Now showing items 906-925 of 1074

    • Security and Privacy issues in IoT based Smart Grids: A case study in a digital substation 

      Abraham, Doney; Yildirim Yayilgan, Sule; Abomhara, Mohamed; Gebremedhin, Alemayehu; Dalipi, Fisnik (Chapter, 2022)
      Smart Grid is one of the increasingly used critical infrastructures that is essential for the functioning of a country. This coupled with Internet of Things (IoT) has huge potentials in several areas such as remote monitoring ...
    • Seismic Analysis of Baffle-Reinforced Elevated Storage Tank Using Finite Element Method 

      Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad; Tosee, Seyed Vahid Razavi; Valerievich, Kiyanets A.; Najafi, Leila; Faridmehr, Iman (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The sloshing phenomenon is an important field of fluid dynamics in liquid storage tanks under earthquake excitation. When the sloshing frequency gets close to the liquid tank’s natural frequency, the resulting resonance ...
    • Seismic Analysis of Concrete Arch Dam Considering Material Failure Criterion 

      Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad; Faridmehr, Iman; Goldaran, Reza; Safaeian Amoly, Roozbeh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Since large dams collapse can lead to catastrophic consequences on human's lives and properties, the reliable performance of such structures during a strong earthquake is extremely important. Therefore, applying reliable ...
    • Seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame for the risk assessment process 

      Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad; Ghazaei, Mohammadreza (Chapter, 2017)
      Risk assessment is a suitable method for general decision making in the field of seismic safety. The aim of seismic risk assessment is to calculate the probability of detrimental economic and social effects in a particular ...
    • Self-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites based on Discontinuous Tapes - An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Influence of Tape Length 

      Goutianos, Stergios; Cabrera, Norbert; Alcock, Benjamin; Reynolds, Neil; Peijs, Ton (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The creation of highly oriented, coextruded polypropylene (PP) tapes allows the production of recyclable self-reinforced polypropylene (SRPP) or all-PP composites, with a large temperature processing window and high volume ...
    • A Semantic Approach for Automated Rule Compliance Checking in Construction Industry 

      Guo, Dongming; Onstein, Erling; La Rosa, Angela Daniela (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Automated Compliance Checking (ACC) of building/construction projects is one of the important applications in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, because it provides the checking processes and results ...
    • A sensitivity quantification approach to significance analysis of thrusters in dynamic positioning operations. 

      Wang, Chunlin; Li, Guoyuan; Skulstad, Robert; Cheng, Xu; Osen, Ottar Laurits; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The safety of offshore operations is highly dependent on the dynamic positioning (DP) capability of a vessel. Meanwhile, DP capability comes down to the ability of the thrust generated by thrusters to counteract environmental ...
    • Should Colour Vision Deficiency Be a Recognized Special Education Need (SEN)? 

      Kvitle, Anne Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A colour vision deficiency (CVD) is a condition that affects about one in 12 of the male population, and one in 200 of the females. On average, there is at least one student in every classroom affected by a reduced colour ...
    • Signal element 

      Askilsrud, Tore; Beitdokken, Jørgen; Lindberg, Lars Erik; Sagstuen, Ståle (Bachelor thesis, 2003)
      Vi har programmert, prosjektert og satt opp et Signal Element på Skibladnerbryga i Gjøvik. Signal Elementet symboliserer et skovelhjul. Det er seks skovelblad i hjulet, et for hvert av Skibladners anløpssteder rundt ...
    • Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles as a Mechanical Boosting Agent in Material Extrusion 3D-Printed Polycarbonate 

      Petousis, Markos; Vidakis, Nectarios; Mountakis, Nikolaos; Grammatikos, Sotirios; Papadakis, Vassilis; David, Constantine N.; Moutsopoulou, Amalia; Das, Subrata Chandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this work, the effect of silicon carbide (carborundum, SiC), as a boosting agent of the mechanical response of the polycarbonate (PC) polymer, was investigated. The work aimed to fabricate nanocomposites with an improved ...
    • Simplification of mathematical models of objects with distributed parameters by the method of splitting 

      Verlan, Andriy; Ivanyuk, Volodymyr (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The article considers the methods of constructing simplified models of multidimensional heat conduction problems in the form of one-dimensional problems' solutions' products. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is ...
    • Sjøledning vs. Vannbehandlingsanlegg 

      Eikeland, Lars Anders; Bader, Vebjørn Ernst (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgaven har som mål å utforske på hvilken måte en kan etablere en trygg og sikker drikkevannsforsyning på Espa i Stange kommune. Kommunen har foreslått to alternativer, som er følgende: Alternativ 1. sjøledning fra ...
    • Skanning og 3D-modellering av eldre trebygg 

      Tonsiri, Martine Draugedal; Strand, Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven handler om hvordan man kan 3D-modellere et eldre trebygg, for å hente ut informasjon om materialmengder. Denne informasjonen kan da knyttes opp mot tanken om å kunne gjenbruke materialene ...
    • Skårsetlia bo‐og servicesenter 

      Løype, Petter; Osufsen, Stian; Slåtten, Jostein; Tøsti, Iver (Bachelor thesis, 2008)
      Skårsetlia bo og servicesenter er et omsorgssenter lokalisert i Lillerhammer. Behovet for økt kapasitet har ført til at et nybygg og et tilbygg er under oppføring. Byggene vil bestå av leiligheter. Vårt hovedprosjekt ...
    • Skjærforbindelser i etasjeskiller av tre- og betongkomposittelementer 

      Muratshin, Dmitry; Sadat, Ramish; Svingen, Håvard (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Hensikten med oppgaven er å finne den beste egnede skjærforbindelsen laget av massivtre i komposittelementer bestående av massivtre og betong med tanke på fasthetsegenskaper. Vi har testet 10 forskjellige elementer med ...
    • Skjøting av undergurt i store limtrefagverk 

      Skjelhagen, Espen; Øie, Peder Horten (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Moelven Limtre produserer i dag limtrebjelker med en maksimal lengde på 30 meter. Ved bruk av limtre i fagverkskonstruksjoner over 30 meter, er det nødvendig å skjøte sammen flere bjelker. Moelven Limtre ønsker å kartlegge ...
    • Smart-Wall 2020 - Et Valg for Fremtiden ? 

      Vebakken, Bjørn Inge; Marmont-Ramsey, Philip (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg en problemstilling knyttet til oppføring av kjellervegg helt eller delvis under terreng. Grunnlaget for oppgaven er Nordisk Sprøytebetong’s tekniske godkjenning for kompaktmur TEK17, og formålet ...
    • Social aspects of process monitoring in manufacturing systems 

      Martinsen, Kristian; Holtskog, Halvor; Larsson, Catrine Eleonor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Many systems for process monitoring using in-process sensor measuring rely on human interpretation and reaction in order to control the process and achieve the desired effect from the monitoring. This paper reports from ...
    • Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality in Cyber- Physical Systems - SEA4DQ'21 Workshop Report 

      Nguyen, Phu Hong; Sen, Sagar; Jourdan, Nicolas; Cassoli, Beatriz; Myrseth, Per; Armendia, Mikel; Myklebust, Odd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been developed in many industrial sectors and application domains in which the quality requirements of data acquired are a common factor. Data quality in CPS can deteriorate because of ...
    • Software Maintenance Practices Using Agile Methods Towards Cloud Environment: A Systematic Mapping 

      Almashhadani, Mohammed; Mishra, Alok; Yazici, Ali (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Agile methods have emerged to overcome the obstacles of structured methodologies, such as the waterfall, prototype, spiral, and so on. There are studies showing the usefulness of agile approaches in software development. ...