and invisible. ...
    • F-CBR: An Architecture for Federated Case-Based Reasoning 

      Jaiswal, Amar; Yigzaw, Kassaye Yitbarek; Øzturk, Pinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a problem-solving methodology in artificial intelligence that attempts to solve new problems using past experiences known as cases. Experiences collected in a single case base from an institution ...
    • F2c2C-DM: A Fog-to-cloudlet-to-Cloud Data Management Architecture in Smart City 

      Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Krogstie, John; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Ahlers, Dirk (Chapter, 2019)
      Smart city solutions make a high-level technological innovation in a city to expand their citizens' quality of life by several different technological management strategies (such as resource management and data management) ...
    • F@T - Fastpris @ Team G.E.D. 

      Andreassen, Kristian G.; Eng, Pål Erik; Hatlelid, Rune; Mellem, Erik (Bachelor thesis, 2002)
      Hovedprosjektet hadde til formål å analysere, systemere, designe, kode og teste et system som skal forenkle arbeidet med å fastsette korrekt pris på ulike bilservicer. Hensikten var å finne en fastpris på en gitt service, ...
    • FABULA-learning in a wireless city: Learning in the City 

      Johansen, Arnstein (Master thesis, 2008)
      This thesis looks into the literature in the fields of informal learning, mobile learning and mobile games. A demonstrator is build to test the effect of informal learning and the use of collaborative games in a learning context.
    • Face Image Quality Assessment 

      Demloj, Walid; Grosberghaugen, Kjetil; Skattum, Julian Nyland; Taralrud, Hans Petter Fauchald (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Ytelsen på ansiktgjenkjenningssystmer er avhengig av kvaliteten på bildene for å kunne teste og trene disse systemene. For å automatisk vurdere kvaliteten på ansiktsbilder blir Face Image Quality Metrics (FIQMs) benyttet. ...
    • Face Recognition 

      Haugen, Liv Merete; Olavsbråten, Inge (Master thesis, 2007)
      Machine based face recognition has been a popular research area for several years, and has numerous applications. This technology has now reached a point where there already exists good algorithms for recognition for ...
    • Face Recognition for Access Control Using Deep Neural Networks on Mobile Devices 

      Zakariassen, Line (Master thesis, 2018)
      The Telenor-NTNU AI Lab would like to use facial detection as access control for their Lab. A proposed way of doing this is to mount a mobile device, like a tablet, outside the lab and run a facial recognition application ...