• Personalized and context sensitive foreign language training supported by mobile devices 

      Markiewicz, Jan-Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      In this research project I try to answer how context sensitive mobile devices can be used to complement traditional foreign language learning in a classroom. My approach to answering this question is based on the goal of ...
    • Personalized First Issue Recommender for Newcomers in Open Source Projects 

      Xiao, Wenxin; Li, Jingyue; He, Hao; Qiu, Ruiqiao; Zhou, Minghui (Chapter, 2023)
      Many open source projects provide good first issues (GFIs) to attract and retain newcomers. Although several automated GFI recommenders have been proposed, existing recommenders are limited to recommending generic GFIs ...
    • Personalized Learning in Radiology - An Adaptive Learning Strategy for Teaching Chest X-ray Interpretation 

      Rasmussen, Sindre Osmundsen (Master thesis, 2018)
      An adaptive learning system is a software system used in education that analyzes a student s interactions in the system and adapts and presents learning material based on this analysis. The student gets a personalized ...
    • Personlig søk - I digitale bibliotek 

      Carlsen, Fredrik Nygård (Master thesis, 2015)
      Personalisert søk referer til genererte søkeresultater som reflekteres i hvem brukeren er. Tema for denne oppgaven er å undersøke eksisterende metoder for personlig søk, implementere, teste og evaluere en prototype for ...
    • Personlige samlinger i distribuerte - digitale bibliotek 

      Joki, Sverre Magnus Elvenes (Master thesis, 2004)
    • Personvernsarkitektur 

      Drange, Hilde Visthoff (Master thesis, 2013)
      Personvern innenfor databehandling og informasjonsteknologi er et tema som opptar mange. Situa- sjonen i dag er at i enhver virksomhet finnes det mange systemer som inneholder til dels detaljerte opplysninger knyttet til ...
    • Perspectives to Ad-hoc Extensions of Cellular Networks 

      Schjønhaug, Andreas (Master thesis, 2006)
      With more and more cellular phone handsets being introduced wifi interfaces, an alternative to using the purely cell-based mobile phone networks infrastructure can be envisioned: mobile phone cells can be extended via ...
    • PertCF: A Perturbation-Based Counterfactual Generation Approach 

      Bayrak, Betül; Bach, Kerstin (Chapter, 2023)
      Post-hoc explanation systems offer valuable insights to increase understanding of the predictions made by black-box models. Counterfactual explanations, an instance-based post-hoc explanation method, aim to demonstrate how ...
    • Pervasive Games for Vehicle Drivers 

      Ellafy, Amr (Master thesis, 2011)
      Pervasive games are a new gender of games that is gaining popularity in recent years.The potential of pervasive games is their ability of mixing real-life physical objects in the gameplay, creating a thrilling experience ...
    • Pervasive games in modern mobile technology: A user study 

      Akselsen, Are Sæterbø; Kristiansen, Kenneth (Master thesis, 2010)
      Abstract. This master thesis presents the results from investigating usage patterns on portable devices and finding gamers attitudes towards different pervasive game elements.The main motivation of this project is to help ...
    • Pervasively Gamifying the Museum Experience - An empirical investigation of knowledge gain and engagement 

      Noor, Jamawadi (Master thesis, 2016)
      Museum experiences are naturally one-shot experiences with low revisit rates and cater to sprawling classrooms where teachers often have reduced oversight. At times the open-endedness of museums distracts museum-goers. ...
    • PES: An Energy and Throughput Model for Energy Harvesting IoT Systems 

      Ghasemisoumeeh, Fatemeh; Liedtke, Lukas; Jahre, Magnus (Chapter, 2023)
      The Internet of Things (IoT) requires ultra-low-power sensor platforms that can be deployed at scale. Scalable systems however cannot be battery-powered because replacing batteries at scale is costly, impractical and has ...
    • Phantom cascades: The effect of hidden nodes on information diffusion 

      Belák, Václav; Mashhadi, Afra; Sala, Alessandra; Morrison, Donn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Research on information di usion generally assumes complete knowledge of the underlying network. However, in the presence of factors such as increasing pri- vacy awareness, restrictions on application programming interfaces ...
    • Photo Identification of Individual Salmo trutta Based on Deep Learning 

      Pedersen, Marius; Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Individual fish identification and recognition is an important step in the conservation and management of fisheries. One of most frequently used methods involves capturing and tagging fish. However, these processes have ...
    • Phrase searching in text indexes 

      Fellinghaug, Asbjørn Alexander (Master thesis, 2008)
      Phrase searching in text indexes Compare different approaches to perform phrase searching, and consider a new approach whereas bigrams is considered as index term. This master thesis focus at the challenges within ...
    • Physical Activity With Tailored mHealth Support for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Michalsen, Henriette; Wangberg, Silje C; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Muzny, Miroslav; Henriksen, André; Olsen, Monica Isabel Benedikte; Thrane, Gyrd; Jahnsen, Reidun Birgitta; Pettersen, Gunn; Arntzen, Cathrine; Anke, Audny (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have lower levels of physical activity (PA) and greater barriers for participation in fitness activities compared with members of the general population. As ...
    • Physically Based Simulation and Visualization of Fire in Real-Time using the GPU 

      Rødal, Knut Erik Samuel; Storli, Geir (Master thesis, 2006)
      Fire is a powerful natural effect which can greatly enhance the immersion of virtual environments and games. In this thesis we describe the theory and GPU implementation of a physically based approach for simulating and ...
    • Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Single-player vs. Multiplayer Exergaming 

      Soria Campo, Aaron; Wang, Alf Inge; Moholdt, Trine; Berg, Jonathan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Rationale: Since many modern exergames include a multiplayer component, this study aimed to compare the physiological and perceptual responses between playing a cycling exergame alone or with others. Methods: In this ...
    • Pi-Cipher: Authenticated Encryption for Big Data 

      Gligoroski, Danilo; Mihajloska, Hristina; Samardjiska, Simona; Jacobsen, Håkon; Jensen, Rune Erlend; El-Hadedy, Mohamed (Chapter, 2014)
      In today’s world of big data and rapidly increasing telecommunications, using secure cryptographic primitives that are parallelizable and incremental is becoming ever more important design goal. π-Cipher is parallel, ...
    • PICObase 

      Plassen, Arild; Vesteng, Øyvind Skattum (Bachelor thesis, 2009)
      PICObase er et system som hjelper medisinsk personale å søke i medisinske databaser, videre hjelper applikasjonen til med å strukturere og vurdere resultatene søket gir. Idéen er å støtte opp om en forsknings- og ...