• Dronebasert sanking av sau 

      Hessevik, Ivar Helland (Master thesis, 2018)
      Sauesanking har lenge blitt gjort manuelt ved å drive sau hjem fra beite ved slutten av beitesesongen. En slik oppgave er svært arbeidsintensiv. Dronebasert teknologi kan potensielt brukes i denne sammenheng. Forslaget er ...
    • Dronebasert sanking av sau 

      Lu, Royce; Belsvik, Moira Charlotte Reinholdt (Master thesis, 2023)
      Gjeting av sauer med dagens metoder er svært tidkrevende for norske bønder, og det kan være utfordrende å gjete alle sauene hjem uten at noen stikker av. Dette fører til at bøndene ofte må gå flere runder for å samle alle ...
    • Dronebasert sanking av sau 

      Vassbø, Jone (Master thesis, 2023)
      For år 2020 rapporterte Mattilsynet i sin årsrapport at det var 1,9 millioner sauer og lam på beite i utmark i Norge. Kombinert med tall fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå fra samme år, gir en overslagregning et gjennomsnitt på ...
    • Dronebasert sanking av sau 

      Belsvik, Moira Charlotte Reinholdt; Lu, Royce (Master thesis, 2023)
      Gjeting av sauer med dagens metoder er svært tidkrevende for norske bønder, og det kan være utfordrende å gjete alle sauene hjem uten at noen stikker av. Dette fører til at bøndene ofte må gå flere runder for å samle alle ...
    • Drug Adverse Event Detection Using Text-Based Convolutional Neural Networks (TextCNN) Technique 

      Rawat, Ashish; Wani, Mudasir Ahmad; ElAffendi, Muhammed; Imran, Ali Shariq; Zenun, Kastrati; Daudpota, Sher Muhammad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      With the rapid advancement in healthcare, there has been exponential growth in the healthcare records stored in large databases to help researchers, clinicians, and medical practitioner’s for optimal patient care, research, ...
    • DSL and Engine for Pervasive Treasure Hunt Games 

      Hosseinpoor, Habibollah; Skar, Christian (Master thesis, 2012)
      The purpose of this master thesis was to eliminate the technical barrier for creating pervasive games. In order to achieve this a domain-specific language (DSL) was made along with an engine to interpret the DSL scripts. ...
    • DSTT-MARB: Multi-scale Attention Based Spatio-Temporal Transformers for Old Film Restoration 

      Ahmed, Tawsin Uddin (Master thesis, 2022)
      Innenfor rammen av denne innsatsen er målet vårt å integrere alle aspekter ved kino restaurering til et enhetlig konseptuelt rammeverk, innenfor hvilket vi vil utføre Spatio-temporal restaurering. Den viktigste erkjennelsen ...
    • DT-CP: A Double-TTPs Based Contract-signing Protocol with Lower Computational Cost 

      Xu, Guangquan; Zhang, Yao; Jiao, Litao; Panaousis, Emmanouil; Liang, Kaitai; Wang, Hao; Li, Xiaotong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper characterizes a contract signing protocol with high efficiency in Internet of Things. Recent studies show that existing contract-signing protocols can achieve abuse-freeness and resist inference attack, but ...
    • DTP: Enabling Exhaustive Exploration of FPGA Temporal Partitions for Streaming HPC Applications 

      Koraei, Mostafa; Jahre, Magnus; Fatemi, S. Omid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Reconfigurable computing systems show great promise for accelerating streaming HPC applications because of their low power consumption and high performance. However, mapping an HPC application to a reconfigurable system ...
    • Dual Air – Results and observations Distriktsforsk project on the feasibility of automatic detection of right and wrong use of the Dual Air hairdryer 

      Gonzalez, Victor; van der Kooij, Rimmert Bessel Koert (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2021)
      This report summarizes a pre-project funded by Distriktforsk. The purpose of the project was to explore opportunities for developing a smart Dual Air blow-dryer that provides real-time automated feedback to hairdressers ...
    • Dual Calibration Mechanism based L2,p-Norm for Graph Matching 

      Yu, Yu-Feng; Xu, Guoxia; Huang, Ke-Kun; Zhu, Hu; Chen, Long; Wang, Hao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Unbalanced geometric structure caused by variations with deformations, rotations and outliers is a critical issue that hinders correspondence establishment between image pairs in existing graph matching methods. To deal ...
    • Dual Gaze as a Proxy for Collaboration in Informal Learning 

      Sharma, Kshitij; Leftheriotis, Ioannis; Noor, Jama; Giannakos, Michail (Chapter, 2017)
      Interactive displays are increasingly employed in informal learning environments as a technology for enhancing students’ learning and engagement. Interactive displays allow students to collaborate and interact with the ...
    • A Dual Stream Spectrum Deconvolution Neural Network 

      Deng, Lizhen; Xu, Guoxia; Dai, Yanyu; Zhu, Hu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      With the development of spectral detection and photoelectric imaging, multi-band spectrum is always degraded by the random noise and band overlap during the acquisition of spectrum devices. Owing to the fixed spectrum ...
    • Ducky: An Online Engagement Platform for Climate Communication 

      Glogovac, Bogdan; Simonsen, Mads; Solberg, Silje Strøm; Löfström, Erica; Ahlers, Dirk (Chapter, 2016)
      Climate change is an important area of concern today. Yet it is often difficult for individuals to estimate their own climate footprint and to understand their personal climate impact. However, an activity tracking approach ...
    • Dumpster Finder: A mobile app for anonymous, social food waste reduction 

      Tore Bergebakken; Jon Åby Bergquist; Helene Yuee Jonson (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Omtrent en tredjedel av all mat som blir produsert i verden, kastes. Matproduksjonen sto for 34 prosent av det globale utslippet av klimagasser i 2015. Matbutikker kaster mat som er fullt spiselig. Søppeldykkere prøver å ...
    • Duplicate Detection with PMC -- A Parallel Approach to Pattern Matching 

      Leland, Robert (Master thesis, 2007)
      Fuzzy duplicate detection is an integral part of data cleansing. It consists of finding a set of duplicate records, correctly identifying the original or most representative record and removing the rest. The rate of Internet ...
    • Durability in a data-flow storage system 

      Ek, Lars Martin Bævre (Master thesis, 2018)
      Traditional database systems do not meet the throughput demands of today's web applications. Mitigation strategies on the form of intricate cache hierarchies and manual view materialization solve parts of the performance ...
    • DynaDesk – Nyheter på trådløse enheter 

      Berger, Elin Synnøve Kirkevoll; Fjær, Håvard; Hagen, Stina; Nag, Johannes Leiknes; Skevik, Aimée (Bachelor thesis, 2002)
      DynaDesk systemet tilbyr informasjonsmedarbeidere, nyhetsbyråer og aviser et mobilt, trådløst filter som gir brukerne kontinuerlig oppdatert informasjon over bærbare enheter. Profilen sørger for selektiv, personifisert ...
    • A dynamic and scalable parallel Network Intrusion Detection System using intelligent rule ordering and Network Function Virtualization 

      Haugerud, Hårek; Tran, Huy Nhut; Aitsaadi, Nadjib; Yazidi, Anis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is a fundamental security tool. However, under heavy network traffic, a NIDS might become a bottleneck. In an overloaded state, incoming and outgoing packets in the network might ...
    • Dynamic application partitioning and task-scheduling secure schemes for biosensor healthcare workload in mobile edge cloud 

      Lakhan, Abdullah; Li, Jin; Groenli, Tor Morten; Sodhro, Ali Hassan; Zardari, Nawaz Ali; Imran, Ali Shariq; Thinnukool, Orawit; Khuwuthyakorn, Pattaraporn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Currently, the use of biosensor-enabled mobile healthcare workflow applications in mobile edge-cloud-enabled systems is increasing progressively. These applications are heavyweight and divided between a thin client mobile ...