• Programming a Hearthstone agent using Monte Carlo Tree Search 

      Andersson, Markus Heikki; Hesselberg, Håkon Helgesen (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis describes the effort of adapting Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to the game of Hearthstone, a card game with hidden information and stochastic elements. The focus is on discovering the suitability of MCTS for ...
    • Programming Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) 

      Bakke, Glenn Ruben Årthun (Master thesis, 2009)
      In this thesis we do a broad study of the languages, libraries and frameworks for general purpose computations on graphics processors. We have also studied the different graphics processor architectures that has been ...
    • Programming in Introductory Physics: an Online Learning Platform to Support Teachers 

      Hole, Niklas Molnes (Master thesis, 2020)
      Den norske regjeringen har bestemt at fra 2021 vil programmering være lagt til fysikk planen ved norske videregående skoler (USS). Lærere har vært i stand til å delta på ProFag (https://www.mn.uio.no/kurt/livslang-lering/profag) ...
    • Programming Nao as an Educational Agent: A Comparison Between Choregraphe and Python SDK 

      Subedi, Anushka; Pandey, Dipesh; Mishra, Deepti (Chapter, 2022)
      Programming a humanoid robot for educational purpose is a demanding task for a beginner with little experience. Several studies are available in which humanoid robots such as NAO, are used in educational settings to move, ...
    • Programvareutvikling fra ide til ferdig produkt 

      Even Smith-Nilsen, Kristian M. B. Storehaug, Stian; Fosseide Sellie & Stine Hofstad Thronæs (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven er det blitt utviklet en webapplikasjon for Gjærevollsenteret som er ment å spre kunnskap om naturmangfold. Applikasjonen fungerer ved at brukeren kan ta ulike quizer på spesifikke steder på en ...
    • Progressive Photon Mapping on GPUs 

      Pedersen, Stian Aaraas (Master thesis, 2013)
      Physically based rendering using ray tracing is capable of producing realistic images of much higher quality than other methods. However, the computational costs associated with exploring all paths of light are huge; it ...
    • Project Flash 

      Goksøyr, Geir-Olav; Hammerstad, Ragnhild; Torp, Stian; Veflen, John (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Oppdragsgiveren for dette prosjektet var I|O Publishing Technology. De ga oss i oppgave å finne ut hvordan informasjon som ligger i en database kan vises og oppdateres i en dynamisk flashside. Hvis vi fikk tid skulle vi ...
    • Project Management in Industrial Applications of Machine Learning 

      Hjertaker, Andreas Torkildsen; Besirovic, Irnis (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Økt bruk av maskinlæring i industri skaper behov for å lede prosjektleveransene til suksess og forstå hva kriteriene for slik suksess er. Prosjektledelse er et praktisk fagfelt som har vokst frem for å sikre prosjektets ...
    • Project NORS: a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Game Implemented in Unreal Engine 4 

      Ness, Jonathan; Olsen, Aleksander; Rødland, Marius; Sand, Chris Andre (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      NORS is a new MOBA game with exiting features such as, controlling the elements. With this ability, the player can control and change the environment to their benefit in the epic battle for Great Britannia between the ...
    • Project-based learning and training of in-service teachers in programming: Projects as a bridge between training and practice 

      Rouhani, Majid; Divitini, Monica; Olsø, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper presents and evaluates a model of project-based learning (PjBL) to train in-service teachers of programming. The paper contributes to the body of knowledge around in-service teachers' training to meet the growing ...
    • Project-Based Learning in IT Education: Definitions and Qualities 

      Sindre, Guttorm; Giannakos, Michail; Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke; Munkvold, Robin Isfold; Aalberg, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      To prepare IT graduates for professional careers, their education must provide them with “real-life” experience. There are many tasks beyond those of core software engineering and development for which students need training: ...
    • Project: Avacyn 

      Kolbu, Sebastian; Gregersen, Kristian; Ballangrud, Petter (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Prosjekt: Avacyn er et prosjekt om å lage et dungeon crawler spill i Unreal Engine 4. Vår implementasjon trekker inspirasjon og gjør forbedringer av ulike aspekter fra tidligere utgitte spill i samme sjanger. Utviklingen ...
    • Promoting asynchronous collaborationand content co-creation 

      Hesselberg, Vegard Helgesen (Master thesis, 2021)
    • Promoting reflection in agile software development teams using GitHub data 

      Glittum, Marius Nedal; Stene, Even (Master thesis, 2013)
      Agile software development teams work with several different artifacts ona daily basis, and by interacting with these artifacts users are involvedin work related experiences. By revisiting these experiences and reflectingupon ...
    • Promoting reflection with WATCHiT apps 

      Thorvaldsen, Oivind Andre (Master thesis, 2013)
      Reflection on work is important to promote continuous learning and help workers learn from previous experiences and improve the next time. It is not enough just to experience something, we have to reflect on the experience ...
    • Promotion of Reflective Learning through Gamification 

      Sæter, Sondre Løberg; Valle, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis suggests that the use of game elements may improve the results in processes of reflective learning. The inclusion of game elements in an existing application called ?Timeline? is used as a case study for testing ...
    • Prompt Engineering with Modifiers 

      Ommundsen, Erlend Marius (Master thesis, 2023)
      Å kunne korte ned større mengder informasjon, og samtidig bevare essentielle fakta og budskap, er verdifullt i dagens datadrevne verden. I tråd med den sterke generelle fremgangen innen prosessering av naturlig språk på ...
    • Prompting generative models for named entity recognition using language and visuals 

      Henriksbø, Marcus Tiedemann Økland (Master thesis, 2023)
      Fremskrittet til store språkmodeller har vært merkbare ikke bare for forskere, men også for allmennheten i nyere tid [56]. Vi ser utviklingen av store språkmodeller i sammenheng med visuelle modeller slik at multimodale ...
    • Proof of concept of system for analysis of historic data for use of electric scooters 

      Kristoffersen, Jonas. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Industrien med leibare elektriske sparkesykler er ung og vokser stadig. Å jobbe med disse sparkesyklene er arbeid som aldri tar slutt, og tar opp mye tid og hardt arbeid. I ett forsøk på å forbedre aspekter av industrien, ...