Now showing items 4437-4456 of 6615

    • Open Digital Canvas 

      Mendoza, Nicolas (Master thesis, 2007)
    • Open network topology services 

      Norangshol, Roy Sindre (Master thesis, 2013)
      This master project examines whether there is an existing model fordescribing network topologies in abstract and generic manner. I alsolooked for networking protocols for exchanging network topologiesand handling of ...
    • Open Source Software at Telenor IS 

      Skarpenes, Tron André; Velle, Ketil Sandanger (Master thesis, 2009)
      Open Source Software (OSS) is becoming a real alternative to proprietary software because of the attractive characteristics it might bring (e.g. reduced costs, independence from vendors and increased innovation). Consequently, ...
    • Open Source Software in Software Intensive Industry - A Survey 

      Hauge, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2007)
      The use of Open Source Software (OSS) has increased in both the industry and the public sector. The software intensive industry integrates OSS into their products, participates in the development of OSS products, and ...
    • Open Source Software Onboarding as a University Course: An Experience Report 

      He, Hao; Zhou, Minghui; Wang, Qingye; Li, Jingyue (Chapter, 2023)
      Without newcomers, open source software (OSS) projects are hardly sustainable. Yet, newcomers face a steep learning curve during OSS onboarding in which they must overcome a multitude of technical, social, and knowledge ...
    • Open Source Software: critical review of scientific literature and other sources 

      Querol del Amo, Marc (Master thesis, 2007)
      This thesis presents the results of a survey of Open Source Licensing literature. It aims to assist the reader in choosing the best license for his/her business. For this reason, the content of this thesis can be divided ...
    • Open Source, Distributed IS Development: A Study of the Development and Implementation of a Hospital Information System in India 

      Valland, Samson; Øygard, Per Øyvind (Master thesis, 2011)
      Open-Source software has become increasingly more common in IT-organisations. Despite this the focus of studies on open-source has largely been focused on large system software. In our thesis we have worked on a software ...
    • Open-Domain Word-Level Interpretation of Norwegian: Towards a General Encyclopedic Question-Answering System for Norwegian 

      Ranang, Martin Thorsen (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:11, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      No large-scale, open-domain semantic resource for Norwegian, with a rich number of semantic relations currently exists. The existing semantic resources for Norwegian are either limited in size and/or incompatible with the ...
    • OpenACC-based Snow Simulation 

      Mikalsen, Magnus Alvestad (Master thesis, 2013)
      In recent years, the GPU platform has risen in popularity in high performance com-puting due to its cost effectiveness and high computing power offered through its manyparallel cores. The GPUs computing power can be harnessed ...
    • Openstack-testing 

      Pedersen, Terje; Barhaugen, Kevin Abadi; Sletten, Harald (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Bedrifter har i dag et behov for å drive sikkerhetstrening på egne isolerte nettverk. De trenger et skalerbart system som kan settes opp hurtig og automatisk. Oppgaven tar for seg en oppgradering av fjorårets bacheloroppgave ...
    • OpenVG: Benchmarking and artistic opportunities 

      Chevillard, Brice (Master thesis, 2007)
      OpenVG is a new open standard for 2 dimensions vector graphics for handheld devices. This project, which is a master thesis and an internship, aims to study the standard itself deeply before to study the role it can play ...
    • Operasjonalisering av en maskinlæringsmodell for å detektere avvik og farer for grunnstøtinger i sanntid 

      Snarud, Brage Halse; Solheim, Joakim Benedict Winther Solheim; Sælthun, Hallvard (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      20 prosent av alle maritime ulykker er laste- og cruiseskip som går på grunn. Kystverket ønsker å redusere antall grunnstøtinger fordi de utgjør en miljø-, og helsemessig risiko. I dag er det VTS-operatører som står for ...
    • Operating Room of the Future (FOR) Digital Healthcare Transformation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 

      Trocin, Cristina; Skogås, Jan Gunnar; Langø, Thomas; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen (Chapter, 2022)
      New technologies are emerging under the umbrella of digital transformation in healthcare such as artificial intelligence (AI) and medical analytics to provide insights beyond the abilities of human experts. Because AI is ...
    • Operating system directed power reduction on EFM32 

      Tverdal, Martin (Master thesis, 2010)
      Power consumption has become a major concern of embedded systems.Currently FreeRTOS wastes a power waking up regularly to keep track of time.In this work FreeRTOS is modified to sleep when there is no work for the CPU to ...
    • Operational Cost Improvement for Applications running in a Cloud Computing Environment 

      Inderberg, Hans Magnus; Johansen, Ole-André (Master thesis, 2011)
      Cloud Computing give users access to large pools of resources on demand with a utility price model and thereby introduce the ability for developers to affect operational cost of an application. However, this ability is yet ...
    • Operationalizing Agile Methods: Examining Coherence in Large-Scale Agile Transformations 

      Carroll, Noël; Bjørnson, Finn Olav; Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Rolland, Knut-H.; Conboy, Kieran (Chapter, 2020)
      Following the highly pervasive and effective use of agile methods for software development, attention has now turned to the much more difficult challenge of applying these methods in large scale, organization-wide development. ...
    • Operationalizing Machine Learning Models - A Systematic Literature Review 

      Kolltveit, Ask Berstad; Li, Jingyue (Chapter, 2022)
      Deploying machine learning (ML) models to production with the same level of rigor and automation as traditional software systems has shown itself to be a non-trivial task, requiring extra care and infrastructure to deal ...
    • Operators are Only Human: Facilitating Situated Decision Support in Industrial Environments 

      Hals, Nils Henrik (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis presents a review of the state of the art in Decision Making literature to elicit four current challenges in supporting Decision Making through system design, in situated industrial environments. A collaboration ...
    • Operatørkrav til avstandsoppfølgingssystem i et kommunalt responssenter - En brukersentrert tilnærming 

      Brørs, Kirsti Fossland; Nordstrøm, Lena (Master thesis, 2017)
      Norge står overfor store utfordringer med økende antall eldre, og flere personer lever lenger med kroniske sykdommer. Avstandsoppfølging av personer med kroniske sykdommer er derfor ansett som et mulig tiltak for å kunne ...
    • Opinion Mining for Song Lyrics 

      Shu, Hanjie (Master thesis, 2010)
      The thesis presents an opinion mining system for song lyrics, which can fetch objects of interest and opinion words about them. Finally, opinion mining result is analyzed in terms of time information and musical genre. ...