• Optimizing for Energy in High-Level Programming Languages on Embedded Devices 

      Gombos, Péter Henrik (Master thesis, 2015)
      The use of embedded systems has exploded recently, and thus also the number of developers for embedded systems. But the traditional way of programming embedded computers is hard and error prone, and the use of high-level ...
    • Optimizing Gesture Recognition: A comparison of hidden Markov models and linear gesture recognition 

      Kindem, Håvard (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis aims to compare a simple linear recognition algorithm to that ofthe well proven and reliable Hidden Markov Model. It implements a gesturerecognition system able to recognize gestures using both algorithms and ...
    • Optimizing Inter-Service Communication Between Microservices 

      Nyfløtt, Martin Storø (Master thesis, 2017)
      The microservice pattern is a new alternative to architecting back-end systems. Instead of building large, monolithic systems that lead to issues related to scalability, maintainability and extensibility, systems are built ...
    • Optimizing Power and Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing 

      Khan, Naveed; Shrestha, Raju (Chapter, 2019)
      With the exponential growth in cloud computing data centers, power consumption due to the use of physical and virtual machines is becoming a challenge. The amount of power consumed by these systems is increasing day by ...
    • Optimizing routes for snow plowing in Trondheim using evolutionary algorithms 

      Randby, Simon Glisic (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis route optimization for snow plowing in Trondheim municipality (Norway) is explored. It is modeled as a node, edge, and arc routing problem, which has been shown to be NP-hard. To generate the routes a memetic ...
    • Optimizing visual analytics capabilities to reinforce information awareness 

      Myrann, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2017)
      Computer science and informatics are one of the industries which is in constant change. The trends and needs of this industry changes sometimes faster than the curriculum at the universities. The Norwegian University of ...
    • OptiNet: AMD Detection Network 

      Hanssen, Stian Rikstad (Master thesis, 2019)
      Det medisinske fagfeltet utforsker flere og flere automatiske teknikker for å hjelpe fagpersoner i sitt arbeid. I de siste årene, har kunstige nevrale nettverk funnet suksess i et stort antall fagfelt med ytelse på likt ...
    • Optional code as a method of program adaptation 

      Nilsen, Jonathan Andrew Scott (Master thesis, 2022)
      I mobile og innbygde systemer har man begrenset prosessorkapasitet og energi, og dermed er det viktig å utnytte de tilgjengelige ressursene effektivt. Det eksisterer flere velkjente teknikker for å optimere energibruken ...
    • OptiqueVQS: a Visual Query System over Ontologies for Industry 

      Soylu, Ahmet; Kharlamov, Evgeny; Zheleznyakov, Dmitriy; Jimenez-Ruiz, Ernesto; Giese, Martin; Skjæveland, Martin G; Hovland, Dag; Schlatte, Rudolf; Brandt, Sebastian; Lie, Hallstein; Horrocks, Ian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      An important application of semantic technologies in industry has been the formalisation of information models using OWL~2 ontologies and the use of RDF for storing and exchanging application data. Moreover, legacy data ...
    • Ordre- og informasjonsflyt i en grafisk bedrift 

      Austrheim, Bente; Berbu, Bodil; Mæle, Ane; Norevik, Jørgen Reboli (Bachelor thesis, 2002)
      I følge bedriftens egne vurderinger er det i dagens situasjon for mange tilfeldige rutiner og for mye dobbeltarbeid. Vi har derfor tatt for oss ordreflyten i bedriften for å effektivisere og digitalisere denne, og foreslått ...
    • OREGO – Obligatorisk Registrering Av Oppmøte 

      Holberg, Morten; Hansen, Tor Kristian Kjelsberg (Bachelor thesis, 2010)
      Hovedprosjektet vårt har dreid seg om å lage et system for automatisk registrering av oppmøte for Høgskolen i Gjøvik. Det består av en registreringsmodul, en webside, et serverprogram og en database. Via registreringsmodulen ...
    • Organisasjonskulturens påvirkning på kunnskapsforvaltning : En casestudie 

      Krohn-Holm, Kristian (Master thesis, 2017)
      I utviklende markeder, hvor produkter og teknologier har korte livssykluser, anses bruken, organiseringen og skapelsen av kunnskap som et viktig konkurransefortrinn. Et stort antall organisasjoner har derfor en fremtredende ...
    • Organisering av digitaliseringsprosjekter 

      Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Bjørnson, Finn Olav; Sporsem, Tor Thorsrud (Research report, 2021)
      Stadig flere prosjekter inkluderer grader av digitalisering, spesielt prosjekter med innovasjon i produkter, tjenester eller arbeidsmetoder. Slike prosjekter har hatt utfordringer med å levere på nytte, teknisk produktkvalitet, ...
    • Organisering og bruk av Hazard and Operability-ledeord for tekstlige use case 

      Hånde, Tor Magnus (Master thesis, 2011)
      I oppgaven har vi sett på organisasjon av ledeord i analysemetoden Hazard and Operability (HazOp) og hvordan domenespesifikke ledeordssett kan benyttes for å gi bedre resultater fra analyseprosessen. Forskningsresultatene ...
    • Organizational Culture Challenges of Adopting Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Lunde, Trygve Åse; Sjusdal, Atilla Paul; Pappas, Ilias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The interest of adopting big data (BD) in organizations has emerged in recent years. Even though many organizations have attempted to adopt BD, the benefits gained by this investment has been limited, and organizations ...
    • Organizational issues in embracing Agile methods : an empirical assessment 

      Mishra, Alok; Abdalhamid, Samia; Mishra, Deepti; Ostrovska, Sofiya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study provides empirical evidence to the body of knowledge in Agile methods adoption in small, medium and large organizations in international context. This research explores the factors involved in the adoption of ...
    • Organizing Mobile Work Processes in Ubiquitous Computing Environments 

      Jacobsen, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2005)
      This thesis explores the domain of ubiquitous computing and relates situations of mobile work to Virtual Organizations (VOs). Motivated by the work performed by the MOWAHS project, this thesis aims to contribute in ...
    • Orientation Modulation for Data Hiding in Chrominance Channels of Direct Binary Search Halftone Prints 

      Kitanovski, Vlado; Pedersen, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      In this article, we propose a joint halftoning and data hiding technique for color images. To ensure high quality of the printed image, the color direct binary search (CDBS) iterative halftoning algorithm is used. The ...
    • OS Runner 

      Umbraško, Artūrs; Lewandowski, Kacper; Dahl, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Spill kan bli brukt som et veldig effektivt læremiddel. Imidlertid er markedetfor pedagogiske spill med fokus på cybersikkerhet lite og meget begrenset. DannyLopes Murillo, en cybersikkerhet spesialist, tilnærmet oss med ...
    • OsloTUC - Natural Language Bus Oracle for a new City - An Evaluation of BusTUC's Extensibility 

      Jacobsson, Espen (Master thesis, 2015)
      The recent years have seen an increased demand for smart phones and other handheld devices. This gives producers of applications or content an excellent opportunity to reach out to a larger audience than before, and it ...