• Peer-to-peer Game State Replication: A practical application of the Same platform 

      Mehl, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2013)
      Multiplayer mobile games using the local network is a tempting platform,however, several technical hurdles remain in order to create thistechnology. The Same framework by Kjetil Orbekk appliestechniques from distributed ...
    • Peer-to-Peer Resource Lookup in Agent-based Systems 

      Valvatne, Jon (Master thesis, 2007)
      The Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) currently offers a resource lookup solution which is too centralized for many applications. This thesis provides a "purer" peer-to-peer alternative for resource lookup in ...
    • Penetration testing from a software engineering perspective 

      Baugerud, Magnus; Berg, Henrik Mathias; Østmo-Sæter, Lars Olsnes (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I dette prosjektet har vi gjennomført penetration-tester på to av NTNUs systemer som heter Fotoboks og ePay. Fotoboks er en web-applikasjon og ePay består av både en web-applikasjon og et web-API, men testene som ble ...
    • Pepper as an assistant in the library: Identifying books using machine learning 

      Trinquet, Claire (Master thesis, 2023)
      Roboter er mer til stedet enn på noe tidligere tidspunkt gitt den hyppige teknologiske utviklingen de siste tiårene. Sosiale roboter er et eksempel på dette. De er humanoide roboter, designet for sosial interaksjon med ...
    • Perceived Employability in Online IT Education 

      Lundberg, Gunhild Marie; Opland, Leif Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this paper, we use an online bachelor study program in IT as a case for research on Perceived Employability (PE). Collecting data from alumni through interviews and a survey we find an increase in students’ PE during ...
    • Perceived Glossiness: Beyond Surface Properties 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Gloss is widely accepted as a surface- and illuminationbased property, both by definition and by means of metrology. However, mechanisms of gloss perception are yet to be fully understood. Potential cues generating gloss ...
    • Perceived Translucency at Different Spatial Scales in Color and Grayscale Images 

      Hassan, Aqsa; Gigilashvili, Davit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Many objects and materials in our daily lives are translucent. Translucency is an important attribute of appearance together with color, gloss, and texture. However, it remains largely unexplored whether and how these ...
    • Perceived Trust in Blockchain Systems: An Interview-based Survey 

      Liu, Huikun; Wang, Yanze; Jiang, Zhaowei; He, Zhang; Li, Jingyue; Eilerås, Sigurd; Busterud, Håkon Pelsholen (Chapter, 2023)
      Blockchain systems have received increased interest over the past few years, and several new fields of use, such as supply chain systems, are being investigated. Since blockchain is still a new technology, various papers ...
    • Perceiving the Narrative Style for Fake News Detection Using Deep Learning 

      Sun, Mengtao; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Wang, Hao; Pasquine, Mark (Chapter, 2021)
      Existing deep-learning-based features have shown strong enough results (more than 90% accuracy) if a large amount of annotated data is available. However, in reality, data annotation is labor-intensive and expensive. This ...
    • Perception for an Autonomous Racecar 

      Frøysa, Thomas Drabløs (Master thesis, 2018)
      Autonomous vehicles are revolutionizing the car industry. Being able to produce cars that can drive on their own in a safe manner is going to be very important for car manufacturers in the future. Formula Student, the ...
    • Perceptual Evaluation of Color Gamut Mapping Algorithms 

      Dugay, Fabienne; Farup, Ivar; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      The recommendation of the CIE has been followed as closely as possible to evaluate the accuracy of five color gamut mapping algorithms (GMAs)—two nonspatial and three spatial algorithms—by psychophysical experiments with ...
    • Perceptual Navigation in Absorption-Scattering Space 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Urban, Philipp; Thomas, Jean Baptiste; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Translucency optically results from subsurface light transport and plays a considerable role in how objects and materials appear. Absorption and scattering coefficients parametrize the distance a photon travels inside the ...
    • Perceptually validated analytical BRDFs parameters remapping 

      Guarnera, Dar'ya; Guarnera, Giuseppe Claudio; Toscani, Matteo; Glencross, Mashhuda; Li, Baihua; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Gegenfurtner, Karl (Chapter, 2018)
      The need to manually match the appearance of a material in two or more different rendering tools is common in digital 3D product design, due to the wide range of tools and material models commonly used, and a lack of ...
    • Perceptually Validated Cross-Renderer Analytical BRDF Parameter Remapping 

      Guarnera, Dar'ya; Guarnera, Giuseppe Claudio; Toscani, Matteo; Glencross, Mashhuda; Li, Baihua; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Gegenfurtner, Karl (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Material appearance of rendered objects depends on the underlying BRDF implementation used by rendering software packages. A lack of standards to exchange material parameters and data (between tools) means that artists in ...
    • Performance Analysis of Cache-Aware Multicore Parallelization with Application to Optimization Theory 

      Stensen, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2012)
      In previous work, a cache-aware sparse matrix multiplication for linear programming interior point methods was proposed. The serial implementations achieved speedups ranging from 1.2 to 108.0 over the implementation in ...
    • Performance analysis of domain geometry optimizations in an LBM proxy application 

      Hozman, Ole Ludvig Lingjærde (Master thesis, 2023)
      Lattice-Boltzmann Metoden (LBM) er en metode for å simulere væskestrøm spesielt egnet for å simulere flyt i komplekse geometrier. Moderne Høy-Ytelses Databehandlingsplattformer legger til rette for store og nøyaktige ...
    • Performance Analysis of Vehicle Detection Techniques: A Concise Survey 

      Hanif, Adnan; Mansoor, Atif Bin; Imran, Ali Shariq (Chapter, 2018)
      Attention towards Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has increased manifold especially due to prevailing security situation in the past decade. An integral part of ITS is video-based surveillance systems extracting ...
    • Performance and Interpretability of Entity Matching with Deep Learning 

      Barlaug, Nils (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:173, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Entity matching is the problem of identifying which records refer to the same real-world entity. It is a key data integration task and, despite decades of research, is still challenging. In recent years, deep learning has ...
    • Performance evaluation of no-reference image quality metrics for face biometric images 

      Liu, Xinwei; Pedersen, Marius; Charrier, Christophe; Bours, Patrick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The accuracy of face recognition systems is significantly affected by the quality of face sample images. The recent established standardization proposed several important aspects for the assessment of face sample quality. ...
    • Performance Evaluation of No-Reference Image Quality Metrics for Visible Wavelength Iris Biometric Images 

      Liu, Xinwei; Charrier, Christophe; Pedersen, Marius; Bours, Patrick (Chapter, 2018)
      Image quality assessment plays an important role in iris recognition systems because the system performance is affected by low quality iris images. With the development of electronic color imaging, there are more and more ...