Now showing items 6286-6305 of 6828

    • Two-hand, camera-based gesture recognition for SoundDream 

      Støren, Henrik Hjorthen (Master thesis, 2015)
      Hand gesture recognition is the task of having a machine recognize the hand gestures made by a human. In this thesis the main focus has been to research AI methods for gesture recognition. I investigate machine learning ...
    • U-Compare bio-event meta-service: compatible BioNLP event extraction services 

      Kano, Yoshinobu; Björne, Jari; Ginter, Filip; Salakoski, Tapio; Buyko, Ekaterina; Hahn, Udo; Cohen, Kevin Bretonnel; Verspoor, Karin; Roeder, Christophe; Hunter, Lawrence E.; Kilicoglu, Halil; Bergler, Sabine; Van Landeghem, Sofie; Van Parys, Thomas; Van de Peer, Yves; Miwa, Makoto; Ananiadou, Sophia; Neves, Mariana; Pascual-Montano, Alberto; Ozgur, Arzucan; Radev, Dragomir R.; Riedel, Sebastian; Sætre, Rune; Chun, Hong-Woo; Kim, Jin-Dong; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Background: Bio-molecular event extraction from literature is recognized as an important task of bio text mining and, as such, many relevant systems have been developed and made available during the last decade. While ...
    • UAV-enabled data acquisition scheme with directional wireless energy transfer for Internet of Things 

      Liu, Yalin; Dai, Hong-Ning; Wang, Hao; Imran, Muhammad; Wang, Xiaofeng; Shoaib, Muhammad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Low power Internet of Things (IoT) is suffering from two limitations: battery-power limitation of IoT nodes and inflexibility of infrastructure-node deployment. In this paper, we propose an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-enabled ...
    • UAV-enabled friendly jamming scheme to secure industrial Internet of Things 

      Wang, Qubeijian; Dai, Hong-Ning; Wang, Hao; Xu, Guangquan; Sangaiahs, Arun Kumar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Eavesdropping is a critical threat to the security of industrial Internet of things (IIoT) since many malicious attacks often follow eavesdropping activities. In this paper, we present an anti-eavesdropping scheme based ...
    • UbiBazaar: App Store for the Internet of Things 

      Stastny, Simon (Master thesis, 2015)
      Recently the world witnesses the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, as new commercial IoT products by both large tech companies and new startups are coming to market daily. The recent boom in hardware ...
    • UbiCollab: A Service Architecture for Supporting Ubiquitous Collaboration 

      Brustad, Andreas Larsen; Mosveen, Christian Hågensen (Master thesis, 2006)
      Ubiquitous computing integrates computation into the environment, and enables users to move around and interact with computers more naturally than they currently do. This helps to address some of the traditional challenges ...
    • UbiFall: a study of fall detection services and use of social media 

      Lund, Andreas (Master thesis, 2013)
      En studie av eksisterende falldeteksjon-servicer og systemer, samt planlegging, utvikling, implementasjon og evaluering av et nytt system i samarbeid med SINTEF.
    • Ubiquitous Computing at Point of Care in Hospitals: A User-Centered Approach 

      Dahl, Yngve (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:147, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      Ubiquitous computing opens up for a wide range of ways to support human-computer interaction beyond the desktop, and promises more seamless integration between computer technology and situations of use. However, the ...
    • Ultrasound Guided Surgery: Multimodal Visualization and Navigation Accuracy 

      Lindseth, Frank (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:143, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      The overall goal of this study was to develop new and improved techniques in the field of ultrasound-guided minimal invasive surgery that could be implemented in future navigation systems based on ultrasound. The focus has ...
    • Uncertainty-aware autonomous sensing with deep reinforcement learning 

      Murad, Abdulmajid; Kraemer, Frank Alexander; Bach, Kerstin; Taylor, Gavin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Constructing an accurate representation model of phenomena with fewer measurements is a fundamental challenge in the Internet of Things. Leveraging sparse sensing policies to select the most informative measurements is a ...
    • Unconventional Biometrics 

      Barbosa, Igor Barros (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:262, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      This thesis is a paper collection that focuses on unconventional methods of biometric recognition. Four new approaches are presented and discussed. The first two introduce and explore the concepts behind transient biometrics. ...
    • Uncovering Software Vulnerabilities Using Source Code Analysis and Fuzzing 

      Albrigtsen, Felix; Eriksen, Kristoffer Longva; Juelsen, Kristoffer (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å utforske hvordan statisk kildekodeanalyse og fuzzing kan brukes til å avdekke sårbarheter i programmer skrevet i et lavnivåspråk. I denne oppgaven vil vi gjennomføre en penetrasjonstest av ...
    • Uncovering the dark side of AI-based decision-making: A case study in a B2B context 

      Papagiannidis, Emmanouil; Mikalef, Patrik; Conboy, Kieran; van de wetering, Rogier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Over the last decade, many organizations worldwide have been assimilating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to increase their productivity and attain a competitive advantage. As with any technology, intelligence ...
    • Uncovering the Educational Data Mining Landscape and Future Perspective: A Comprehensive Analysis 

      Ozyurt, Ozcan; Ozyurt, Hacer; Mishra, Deepti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Educational data mining (EDM) enables improving educational systems by using data mining techniques on educational data to analyze students’ learning processes to extract valuable information that helps optimize teaching ...
    • The underlying components of data-driven smart sustainable cities of the future: a case study approach to an applied theoretical framework 

      Bibri, Simon Elias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The increased pressure on cities has led to a stronger need to build sustainable cities that can last. Planning sustainable cities of the future, educated by the lessons of the past and anticipating the challenges of the ...
    • Understanding and Analyzing Emergent Misbehavior on Cyber-Physical Systems. 

      Kaloudi, Nektaria (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:114, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      In a constantly evolving world, various technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) influence the development of digital transformation through its decision-making capabilities. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are ...
    • Understanding and augmenting children's learning experiences with motion-based technologies: The role of multimodal analytics 

      Lee-Cultura, Serena Glyn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:231, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Including children in the learning process through purposeful motion is a complex, yet promising endeavour. Motion-Based Technologies (MBTs), which depend on sensors to naturally engage children through “touchless” gesture, ...
    • Understanding and Improving Recurrent Networks for Human Activity Recognition by Continuous Attention 

      Zeng, Ming; Gao, Haoxiang; Yu, Tong; Mengshoel, Ole Jakob; Langseth, Helge; Lane, Ian; Liu, Xiaobing (Chapter, 2018)
      Deep neural networks, including recurrent networks, have been successfully applied to human activity recognition. Unfortunately, the final representation learned by recurrent networks might encode some noise (irrelevant ...
    • Understanding and Reasoning About Early Signs of Sepsis - From Annotation Guideline to Ontology 

      Yan, Melissa Y.; Høvik, Lise Husby; Gustad, Lise Tuset; Nytrø, Øystein (Chapter, 2022)
      In the clinical domain, patient states such as sepsis due to bloodstream infection (BSI) result in observable symptoms and signs used to determine diagnosis and treatment, all of which often is documented in electronic ...