Now showing items 1961-1980 of 6828

    • Distribuert database for posisjonslagring 

      Nygaard, Eirik Alderslyst (Master thesis, 2010)
      Sosial interaksjon er en nødvendig ting i dagens samfunn, og folk vi gjerne vite hvor vennene deres er. Denne oppgaven beskriver et system som kan motta lokasjonsinformasjon fra brukere og sender den ut til ønskede parter. ...
    • Distribuert ressurskontroll i en høytilgjengelig database 

      Aasland, Even; Solberg, Magnus (Master thesis, 2005)
      Vi presenterer løsninger på et distribuert ressurskontrolleringsproblem i databasesystemet ClustRa. Ressurskontroll er et konsept som trengs for å sørge for at systemet tilbyr en tjenestekvalitet (eng: Quality of Service) ...
    • Distribuert ressurskontroll i en høytilgjengelig database 

      Solberg, Magnus; Aasland, Even (Master thesis, 2005)
      Vi presenterer løsninger på et distribuert ressurskontrolleringsproblem i databasesystemet ClustRa. Ressurskontroll er et konsept som trengs for å sørge for at systemet tilbyr en tjenestekvalitet (eng: Quality of Service) ...
    • Distribuerte evolusjonære mekanismer og organisering 

      Halvorsen, Tore (Master thesis, 2004)
      Oppgaven tar for seg noen av problemstillingene som oppstår hvis man forsøker å distribuere en evolusjon ut i flere parallelle prosesser. Den ser først og fremst på de ulike måtene subpopulasjoner kan kommunisere, og hvordan ...
    • Distribuerte Inverterte Indekser 

      Jonassen, Simon (Master thesis, 2008)
      Masteroppgaven presenterer en litteraturstudie på sammenligning mellom globale og lokale inverterte filer, samt alternative metoder som samlebåndsbaserte prosessering av globale inverterte filer og hybride inverterte filer. ...
    • Distributed Agent-Based Web Service Selection, Composition and Analysis through Partial Deduction 

      Küngas, Peep (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:21, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      In order to facilitate agile business and support online partnership formation, many modern information systems are designed to support interoperability. This tendency has become mainstream with advancements in distributed ...
    • Distributed and co-located computer supported collaboration in a learning and working environment 

      Vennes, Berit (Master thesis, 2005)
      Mobil veiledning er et pilotprosjekt ved NTNU som ble kjørt våren 2005 i fagene Operativsystemer( IT2202) og Programmering, videregående kurs (IT1104). Mobil veiledning innebærer at veiledning fra studentassistent foregår ...
    • Distributed and co-located computer supported collaboration in a learning and working environment 

      Vennes, Berit (Master thesis, 2005)
      Mobil veiledning er et pilotprosjekt ved NTNU som ble kjørt våren 2005 i fagene Operativsystemer( IT2202) og Programmering, videregående kurs (IT1104). Mobil veiledning innebærer at veiledning fra studentassistent foregår ...
    • Distributed distance-preserving graph approximations 

      Sund, Arne Lyngstad (Master thesis, 2020)
      Det er en voksende interesse for forskning og analyse av store grafer. Disse grafene kan være grafer man blant annet finner i sosiale medier, hvordan nettsider linker til hverandre og hvordan smitte sprer seg i globale ...
    • Distributed Equipment Tracking in Unreliable Network Environments 

      Möckel, Johannes; Ruud, Ole Martin Ødevald; Strangstadstuen, Roald (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Sambandsseksjonen, G6, i Opplanske Heimevernsdistrikt skal til en hver tid ha kontroll over materiell og utstyr. De ønsker å anskaffe et digitalt system for å spore utstyret deres. Hovedutfordring er at systemet må settes ...
    • Distributed Hosting of Systems using donated Computer Resources 

      Hansen, André Skoglund (Master thesis, 2013)
      To host a value-added internet service, like a web page with a large user base, an organization either has to rely on cash donations or it has to monetize the service. The monetization of the service often means degrading ...
    • Distributed Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning: Knowledge Sharing and Reuse within the Semantic Web 

      Fidjeland, Mikael Kirkeby (Master thesis, 2006)
      The Semantic Web is an emerging framework for data reuse and sharing. By giving data clear semantics it allows for machine processing of this information. The Semantic Web technologies range from simple meta data to domain ...
    • Distributed Ledger and Decentralised Technology Adoption for Smart Digital Transition in Collaborative Enterprise 

      Bokolo, Anthony Junior (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Digital transformation of Collaborative Enterprise (CE), both in terms of planning and implementation, relies on new business models and innovative technologies. One of such technologies is Distributed Ledger Technology ...
    • Distributed NetFlow Processing Using the Map-Reduce Model 

      Morken, Jan Tore (Master thesis, 2010)
      We study the viability of using the map-reduce model and frameworks for NetFlow data processing. The map-reduce model is an approach to distributed processing that simplifies implementation work, and it can also help in ...
    • Distributed Session Management, Session Mobility and Transfer in UbiCollab 

      Olsen, Kai Arne Gudbrandstuen (Master thesis, 2008)
      This thesis has been carried out as a contribution to the UbiCollab-project. UbiCollab is a service-oriented platform that envisions an arena for ubiquitous collaboration where social interactions may happen both natural ...
    • Distributed Shared Objects for Mobile Multiplayer Games and Applications 

      Ørbekk, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2012)
      Mobile gaming for smartphones has gained huge popularity in recent yearsand has become a big industry. In 2011 Google Play passed 10 billiondownloads. The game Angry Birds alone has been installed on devices morethan 50 ...
    • Distribution and gradient constrained embedding model for zero-shot learning with fewer seen samples 

      Zhang, Jing; Geng, YangLi-ao; Wang, Wen; Sun, Wenju; Yang, Zhirong; Li, Qingyong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL), which aims to recognize unseen classes with no training data, has made great progress in recent years. However, established ZSL methods implicitly assumed that there exist sufficient labeled samples ...
    • Distribution-based Grammatical Evolution of L-system Plants 

      Vik, Magnus Bjerke (Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis explores how to improve L-system plant generation using evolutionary algorithms (EAs). The plants should be aesthetically pleasing, varied, and have the ability to be combined with other plants. Previous work ...
    • Distributional Semantic Models for Clinical Text Applied to Health Record Summarization 

      Moen, Hans (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:134, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      As information systems in the health sector are becoming increasingly computerized, large amounts of care-related information are being stored electronically. In hospitals clinicians continuously document treatment and ...
    • Diversification of Top-k Geosocial Queries 

      Abedi Firouzjaei, Hassan; Gupta, Dhruv; Nørvåg, Kjetil (Chapter, 2023)
      In this work, we investigate the problem of diversifying top-k geosocial queries. To do so, we model the diversification objective as a bi-criteria objective that maximizes both user diversity and geosocial proximity. Due ...