• Validating query execution plan estimates in MySQL 

      Eriksen, Andreas Selfjord (Master thesis, 2010)
      The query optimizer in MySQL chooses from the available query execution plans by estimating the cost of execution for each plan. In this project, MySQL will be extended to record the actual cost of executing each query. ...
    • Validation of a Developed Enterprise Architecture Framework for Digitalisation of Smart Cities: a Mixed‑Mode Approach 

      Bokolo, Anthony Junior; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      To support smart cities in aligning information technology (IT) and business strategies to achieve urban digitalization, this study aims to present an Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) to facilitate the digitalization ...
    • Validation of Safety Metrics for Object Detectors in Autonomous Driving 

      Rønnestad, Andreas; Montecchi, Leonardo; Ceccarelli, Andrea (Chapter, 2024)
      Object detection consists in perceiving and locating instances of objects in multi-dimensional data, such as images or lidar scans. While object detection is a fundamental step in autonomous vehicles applications, it is ...
    • Validation of stereo vision based liver surface reconstruction for image guided surgery 

      Teatini, Andrea; Wang, Congcong; Palomar, Rafael; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Edwin, Bjørn; Elle, Ole Jacob (Chapter, 2018)
      Image guided surgery systems aim to provide navigation to surgeons in order to improve accuracy and safety of the procedures. Through stereo reconstruction algorithms, it is possible to generate 3D surfaces intra-operatively ...
    • Value co-creation and purchase intention in social commerce: The enabling role of word-of-mouth and trust 

      Mikalef, Patrick; Pappas, Ilias; Giannakos, Michail (Chapter, 2017)
      Social commerce combines commercial and social activities, and has managed in a very short period of time to attract the interest of researchers and practitioners. In this study we use theories of trust and value co-creation ...
    • Value Co-Creation and Trust in Social Commerce: An fsQCA approach 

      Pappas, Ilias; Mikalef, Patrick; Giannakos, Michail; Pavlou, Paul (Chapter, 2017)
      This study aims to explain how value co-creation, between customers and companies, and key aspects of trust combine to influence customers’ purchase intentions in social commerce. Value co-creation is decomposed into two ...
    • Value Modeling in the Agricultural Business Sector 

      Feng, Wei (Master thesis, 2007)
      The growth of global market leads to that more and more organizations face drastic competitions in their industry area. The organizations whose products or services can attract a large amount of customers will take much ...
    • Value Tensions in Telecare: An Explorative Case Study 

      Dahl, Yngve; Reitan, Jarl; Das, Anita (Chapter, 2018)
      We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung patients and health response center personnel toward a telecare service for such a patient group. The telecare service was ...
    • Value-Added Services, Virtual Enterprises and Data Spaces Inspired Enterprise Architecture for Smart Cities 

      Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Pourzolfaghar, Zohreh; Alloush, Iyas; Ahlers, Dirk; Krogstie, John; Helfert, Markus (Chapter, 2019)
      As a part of their digital transformation, municipalities across Europe have taken initiatives to support Open Data platforms and provide services leveraging on data. This challenges the traditional business driven IT ...
    • Variance-Based Exploration for Learning Model Predictive Control 

      Seel, Katrine; Bemporad, Alberto; Gros, Sebastien Nicolas; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The combination of model predictive control (MPC) and learning methods has been gaining increasing attention as a tool to control systems that may be difficult to model. Using MPC as a function approximator in reinforcement ...
    • Variational Anisotropic Gradient-Domain Image Processing 

      Farup, Ivar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Gradient-domain image processing is a technique where, instead of operating directly on the image pixel values, the gradient of the image is computed and processed. The resulting image is obtained by reintegrating the ...
    • Variational Approach for Capsule Video Frame Interpolation 

      Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir; Farup, Ivar; Yildirim, Sule; Pedersen, Marius; Hovde, Øistein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Capsule video endoscopy, which uses a wireless camera to visualize the digestive tract, is emerging as an alternative to traditional colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is considered as the gold standard for visualizing the colon and ...
    • Variational based smoke removal in laparoscopic images 

      Wang, Congcong; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Kaaniche, Mounir; Beghdadi, Azeddine; Elle, Ole Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background In laparoscopic surgery, image quality can be severely degraded by surgical smoke, which not only introduces errors for the image processing algorithms (used in image guided surgery), but also reduces the ...
    • Variational Inference over Nonstationary Data Streams for Exponential Family Models 

      Masegosa, Andres; Ramos-López, Dario; Salmeron, Antonio; Langseth, Helge; Nielsen, Thomas D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In many modern data analysis problems, the available data is not static but, instead, comes in a streaming fashion. Performing Bayesian inference on a data stream is challenging for several reasons. First, it requires ...
    • The VAROS Synthetic Underwater Data Set: Towards realistic multi-sensor underwater data with ground truth 

      Zwilgmeyer, Peder Georg Olofsson; Yip, Mauhing; Teigen, Andreas Langeland; Mester, Rudolf; Stahl, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Underwater visual perception requires being able to deal with bad and rapidly varying illumination and with reduced visibility due to water turbidity. The verification of such algorithms is crucial for safe and efficient ...
    • The vascular occlusion test using multispectral imaging: a validation study 

      Bruins, Arnoud A.; Geboers, Diederik G. P. J.; Bauer, Jacob Renzo; Klaessens, John; Verdaasdonk, R.M.; Boer, Christa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Multispectral imaging (MSI) is a new, non-invasive method to continuously measure oxygenation and microcirculatory perfusion, but has limitedly been validated in healthy volunteers. The present study aimed to validate the ...
    • VCIIGE - Visualization of Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies using Game Engines 

      Sveen, Robin Skilbrei; Lunden, Nils Peter; Lund, Hans Jacob Koren (Bachelor thesis, 2009)
      Utvikling av et verktøy som muliggjør visualisering av kritiske hendelser som følge av gjensidig avhengighet mellom kritiske infrastrukturer. Disse hendelsene omfatter brann med røyk, oversvømmelse og gasseksplosjon. ...
    • Vectorized Benchmarks for the Berkeley Dwarfs 

      De Frene, Christian (Master thesis, 2017)
      In order to guide development of new hardware that meet ever increasing needs, researchers and system designers need high quality performance evaluation tools. In computer science, benchmarking has emerged as one of the ...
    • Veien til digital inkludering - Hvordan SpareBank 1 SMN kan styrke selvbetjeningsmuligheter for eldre kunder med lav digital modenhet 

      Holsten, Oskar Lien; Balasubramaniam, Rohit; Ilangugarasan, Thanejan (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven undersøker hvordan SpareBank 1 SMN kan øke graden av selvbetjening blant eldre kunder med lav digital modenhet. Selvbetjeningsløsninger gir kunder økt fleksibilitet og effektivitet, samtidig som det ...
    • Veien til en vellykket ERP-implementering ved bruk av systemutviklingsmetodikk 

      Johansson, Bendik Østerlie; Bygland-Hansen, Kristian (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Stadig flere virksomheter tar i bruk moderne skybaserte ERP-systemer. Siden ERP-systemer er ende-til-ende løsninger som omfatter funksjonalitet på tvers av en hel virksomhet, er et ERP-prosjekt svært omfattende. Implementering ...